
Marvel: Child Of The First

This story is about a young man whose life changed after getting in a car accident which I call lost control driving into him, this event triggered his ability to save his life but destroyed his lifestyle. what channel is teenager goes from the average life to a life built with danger, adventure and action as he tries to survive steps into a world of superpowered people, ancient entities, cosmic beings, mad extremists and genocidal robots. I am not Disney or Marvel and I do not own the legal rights to any of these characters, items and settings besides the original characters, items and settings I create in this story.

BigCheesecake · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

First Steps Into A New World


*Author's Note: Thank you for reading my story. I'm new to this, so your feedback is invaluable to me. I hope to make this story engaging for you and improve my writing along the way.*


As James followed Ororo through the expansive hallways of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, he couldn't help but be struck by the assortment of students bustling around him. They would pause in their conversations and glance at him with curiosity, only to return to their lively discussions with friends or the tasks at hand.

The school itself was amazing. Adorned with artwork and displays, its structural design, meticulously maintained gardens, and dedicated areas for sports and activities made it feel like a private institution catering to the children of high-class individuals and government officials.

As they turned another corner, the grand wooden door of the principal's office came into view. Ororo turned to James with a reassuring smile, her eyes reflecting a warmth that eased his nerves. "You're about to meet Professor Charles Xavier," she said, her voice gentle but filled with a subtle air of reverence.

With a nod, James took a steadying breath and stepped forward, his heart pounding in anticipation. Ororo knocked on the door letting the person inside know that they were there.

"Come in," the voice invited him inside.

The room that greeted James was exquisite, an expensive office adorned with a vast bookcase filled with books, tables, and shelves displaying items from different countries around the world. At the centre of it, sat Professor Charles Xavier, a distinguished bold man in his fifties. Though stern in appearance, his eyes exuded wisdom and kindness that immediately put James at ease.

"Ah, James Lewis," Charles greeted, a welcoming smile gracing his features. "Welcome to Xavier's School. Please, have a seat."

James settled into a chair before the imposing desk. The professor's office felt both comforting and intimidating, a space where important decisions were made.

Charles continued, "So, James, how was the flight? I hope it was comfortable for you."

"Yes, sir," James replied. "The flight was smooth. It's just crazy that it took only around 50 minutes for us to travel from London to New York."

"That's the gift from one of our friends" Charles explained. "Now, do you have any questions you'd like me to address?"

James nodded. "I do have some questions about mutants, our origins, and the challenges we face. I've heard about extremist groups on both sides, those who support mutants and those who oppose them. I'd like to learn more about that, as well as what the school has to offer."

Charles listened attentively to James's questions. "Those are excellent questions," he began. "Let's start with what sets mutants apart: the X-gene. Its origins can be traced back to the early stages of humanity when powerful extraterrestrials called celestials intervened in human evolution. This resulted in the emergence of mutants. Mutates, on the other hand, gain their abilities through external factors, like scientific experiments or accidents."

James absorbed this information, his mind racing with new insights into the world of mutants. "And what about the extremist groups?" he asked.

Charles's expression grew sombre. "Extremism exists on both sides, driven by fear, anger, jealousy, and confusion. Baseline humans fear mutants, while some mutants resent baseline humans. It's a complex issue with no easy solutions but maybe it could be solved in the future with some hard work and time."

James sat in contemplation, realizing the challenges that lay ahead. "Thank you for explaining," he said sincerely.

Charles smiled reassuringly. "Of course, James. Now, let's turn our attention to the school. Xavier's School is a haven for mutants, especially young mutants like yourself. It's a place to learn, grow, and understand and control your powers. We're here to help you thrive in this world."

As the conversation continued, Charles explained the purpose and mission of the school. James felt a growing sense of hope and anticipation for what lay ahead.

Charles leaned forward in his chair, his gaze focused on James. "Now that your questions have been answered, it's time for the main reason behind this conversation: preparing you for life at the school. However, before we proceed, we need to understand your mutant abilities better. Would you be willing to undergo some tests?"

James nodded in agreement. "Yes, I'm ready."

"Excellent," Charles replied. "Please follow me."

As James got up from his chair, he noticed something peculiar about the professor. Instead of standing, Charles remained seated as his chair began to move on its own. A chuckle escaped from the professor's lips as he noticed James's surprise.

"Haha, there's no need for such a serious face," Charles teased. "It's just a wheelchair; it won't attack you."

"Sorry about staring. It was unexpected," James admitted, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"No need to apologize. It was just a little joke," Charles said with a warm smile. "Shall we proceed? I imagine you'd like your meal while it's still warm."

James agreed, and they ventured through the hallway, encountering students and teachers who warmly greeted the professor. The sense of community and acceptance in the school was palpable, further putting James at ease.

Their journey led them to a laboratory, where a large, blue-furred man with feline-like features, wearing black shorts and a lab coat, stood waiting. He also wore glasses that rested on his nose.

"Professor, you're just on time. I have everything ready," he greeted them. He turned to James and extended a hand. "You must be James. I'll be the one conducting the tests and also the school science teacher. My name is Dr. Henry McCoy, but you can call me Hank."

"Thank you, sir," James replied, shaking Hank's hand. "May I ask what kind of tests you'll be conducting?"

Hank wore a comforting smile as he gestured to an examining table. "No need to be nervous. It'll be similar to a blood test, with a few extra steps. Please, have a seat over there."

James complied, settling onto the examining table as Hank prepared for the tests. Hank began with a series of questions.

"From what we've seen, it appears that your abilities are related to your body, rather than energy projection," Hank observed. "Could you please show us what you can do or describe it to us?"

James flexed his right hand, causing his skin to turn grey and hard, like stone, while it slightly increased in size. "It's like flexing my muscles, but it changes my body, this is the most I can do right now but I feel like I can do more," he explained.

Charles and Hank looked at him with amazement. Charles spoke first, "Do you realize that some mutants take days to achieve what you've done, especially considering you've had your abilities for less than a day? There's no need to rush; you'll learn more about your capabilities over time."

Hank added, "Your ability seems to relate to altering the size and condition of your body. We'll need to conduct more tests to determine the extent of your powers."

As James considered the implications of what he possessed, Hank retrieved a needle from a drawer, and James realized that he hadn't been asked about his fear of needles.

Hank sensed his concern. "I should have asked you earlier, but are you afraid of needles?"

James replied, "No, I'm fine with it."

Hank efficiently collected four blood samples while explaining the process. Once that was done, he turned to James again. "While you're here, would you mind undergoing a basic health and physical test? We'd also like to conduct mental and psychological assessments since mutant abilities can affect not only your body but also your mind."

James agreed, recognizing the importance of understanding his abilities fully. Over the next three hours, they completed the battery of tests, which included physical, mental, and psychological evaluations.

Hank eventually shared the results. "You stand at 6 feet 2 inches and are still growing, weighing 217 pounds. Your hormone levels are notably elevated, even for a mutant in puberty. Surprisingly, they're well-balanced, as are your blood pressure and overall health. Your body seems to optimize itself, even repairing nerve damage, and improving eyesight, and hearing. This, coupled with what you showed us, suggests a form of Self-Body control."

James absorbed this information, feeling a mix of awe but at the same time not completely sure of the limits of his powers and what he could truly do, also finding out that he had grown a bit since the last time he chatted was nice.

With the results of his tests in mind, James listened carefully to Professor Xavier's advice regarding his mental and psychological well-being. "On your mental and psychological tests, everything seems fine, nothing outside the ordinary. But it's not completely surprising, considering you recently acquired your powers. So, it would be best if you visit our counsellor every other week for the first two weeks, just to be sure," the professor said, his tone both comforting and firm.

James, though slightly disheartened by the suggestion, understood the importance of keeping a close eye on his mental health. Sensing the young man's mood, Professor Xavier added, "There's no need to feel down about it. Your abilities won't negatively affect your mental and psychological capabilities."

Relieved by the professor's reassurance, James perked up. It was a weight off his shoulders to know that his concerns were unfounded.

"Now that we've finished this, I believe it's 2 p.m., so the food should be ready if you're hungry. School has started for another three weeks but join until Monday during that time someone will show you around the campus along with the clubs and activities that are happening if you'd like to join. Also, this is for you," Charles said, handing James an envelope containing a room key, a map of the school, and informational materials about the institution.

James accepted the envelope with gratitude following determination as they left the office to head to the lunch Hall.

As James, Professor Xavier, and Hank walked through the school hallways, Hank couldn't help but strike up a conversation about James' unique abilities.

Hank said, "James, your power is quite remarkable. Manipulating your body's size and condition is unlike anything I've seen before. Imagine the applications of your power," Hank mused. "Enhanced strength, durability, and even alterations in size. It's quite extraordinary James, and that's just the beginning you could do so much more."

As James entered the bustling lunch hall of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of students. The room was filled with chatter and laughter, and the aroma of food wafted through the air. The layout of the hall was impressive, with various food stations offering a wide range of options.

Professor Charles Xavier and Dr. Hank McCoy, the blue-furred scientist and teacher, walked alongside James. Hank had been discussing the possibilities of James's newfound abilities, his excitement evident in the way he animatedly spoke about the potential.

James listened to Hank's words, intrigued by the possibilities but also feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of the new information he had recently learned about a world he had never known.

As they reached the food stations, James chose a basic meal, still preoccupied with thoughts of his abilities. The two professors, well-versed in handling mutant teenage newcomers, gave him some space to adjust and learn at his own pace.

After collecting his food, James looked around for a place to sit and he found himself a quiet, empty table and settled in with his meal. As he began eating, he couldn't help but observe the interactions of the other students around him. They laughed, shared stories, and seemed genuinely happy.

Just as James was starting to feel a bit isolated in the crowded lunch hall, he heard an upbeat voice in a Welsh accent right next to his table trying to get his attention. As he turned his head he was faced with a shot girl with pink hair, pale skin, black eyes white irises and pointy ears along with rainbow-coloured butterfly-like wings on her back, she had a friendly smile on her face her eyes looked at him curious about the new student.

"Hi there," she said with her warm smile. "Mind if I join you? I'm Megan, but you can also call me Pixie. You seem new around here. What's your name, where are you from and what's your mutant ability?"

James looked at her eyes with a curious look before responding in an awkward gesture. "Oh, ye you can sit and I'm James," he replied with a small smile. "I'm from England more precisely London and as for my abilities it seems to be controlling my body and altering it that's what at least Dr Hank said but I'm still trying to figure it out."

Pixie's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "That's the beauty of being here. We all have our quirks. You'll find a lot of support, and it won't take long before you're mastering your powers. And you are also from Britain well I'm from Wales but I have been to London a few times it was fun?"

As James and Megan continued talking he shared a bit about his background and the circumstances that led him to the school, Pixie listened attentively. She was genuinely interested in his story and made him feel more at ease in this new environment.

"You were hit by a speeding car yesterday and you are okay!?" Do pink-headed girl said a loud surprised gasp that attracted people at the other tables "Ye but is nothing comparative to what I've seen on the TV like the Hulk, Thor, and The Thing because I got sent into the air." James meekly commented.

The conversation with Megan continued James asked about her powers "As you can see I have wings and magic abilities because of all that and my looks I chose the name Pixie," she set in the same bubbly upbeat tone that she had been speaking in the whole time.

They kept on chatting a group of 7 people started to come up to the table there was sitting at grabbing their attention "Are they your friends?" Jame questioned looking at Megan and she replied "Yeah, they are a new mutant squad they are nice and fun people."

"Megan how are you doing and how is your new friend?" the person who asked was a girl around the same age as James who had long brunette hair, brown eyes, an olive complexion and spoke with an accent from a South American country, she look to be the leader of the group of seven composed of 3 boys and 4 girls all look to be around the age of 15 to 17.

"Am good thanks for asking and this is James" she said with her bubbly voice after she was done speaking James got up and responded "Hi James nice to meet you and your names are?" stretching out his hand not his hand for a shake.

"Oh, I'm Sofia and am the leader of the new mutant squad it's nice to meet you, James, also you wouldn't mind if we sit down here" she asked while pointing to the rest of her group " I don't mind on the tables big enough to hold us" he says nonchalantly.

As he finished speaking the group of seven sat down "What are your abilities? if you're okay with me asking, I can control the wind and fly so I name myself wind dancer because of that and I like dancing," Sofia asked James in a curious but polite way "Well I already haven't had my powers for that long up from what I have done so far and from what Dr Hank has told me it seems to be around body manipulation, like this I can increase the size of my hands and make them extremely tough like stone as you can see" he said well changing the size and condition of his hands in front of them.

After James had shown them his abilities the group introduced themselves one by one with their abilities:

There was Joshua or Elixir, a blonde boy with gold skin, who could heal people. Icarus, a redhead with bird wings, had the power of flight and healing.

Prodigy, a black boy, had the incredible ability to mimic skills and was incredibly intelligent. Surge is an East Asian girl with blue hair and the ability to create electric blasts.

Wallflower, a blonde girl who could create pheromones affecting emotions. Aero, a brunette girl with the power to control the wind and Jay's sister, who wasn't part of any specific squad.

The conversation flowed naturally, as they shared stories of their abilities and experiences, quickly forming a sense of camaraderie. It felt like James was truly beginning to belong in this unique and welcoming community of mutants at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.


6:25 Pm

It had been a couple of hours later after he had begun the conversation with the other students in the school and the conversations between them he had found out a lot about the school from the teachers, students, special rooms and so on it was so much information to take in one point but it was interesting.

Right now he was in his room on a computer getting ready to talk to his family in England online thanks to the support of the school, and he couldn't wait to tell them all that he had seen and to hear how their day was going as deep down he kind of missed them but he would never say that out loud.

As he was sitting a front of the computer the screen started to show his family on the screen "Hi is everyone doing good" James asked his family wanting to know how they had been, "we should be asking you that question you're the one in a different country and a new place you haven't been to before, but we're doing good nothing's happened so far so it seems like they helped making sure that not just anyone could find out that the person in the video was you," his mother said and it was obvious from her facial expressions that she was worried about him.

"That is great and I hope you doing well I met some new people here they're pretty nice and friendly from the teachers to the student so I believe I will have a nice time here, also you won't believe it I'm a guy that has wings also I saw a huge guy that was made of stone it's like stepping into a novel as you see it on TV but is a completely different thing in person," James said will the amusement presence on his face as he spoke.

"That's cool but did they tell you about your powers like what you could do," Quinton asked James about his abilities which caused James to reply "Yeah I met Professor Xavier the head principal and Dr Henry the school science teacher, they did some test and it seems like I have some type of body control ability I'm not sure exactly what I can completely do but they said I still learning so I could do much more with time and training."

The conversation between James and his family went on for around 50 minutes until it got late for them at that point they switched off wishing him good luck and hoping that he stayed safe.


"So what do you think about James," Professor Xavier said looking at the teachers going around the table, they were currently having a meeting going over the school week when the topic of James was brought up.

"He looks to be a good kid a little bit close off but that's nothing to worry about," spoke Ororo with the rest of the teachers in agreement with her, with Logan speaking after saying "I didn't pick up anything bad from him as well even when I was at his house, the flight or hera he seemed like an average with all the problems that come along with that,"

"But from the information that we have of him, it seemed like he used to get into fights at school and even a bit of a depressed and anxious state, but from what the information says it seems to be related to his parent's divorce at 10 and the death of his father at 14," Alicia Downing the school guidance councillor said.

"That is not nothing that we cannot deal with as we have dealt with much more serious situations compared to this, also Hank you said you he says he's the character that is so important that you found on his test," the professor said looking at the Blue hairy man.

"It appears that his abilities are much more extensive compared to what we originally believed. It was just increasing his size and hardening himself, but the test, has shown that he has shapeshifting and body control abilities to a larger degree even to the genetic level. Hearing this new student's ability, there was a mixture of feelings among teachers from worry to amusement, but Hank wasn't finished. "It also seems like he is a distance relative to some of the previous members Jonothon Starsmore and Clarice Ferguson, with a closer connection to Clarice. Put all of this together, it is not that surprising as the X-genes are hereditary, so it just means that there was a mutant community in Britain at some time.

"That's interesting; maybe we can find out something more about our history if we check, but that's not a priority right now. Since that's everything we need to talk about, it's the end of this meeting. I hope you all have a nice night," the professor said, ending the meeting.

The room quickly emptied as the teachers went their separate ways. Professor Xavier remained in his office, lost in thought about the new student and the potential he saw in James.

thank you for the wait and expect the third to be coming out earlier since it's halfway done and the four chapter to be coming out by next week Sunday, after that it will be weekly until I get the hang of it so the time to make a chapter naturally decrease.

thank you for reading my story

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