
Marvel : Creating games for fun

A story full of twist and turns. We can't also forget about misunderstandings. What would happen when a person gets a power to create a too real games. -If you expect something from me ,then don't expect - ( I am not joking ) It is also my first story so expect a lot of mistakes

SkeletonHunter1 · Phim ảnh
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7 Chs

[Chapter 4 : A Tight Squeeze - Run little boy ]

[ Melvin's POV ]

The first thing I saw ,when the game started was main menu. It was floating in front of my eyes ,even if I tried to look around ,it would still be in front of me.

I tried to say something but no voice came out ,just when I started to wonder if they can talk to me. A message box suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, it was on top of the menu.

---Can you see this message if yes then click 'options' that are on the main menu screen---

After I read the message ,I decided to follow the instructions and click 'options' . In the options menu, there was only one option for sound.

I tried to look for more options but I couldn't find more. So I decided to see ,what would change if I turn it to 0.

When I changed it to 0 ,there was still sound of music playing in the background. I really started to question ,what was the point of options ,if they are useless.

---Change the sound back to 100 and start the game---

After I read another message ,I changed the sound back to 100 and started the game. Of course I spend some time to read introduction to Chapter 1 ,so I could know at least something.

I really needed more information ,so I won't die a pointless death - 'So let's assume that I have only 1 life. '

As such I decided to spend a lot of time checking everything as soon ,as I could move.

After some time of checking every room that was in the entrance area ,I finally started to move deeper into this facility with my new grab pack.

The first thing I did ,when I saw a tall blue toy with raised hand ,was to give him high five using the hand from grab pack ,he was clearly asking for it.

After that there wasn't anything notable about this place or with my mission ,from time to time I had to do simple tasks that were checking how real this place was.

One of the most weird tasks that was asked ,was to push this tall toy so it will fall over ,but It was too hard ,so I had to give up on it.

The most boring things that they made me do was checking the electrical system ,without solving the puzzle. I had to spend so much time on it ,because they wanted me to play with the cables.

In the end they let me do the puzzle the intentional way ,they also said that I should just progress normally thru the game .

Meanwhile they will try to see if they can interfere more with this game ,by using the connection that was established thru me. So they won't be sending me more messages for a while.

---Continue playing while waiting for future orders---

So here I am slowly progressing thru this creepy game ,hoping that nothing bad will happen .Of course I was a bit scared when that big toy disappeared but it didn't look harmful .

I even think that toy is trying to guide me or help me.

'Here I am trapped inside game and forced to walk and solve some puzzles ,while waiting for them to finish something.' - At least in meantime I can speculate ,about this whole game.

When I entered warehouse area I decided to check if there is something interesting in the boxes stored there ,while I looked for missing power cells. In most of the boxes ,were only parts of the toys and random things.

For example t-shirts ,shoes and even posters. As I was rummaging thru boxes I found a toy hammer.

I started to wonder ,why would someone even put such things inside boxes ,even if this was just a game. - 'Did they had too much time or were just too bored ?'

As I was about to start looking for power cells ,I got an idea. - 'Why don't I use force and open some doors ,or try breaking vent wall ?'

So after getting a red hand and opening the vent door I decided to see how durable are the vent walls. To my disappointed ,they were pretty solid ,even with a metal rod that I found ,I couldn't do much to them.

'Now that I think about ,why are they still not contacting me ?' - I started to worry because no new messages were popping out ,I even asked if they are still there but I was met with silence.

Maybe there is a problem ,because I am in vent .That is why I decided to just leave this vent fast as possible. After finally exiting the vents and not getting new messages I come to conclusion that I was alone.

Now I only have three options. 1-wait for their orders and do nothing ,2-try looking for exit without completing the game ,3-try completing the game .

I discarded option 3 because no one before escaped this game so I doubt there is an exit/ending ,I also discarded option 1 because I didn't know how long I would need to wait for them to connect again.

My only option is 2 ,so here I am in this weird Make-A-Friend room ,trying to destroy this whole place down. But I don't think that I will be able to do that without explosives ,so here I am trying to see what I can break here with my metal rod.

After some time ,I realised that every important thing is practically indestructible while everything that doesn't matter is easily breakable.

That is why I used metal rod to break this machine partly. I only succeeded in breaking its eyes and destroying tubes with toy parts.

After which I tried to destroy the scanner so I will be able to open the door without creating a toy. To my surprise I broke the scanner but the door was still shut down but the vent door was now open.

The vent had many turns and dead ends. After walking a bit I finally arrived at the catwalk ,in there I saw a red flower painted on the wall.

So to get to it I had to jump down onto the lower catwalk and walk for a bit ,that is why I used grab pack to slowly drop myself down onto catwalk below. When I finally landed and was ready to go I heard a noise.

When I looked above me ,my face paled because above me on catwalk was a tall blue toy from the entrance ,looking at me with big smile that has many raisor sharp teeths.

At that moment I knew that I am in trouble. - 'It didn't tried to help me at all ,it wanted to kill me!'

While it jumped down ,I was already running thru catwalk as fast possible from it. From time to time I turned around to see if it was chasing after me.

To my horror it was running towards me very fast .It was getting closer to me ,so I had to try something dangerous that could save my life. - 'Let's hope that it will work.'


In dark room ,that only was illuminated by four monitors. There was a bald man with eye patch ,wearing black coat standing in the middle of the room. His name was Nick Fury ,the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

On the monitors in front of him were silhouettes of four people that were part of World Security Council .

"Dr.Fury explain to us ,the whole situation."

"Around one week ago a dangerous program was released for VR gaming helmet. People that tried it ,are unable to wake up .We already collected every copy of it that was on the market .

Now we are trying to rescue people that are in coma because of it ,we also are trying to investigate more about this program .That is why we put some of our people in hospitals that has such patients .My peo-"

"Dr.Fury We already told you to focus more on investigating the new threat more thoroughly ,not focus on rescuing passerby. We want to know who is behind this. "

"As I was saying ,we are fully focusing on investigating this threat. The people that were dispatched are making sure ,that nothing unexpected will happen with the victims ,because we aren't even sure what is even happening to them.

We tried to find out who was behind it and we came to conclusion ,that someone is playing with alien technology here on Earth. We already have a few possible suspects but we still need time to check them all."

"In what area and from where ,was it distributed ?"

"Only in New York but we are still investigating from where. "

"So if the area of distribution was only in New York ,why did you call this meeting instead of informing us later when you collect more information ?"

"I intend to shut it down permanently before we lose a signal of it. That is why we are going to shut down not only power for most parts of the city but also any signal that is coming out or into the city."

"Do you understand what are you talking about ,shutting them down without any warning will meet with a public dissatisfaction ,even if it isn't the middle of the day in the New Your."

"I am only here to inform you of my decision ,we already gave a notice of our actions an hour ago. When we shut them down ,we will be able to finally locate the main program of it ."

"How much dangerous is this program ,which makes you want to eliminate it as fast as possible."

"It could be very dangerous if we don't get rid of it now.It coul-"

"Director let us remind you ,that you are dealing with forces that we can't comprehend.So do you really believe that your plan will work."

"That is the best course actions ,with the resources that I have."

"...We will wait for result ,contact us when you have them."

"Don't forget to inform us of your investigation progress."

"Hmmm...what does this pop-up 'windows 10' update mean...-Click-"

"...The meeting is over."

As Nick Fury looked as each person disconnected in their own way ,he turned away and left the room. As he walked down the hallway way ,agent Phil Coulson come up to him with two coffees..

He silently handed Nick Fury one coffee and walked along with him down the hallway.

"Any new information about this game?" - Said Nick as he slowly started to drink his hot coffee.

"We have a clue but we are not sure if it is the main program of that game." - Coulson looked a bit troubled and not sure himself as he said such information .

"It looks like there is one more player inside the game but the strange thing is the signal that connect him to it comes from very weird place."

"What is unusual about that location ?"

"The signal comes from a Bermuda triangle. Not even from a ship that is on the sea but from deep underwater. We tried to investigate but it was too deep for our technology. That is why we should ask Tony Stark for help with-"

"No ,he won't be able to go that deep too. We will probably find anyway about who is our alien friend when we investigate later about this game."

"...So you are going to put the blame on aliens again" - Nick stopped for a moment but soon resumed walking again ,because he didn't has time for Coulson lame jokes.

"What name was decided for this operation?"

"The Rubber - pretty great name if I say so myself. I came up with it myself.

"...I can tell .Did you find something more after you established connection with that game?"

"We tried to hack into it but we meet interference and now we can only watch how the person ,that we brought here plays the game."

"Did you find a way to save everyone before we activate this operation ?"

"The Rubber . I fear that ,we will be only able to save them when we activate it."

"Activate it then ,also make sure that nothing will go wrong."

As Nick tried to drink more coffee ,he noticed it was already empty .He could only ask Coulson to get more ,before they activate 'The Rubber'. They really need to change the name for it later when they have the time.


[ Melvin's POV ]

As I looked behind me ,at the monster that was slowly catching up to me ,I jumped off the catwalk.

'I really hope that this grab pack can bear the weight.' - I shoot both hands at the railing across me and hoped that this plan will work.

When both hands managed to grab the railing ,I was overjoyed but soon meet another problem. - 'I had no idea how to safely land.'

My best option was to land on the catwalk that was above this one. So when I was flying under the catwalk and was about to swing back ,I let go of the railing and went flying up.

I somehow managed to grab with right hand the railing that was above and pull myself up. I only hit the catwalk with my part of my upper body but I didn't fell down ,it only hurt a little which wasn't a problem.

As I climbed up the rialing I looked at the monster that was below me.

It was staring at me ,standing menacing in the same place as I last saw him. - 'Finally I could process what just happened.'

I have no idea what that thing is and why is he chasing me ,all I know that I need to escape from this place.

While I was trying to keep myself calm ,the monster finally started to move. It backtraced and opened the door that was at the beginning of the catwalk.

I started to wander where is he going ,only to hear a noise behind me. When I looked over there ,the door at the start of this catwalk that I was on ,was open and Huggy Wuggy was running towards me.

In that moment I felt cheated ,that is why I decided to complaint later to the guys who send me here.

'Let's just do this again ,I bet he just found the way because the doors were connected somehow.' - As I somehow managed to reach even higher catwalk ,I could see that he just stared at me again.

So I waved to him ,as a way to mock him ,that he won't reach me. But to my horror he waved back and went to the door again.

"Could it be that it is intelligent and not a mindless monster ,does that mean tha-" - As I was slowly coming to scary realisation ,I hear a noise again.

When I looked there ,I saw it running towards me again. It somehow managed to find a way to the door that lead to this catwalk.

But something wasn't right ,how did it get from that door to this catwalk in mere seconds. Don't tell me that it can teleport when I don't see it ,well I am now in even bigger trouble than before.

Instead of trying to climb higher I decided to just make a run to the painting of red flower on the wall that is quite far away from me. After all I can't run from it forever ,I must escape from it before I can do anything else.

As I was jumping down from one catwalk to another ,that monster was also jumping down .I had to go to catwalk that was level higher than before because he was gaining on me too fast.

When I finally reached the flower ,I had to run as fast as possible because he was literally behind me. I even threw my grab pack at him to slow him down and to run faster but it didn't slow him at all.

Room that I reached was deadend with only one locked case ,which wasn't helpful at all. My only hope was that ,when I open it the game may end.

The moment I opened the case ,everything went dark for me. I didn't feel anymore the shadow of that monster on me. Finally I could relax a bit but before that I needed to know what is happening to me.

'Why even after waiting for sometime ,only darkness I see? Something doesn't feel right.'

"...Why do I smell smoke here ? And what was that tremor just now ?"


"...So do you have any fire extinguishers ?"

"No. I didn't add... I mean find any..."

As we both looked at the big fire that was spreading very fast ,we could see that Huggy Wuggy wasn't burning at all. Not only we failed to even damage it but now we have another problem.

The fire was spreading too fast and we had no idea how to stop it or even slow it down. That is why we both came to conclusion to just beat the game and start over.

One of the good things that is of help right now are the windows on the ceiling which are letting the smoke out.

"Let's just turn the power on and move to warehouse area ,before the fire spreads too much."

Everything would be okay if not the fact that ,the moment we turned power on we could see a trail of fire leading towards warehouse. At least it was still small but it was slowly spreading.

'It looks like Huggy Wuggy left it after he moved places' - And because of that we ran straight towards warehouse area ,only to see even more fire.

"Get the power cell fast ! We need to hurry before we are surrounded by the flame!"

"...Okey." - I blame everything on him but I know that I shouldn't say it to him yet. If not for his stupid idea then we wouldn't need to run from this fire.

I really wanted to open the boxes ,because when I was creating this area I select {Random Items} option for these boxes ,so they should have random items inside ,that fit the theme of this game.

One of such items could be of help to us but now I don't even have time to check them.Too bad that I don't even have the grab pack on me ,the so called Gala has it on himself because there was only one.

At least I don't have to worry about being slow compared to him.

When I was collecting the power cell ,I could see that some of the boxes that were on fire started to fall down. The fire was spreading too fast ,so I decided to leave to Gala putting the power cells in.

Of course I putted the power cells that I collected in easy place to grab them with grab pack. As I was waiting near the entrance to vent ,I could see him struggle within a smoke.

"Cough!Cough!...I am the wind..." - I could hear him saying something weird but I decided to ignore him and clean are near the vent of the boxes ,that aren't on fire yet.

That Gala guy didn't look too well but I couldn't help him at all. When he finally putted the power cells inside ,the celling started to burn.

The moment I saw the case with red hand I decided to make run for it and collect it ,and wait near the vent for him. It went pretty neatly if not the fact ,that I had to avoid the fire.

After I got the hand and came back to entrance of the vent ,he somehow managed to arrive near it faster than me.I guess he jumped down instead of walking around.

"Cough! Let's go- Cough!"

When we finally opened the went ,we entered it and started to solve the puzzle immediately before the smoke gathers in the vents. While we were solving the puzzle ,we felt a small tremor but we soon ignored it.

It was probably a ceiling of one of the rooms collapsing because of fire. After we solved the puzzle and entered Make-A-Friend area ,we froze in place.

Not only we could see a wall of fire on one side ,we could also see few people running from Huggy Wuggy on catwalk above us screaming .

We could also see that a whole another room was slowly piercing the floor ,while the whole Make-A-Friend room was crooked.

Boxes and random items were slowly sliding the floor towards the wall that was on fire.

As we were confused ,we heard a noise behind us.When we turned to look ,we could see the vent slowly falling apart.

The lose parts of the vent were flying towards us ,it was like something was pulling them towards the room. It was scene from nightmares.