
Marvel-Comics: The Weaver

Follow the journey of Adam, a reincarnator in the Marvel Universe, tasked with the goal of creating as many spells as he could before being enlisted in a war even bigger than the Marvel Multiverse itself. However, will the Marvel Universe make it easy for him to grow stronger peacefully, or will he experience the full Marvel experience? What secret is hidden in his new body, of which he has no memory of its creator, and why is he hunted by monsters nearly every night? ------------------ !!!!!!!WARNING!!!!! I PLACED A LOT OF LIMITATIONS, NOT TO THE POINT WHERE IT TAKES THE FUN OUT OF IT, BUT LIMITATIONS THAT WILL HELP GROW AS A MAGE, SO IF YOU LIKE EASILY OBTAINED POWERS, THIS ISN'T FOR YOU. THIS IS A STORY ABOUT A CHARACTER TRYING HIS BEST TO CREATE SPELLS, SO HE WILL TRY TO LEARN, READ, AND MEDITATE. SOMETIMES IT WILL FEEL BORING. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AN OP MC WHO DOESN'T LOSE, THEN THIS ISN'T FOR YOU. HE WILL GET HIS ASS BEAT, GET HIS BONES BROKEN, HE WILL GET HIS ASS HANDED TO HIM (REASONABLY). THIS ISN'T HAREM; THE FEMALE LEAD IS MAGIK OR ILLYANA RASPUTIN. I ALSO PLAN TO WRITE 500 CHAPTERS, AND NO, I AM DROPPING IT

Bulale_Abali · Tranh châm biếm
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46 Chs

Just A Regular Night....FUCK(Chapter 26)

[15 days later]

In the middle of the crimson-red sky, the moon mirrored its hue, casting an eerie glow over the ruined city. Buildings lay in rubble, walls shattered, cars abandoned, and roads cracked — havoc wreaked by a colossal creature and relentless flames. Atop a half-destroyed building perched a menacing creature. It stood quadrapedal, with four main limbs and two additional front limbs connected to wings and lower limbs. Its head, small in proportion to its massive frame, boasted an elongated mouth, two glowing yellow eyes, and a third eye on its forehead, all radiating an ominous aura. Four horns adorned its head, two facing up and two smaller ones facing down, with a flaming yellow spine running down its back. The creature, towering at 25 feet, exuded a palpable sense of danger.

Beneath the crimson moon, Adam's mana prison floated, and within it, Adam appeared worse for wear. His body was covered in blood, his left hand bent backward, and his face drenched in crimson fluid that trickled down his cheek. Despite his injuries, he fought to cast a healing spell, whispering the countdown of minutes left before his spiritual force depleted. "54, 53, 52," he murmured, struggling against the dwindling time. With a last effort, he managed to cast float, propelling himself 13 feet into the air, narrowly evading the creature's fiery breath. But as his spiritual force waned, the spell faltered, and he plummeted to the rooftop below, his desperate struggle far from over.

As Adam hit the ground, the impact jarred his senses, but the urgency of the situation propelled him into action. He scrambled to his feet just as the monstrous creature landed on the rooftop above, its massive form casting a shadow over the crumbling buildings. With a deafening crash, the creature's eight limbs gripped the rooftop's edges, causing the structure to groan and sway precariously before the creature took off as it flew hight up into the sky, before diving back down towards adam's rooftop.

Quickly assessing the situation, Adam knew he had to act fast. He darted to the rooftop's edge and leaped off, narrowly avoiding the creature's massive bulk as it landed with a thunderous thud. As he descended, sharp debris tore at his skin, but the pain was a distant concern compared to the imminent danger he faced.

Rolling onto the ground below, Adam rose to his feet with determination etched on his face. His gaze flickered to the creature, its menacing form silhouetted against the crimson sky. Flames erupted from its maw, casting an eerie glow across the devastated landscape. The scent of smoke filled the air, mingling with the stench of burning debris.

With his heart pounding in his chest, Adam gripped his wooden mask tightly, as he put on, rendering himself invisible. As the creature continued its rampage, leveling buildings and engulfing everything in flames, Adam moved with calculated precision.

Using the environment to his advantage, he darted between crumbling structures and burning wreckage, narrowly avoiding the creature's deadly strikes. With each leap and roll, he felt the adrenaline coursing through his veins, heightening his senses and sharpening his focus.

As his spiritual force slowly regenerated, Adam seized the opportunity to strike back. He summoned his magical sword which he immediately sent towards the creatures neck, but it only created a shallow wound. But the creature was quick to react, its third eye glowing brighter, its head then snapped towards adam as it sensed Adam's presence. With a deafening roar, it unleashed a torrent of flames, forcing Adam to dive for cover behind a crumbling wall. Heat seared his skin as the flames licked dangerously close, but he held his ground, waiting for the opportune moment to strike, while the creatures third eye dimmed again.

Summoning his mana snake spell, Adam conjured a spectral serpent to distract the creature. With lightning speed, the snake coiled around the creature's limbs, biting and snapping with ferocious tenacity. The creature roared in fury, thrashing wildly as it tried to dislodge the ethereal serpent.

With the distraction provided by the spectral serpent, Adam seized the opportunity to unleash a flurry of attacks. With a focused mind, he remotely controlled the conjured magic sword, directing it with precision to slash at the creature's exposed underbelly. The blade cut through flesh and sinew, drawing a roar of pain from the creature as it recoiled in agony.

But Adam knew his victory was fleeting. Even as the creature writhed in pain, its third eye pulsed with blinding light once more, fixating on him with a chilling intensity. With a sinking feeling in his chest, Adam knew he had to act fast to evade the creature's gaze.

Using his invincibility granted by the wooden mask, Adam darted between debris and wreckage, keeping himself hidden from the creature's line of sight. Meanwhile, he continued to remotely control the spectral serpent and magic sword, orchestrating a coordinated assault on the creature's vulnerable spots.

The serpent coiled and struck with lightning speed, distracting the creature and drawing its attention away from Adam. With each strike of the conjured sword, Adam inflicted further damage, exploiting every opportunity to weaken the creature's defenses.

But as the battle raged on, Adam's spiritual force began to wane. With each mana bomb he hurled and every spell he cast, his reserves dwindled until he could no longer sustain the conjured snake and sword. With a sense of urgency, he focused on evading the creature's attacks, relying solely on his invincibility to keep him safe.

However, the creature was relentless in its pursuit. Periodically, it would open its third eye, sending a piercing gaze in Adam's direction before charging after him with renewed ferocity. Adam's heart raced as he dodged and weaved through the chaos, knowing that one misstep could mean his doom.


A/N forget about broken bones, if this motherfucker gets his hands on me, he will 100% kill me on the spot, maybe i should go easy on him...nah where is the fun in that.