
Marvel/DC: Morningstar of Sin

The King of Sin has RETURNED.~ 18+ (Marvel, DC)

SirSyko · Phim ảnh
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83 Chs

A Breakneck Drama

When we appear again my demon self is replaced by normal human me. We appear again inside Tony's living room where Rhodes currently has Tony tied to a chair.

They don't notice us so I speak up, "You tied him to a chair?"

Rhodes looks shocked, "You're back? Yeah, he wanted to take his suit and go like you said so I made sure he didn't leave."

I roll my eyes with a small smile, "Well, that works I guess."

"TONY!" Pepper finally snaps out of her shock and hugs him. He is still pale but looks a lot better. I snap my fingers and the ropes are chared off from behind. He immediately stands up and hugs her back.

Rhodes and I stand to the side awkwardly as they hug for a prolonged period. Finally, Rhodes breaks the silence by clearing his throat and looking at me.

"So what are you? A demon?" I laugh a bit at Rhodes's question.

I'm about to answer but Tony speaks up first pulling away from Pepper "Yeah, what the fuck was that Ab? That's a rather big secret to keep. What are you?"

I sigh expecting this reaction, "I didn't want to tell you like this Tony."

"THEN WHEN WERE YOU!?" His face flushes from anger.

Rhodes grabs his shoulder, "Tony, that's not something you just tell people." He only earns a glare from Tony but a grateful nod from me.

He calms down a bit, "When were you going to tell me?"

I meet his eyes, "I was never planning on telling you. I wanted you to live your life happily as a normal man."

I can see him clench his fist hard causing blood to trickle down his palm, "You wanted me ignorant? What are you?" He asks through clenched teeth.

"I am The Devil, The Morningstar, and The Ruler of The Eight Hells. I am also your friend, Ab." I say angry at myself for not controlling myself better earlier and exposing my secret.

'Tch' He clicks his tongue as he looks away, "Some friend you are, have you ever even really been my friend?" He seems upset rather than angry now.

I give an annoyed huff, "Tony, I didn't awaken as the devil until a few months ago, I have always been your friend."

He finally looks at me in the eyes, "Probably just another lie."

I glare hard at him causing him to flinch, "You know I do not lie Tony. I did not tell you because I didn't want you to think too hard on the world beyond ours. I know you are a devout atheist and would have a hard time getting your head around everything."

He looks angry for a second and hits the lamp next to him causing it to shatter, "FUCK. I know your obsession with not lying… Sorry, give me time to think." He goes downstairs to his lab leaving a quiet room.

After he leaves Pepper speaks up, "So Tandy… is she also-"

I chuckle a bit, "No, she is human. A very special one."

She gives a sigh of relief, "Good I thought that she was… I mean it's not bad if she was… I uh. Sorry."

I wave a hand with a smile, "It's fine Pepper, I know you'll need time to adjust as well."

She nods, "Thanks, Ab."

I feel a hand grab my shoulder, I turn to see Rhodes with an awkward smile, "If it's any consolation, I don't care."

I chuckle, "Thanks, Rhodes. Be sure not to tell anyone from the government. The only ones who know are the only ones who need to know." I hand the reactor over to Pepper and nod.

He nods, "Gotcha."

I walk out of the house with some parting words "I don't want to overstay my welcome. Tell me when Tony comes around… I'll teach him about the world he doesn't know of."

I get in my car and go straight home since I'm not in a good enough mood to do work. I decide to see if Jessica is ready, it would do me well to deal out some good punishment. I make my way up to the suite Jessica is staying in and knock on the door. Jessica opens the door wearing her typical black tank top and tight jeans.

She smiles, "Hey, what's up, does Tandy need me?" her smile goes away as she notices the serious look on my face.

"Are you ready to take revenge? The imp I have assigned to watch Killgrave says he is in the Hotel where I first met you. It is a very suiting place to give him his punishment." I ask her with my voice a bit colder than intended.

She looks nervous and her face turns red. "I'm ready… but I'm not mentally prepared for what comes after… Fuck it, let's go." her fist clenched as she steps forward.

Hearing her words the coldness in my eyes fades. "So that is what you were worried about." I lean in close brushing her hair back behind her ear. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle with you the first time."

Her face goes a few shades more red as she turns around "Let me go get changed." She heads into her bedroom as I step in behind her and close the door. I sit on the couch and wait for her to get ready.

While sitting I think about The Ancient One. I gave her my offer months ago and heard nothing. I intended to have her teach Tandy magic that way she can utilize the Lightforce hidden in her body. Too bad really, I wanted a taste of the bald-headed beauty, haven't had one of those since Egypt came to power.

I also think about how I should deal with Nightmare just in case. Killing concepts is a nuisance but I will be able to seal him in his realm if I get my magic back. A few million years should be a suitable punishment for his sins. Maybe I should just kill the Fear Lords he worked so hard to create? Take his daughter as my wife? That would surely piss him off.

After waiting only a minute or two Jessica comes out of the room wearing tight leather pants and a leather jacket. Her gladius is strapped to her waist in a sheath.

"Alright, I'm ready." She smiles as she walks to me.

I smile as well "Just so you know I won't be helping you. You will be killing him yourself, I'm just there to make sure nobody is collateral damage."

She gives a serious nod. "I'm ready."

I hold out my hand to her "Then we are off." As she takes my hand we vanish from the spot.