
Marvel: Child Of The First

This story is about a young man whose life changed after getting in a car accident which I call lost control driving into him, this event triggered his ability to save his life but destroyed his lifestyle. what channel is teenager goes from the average life to a life built with danger, adventure and action as he tries to survive steps into a world of superpowered people, ancient entities, cosmic beings, mad extremists and genocidal robots. I am not Disney or Marvel and I do not own the legal rights to any of these characters, items and settings besides the original characters, items and settings I create in this story.

BigCheesecake · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs



Disclaimer: This is my first book, and I'm testing out some ideas for an original story that I'm creating. If there are any mistakes or areas for improvement, please inform me. Additionally, the point of view will change without explicit mention, but it should be easy to discern. If this doesn't work, please let me know, and I'll make adjustments.


* Thursday 5:23 PM, London, UK*

The deafening screech of tires and the sickening crunch of metal filled the air as the car collided with a force that seemed to reverberate through the entire street, accompanied by the relentless patter of rain.

"That bloody asshole just hit someone!" "Oh my god!" "Someone called for an ambulance!" "Bro, did you see him flipping in the air? He dead!" "I got the whole thing recorded, I even got the other guy's license plate!" exclaimed voices in the crowd.

Two cars had been speeding recklessly, and one lost control leading to a series of small collisions and the car careening into a building and hitting a pedestrian. The impact sent the person soaring into the air before a loud thud signalled their landing.

"What the hell!?" Amidst the chaos, someone pointed at the body, prompting everyone to focus their attention. Shocked faces froze for a beat before the street filled with even louder, incomprehensible noise.

But what truly silenced and then reignited the crowd's clamour was the sight of the person hit, slowly rising from the ground, standing for a few seconds then the person began sprinting at shocking speed exhibiting no signs of injury as if the car hadn't sent them flying.

"What the hell!?" "How can he get up, is he one of them!?" "Get an ambulance; he can still be injured!" "Yoo! That's crazy how he can get up and run like that!" "Do you think he's one of them!?" rang out the loudest voices in the crowd.

Yet, amid all the commotion, one man remained at the centre of attention going through the cyclone of emotions himself.

"What just happened? I should have been dead after the car hit me so fast. How am I walking, let alone running? And what was that strange feeling right before the impact?" James Lewis, a 17-year-old community college student, stood at 6ft 1, with a wet mini afro crowning his black hair, his dark brown eyes peering from behind glasses almost lifeless and a caramel skin tone. His appearance was unremarkable, save for his height, but he could look better with more self-care.

"What's a great day First, I came into Central for an event, only for it to be cancelled due to the weather, and I didn't bring a coat. The cherry on top: getting hit by a speeding car, and now my clothes are ripped," he muttered under his breath while looking down. "Well, at least I'm not dead...."

After a few minutes of running, he turned into an alleyway and paused to catch his breath. "What's happening to me? I should be dead or paralyzed so that I couldn't move. But I can move without any major damage, except for this stinging in my side."

He took a deep shoprift before thinking trying to collect his thoughts. "There are only two possibilities for what's happening. First, it's just luck, which doesn't seem likely," he said, glancing down. "The second, which is more plausible, is that I have powers. But there's no special energy or drugs involved, so maybe I'm a mutant or I've had a dormant ability that activated to save my life ...great"

"If I'm a bloody mutant, I'm in for a rough ride. There are crazies on both sides – humans and mutants. On one side, there are killer robots and people who want me dead. On the other, superpower terrorists see humans as lesser. Then, there are the X-Men, but there's barely any reliable information about them. If some of the rumours on the internet are true, they kidnap children but it's the internet." he said with a shrug.

After getting his thoughts in order, he began his journey back home, opting for a cab that took around 27 minutes. During the ride, he decided to remember all the ways someone could gain abilities from radiation turning people into giant monsters, people learning magic, genetic mutants, and last and least aliens. He hadn't found any videos about his accident yet, but he knew they would likely surface soon. Thankfully, he did find some information about people gaining power. While some of it was useful, most of it was unreliable.

After paying and giving the driver a tip he entered his house. The rest of his family should be back around 6:25 so he tossed his ruined clothes into the bin and took a 15-minute shower, as soon as he turned on the water he fell on his knees "Why? Why did it have to be me, why do I have the ability to him it should have been him"

Finally, he went to sleep. He felt tired physically and mentally, even though James was asleep, time continued to tick, and the video of him being hit by the car and then running away had started to spread online, garnering attention from average citizens to shady organizations and everything in between.


However, one group was ahead of everyone else. They were heading towards his direction at an alarming rate. This group was one of the strongest and most dangerous on the planet, capable of either destruction or world domination if they chose. This group was the X-Men.

In a few minutes, a black plane had a pair in the sky above a field not so far away from James's house as the plane landed and the ending turned off the back door opened showing 3 figures getting off the plane.

The first person to step out was a tall caucasian woman with blue eyes and blonde hair in a white outfit behind her on her left was a tall black woman with white hair and on her right a short, stout and hairy Caucasian man with black hair.

"It all looks fine so far and if everything goes well we will have a new student by the end of this, but what do you think about him Logan, Ororo?" the white woman said, the man Logan responded "It will smell good to me," he said in a gruff voice after sniffing the air as the trio captain walking towards the direction of James's house.

These three people were members of the X-Men Emma aka white queen, Logan aka Wolverine and Ororo aka Storm.

Upon reaching the door, Logan did not come to the door soon after they did they heard footsteps approaching from inside. As the door swung open they were met by a middle-aged black woman who upon opening the door, asked, "How are you, and what do you want?" Emma responded, hello you should be Dawn right? We are here to talk to you and your son James about a scholarship to our Academy. We've taken a recent interest in his abilities and would like to have a conversation with both of you."

The woman, Dawn hearing this immediately allowed them in and welcomed Emma, Logan, and Ororo inside showing them to the living room. "Michael!" "Yes?!" a voice replied from upstairs "Gat your brother!" Dawn told the voice before turning around to the guest and enunciating "Please take a seat. It'll take a minute for him to get ready. In the meantime, can you tell me more about your Academy?" she said. As their conversation commenced, Michael barged into his brother's room before raising his hand and smacking his brother which produced a loud smack which quickly roused James from his slumber, causing him to throw a pillow at his younger brother, ready for a fight. However, Michael quickly explained, "Some people are waiting for you downstairs. Mom is talking to them right now. She told you to hurry up and get ready." With that, he left for his room, closing the door behind him.

After a few minutes of getting dressed, James descended the stairs, hearing three people talking to his mom. Two women and a man were before him. 'Those two women, are hot. But why are they here, and what do they want from me?' James said to himself in his head.

"Hi excuse me but why do you want to meet me?" James said while sitting down on the sofa opposite to them next to his mother while looking at the three People opposite to him "We are a school for gifted young people such as yourself and recently you have come into our sites so we would like to offer you a scholarship," said Ororo.

When she said that James started to panic he connected the dots and realised that these people were there because of the car incident feeling afraid he positioned himself slightly in front of his mum before in a defensive turn-off voice saying "What do you want and why are you here?" realising how he was feeling Emma calmly responded, "We are not here to hurt you or your family like we said we are part of Academy named Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters it's a school just like any other besides that it is a school and a safe ground for mutants especially young mutants that yourself."

"What!?" Said James and his mum to the new information because even though James thought it was possible it was still surprising getting the confirmation and Dawn just finding out that her son was a mutant "OK tell me everything from the start and no secrets." she demanded looking at her son.

"It seems like you don't know that your son was involved in a car accident where he was hit but this mutant ability saved his life, and we work in a group whose goal is to protect young mutants like your son from threats we also run a school that helps young mutants control their powers and we will like your son to join" Ororo proclaims.

Feeling that the mother and son might need a quiet moment the mutant Trio stepped outside to allow them to have their conversation in privacy.

As Dawn as well watery she smacked her son over the head and learned about James' involvement in the accident, her concern was palpable. "James! Why didn't you tell me you were in such a dangerous situation, especially of what happened with your dad I can't handle losing any of you?" She couldn't hide the mix of Sadness and frustration what a hint of relief in her voice.

"I'm okay, Mum, truly I'm sorry for not telling I just don't want you to worry" James reassured, wincing slightly from her concern. But before he could say more, a swift smack again came to his head "what do you mean you didn't want me to worry, my job is to worry about you idiots as a mother" she told him "Ow! Okay, okay, I should have told you sooner. I'm sorry." He declared while covering his head.

Dawn's worried expression eased slightly. "You scared me half to death with you're stupid behaviour you know that? Now, tell me everything from the top about how this happened?"

They settled on the sofa, the weight of the conversation settling in. James explained about the reckless cars, the accident, and the inexplicable event that followed. Dawn listened intently, her eyes never leaving her son's face.

Once James had shared all the details, Dawn took a deep breath. "So, this school... If you go, will you be safe? Can we stay in touch? What about your education?"

James, feeling a mix of uncertainty and curiosity, met his mother's gaze. "They said it's a safe please and school for mutants. They'll help me learn to control whatever abilities I have and they're focused on protecting people like me. I don't know about staying in touch or the education part yet."

Dawn nodded, deep in thought. "We'll have to figure it out, then. We can't just let you go without knowing you'll be safe and taken care of."

As they we're finished the two of them stepped outside, they were met by the waiting members of the X-Men. Emma, Logan and Ororo who had been waiting outside patiently with understanding ready to address the concerns of James and his family.

Emma responded to the questions "We understand this is a lot to take in. We'll do everything we can to make sure James is safe and receives a good education. And of course, we'll work out how you can stay in touch."

Logan chimed in, "We have a safe transportation system to and from the school. Your family won't need to worry about that. And as for belongings, we'll provide everything James needs."

They discussed logistics, and gradually, the concerns started to ease. As the conversation wound down, the X-Men prepared to leave but not before leaving the family they said they would come back around 10:00 a.m tomorrow.

After they departed, James, Dawn, and his younger brothers gathered in the living room. The weight of the decision hung in the air. They knew it wouldn't be easy, but there was a sense of hope and possibility in the room, too.

Dawn spoke first, her voice steady. "James, we'll support you in whatever you choose. We just want you to be safe and happy. And remember, you're not alone in this."

James looked at his family, a mixture of gratitude and determination in his eyes. "Thank you, Mum. I'll do everything I can to make you proud. We'll figure this out together."

And in that moment, they knew that whatever path they chose, they would face it as a family, with love and unwavering support.


* Thursday 10:18 PM*

"So you are a mutant, now was just special? You got healing or something" asked James's younger brother Quinton " I don't know what I have all I know is that I can get hit by the car and run slightly faster but if I was going to be honest it felt like my body was energetic" James reply.

"That sounds kind of weak compared to People Like Captain America and Iron Man or especially Monsters like the Hulk, no super strength and no energy blast just becoming extremely durable and more energy I mean it's useful but not that good besides being a punching bag." Quentin said quickly getting a pillow throne in his face as James said "Don't get jealous of me because I have powers and also who knows you could get powers yourself, the brochure that they handed to us did says it is highly likely that you two might be mutants as well."

Quinton caught the pillow and laughed, "Alright, alright, no need to throw a fit. I'm just saying, if you're gonna be a mutant, might as well go all out, you know? But yeah, it's pretty cool you've got something going on."

Peter, the younger of the two brothers, chimed in, his eyes wide with excitement. "Can you show us? I mean, not like, get hit by a car, but like... do something?!"

James chuckled, "I'm still figuring it all out, but sure, let's see..." He focused for a moment to remember the feeling he got when he was hit by the car willing the same effects to happen. Suddenly, his skin took on a subtle, stone-like texture, a testament to the newfound durability he possessed.

"Whoa, that's wild!" Peter exclaimed, reaching out to touch James' arm, which now felt firm. Quinton added, "Okay, that's cooler than I thought. You'll be like, invincible or something."

The mum who had been listening in, couldn't help but smile at her sons' excitement. "Boys, let's not forget that your brother is still figuring this all out you need to be patient and supportive as he learns to control his abilities, also is late you guys need to go sleep also your brother needs to make sure that he packs his stuff before he leaves so get ready for bed all of you."

James nodded, grateful for his mother's understanding. "She's right. It's all new to me, but I'll do my best to get the hang of it."

As the conversation settled, the three brothers shared a moment of unity, a sense that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together. In the back of their minds, they wondered about the possibilities that awaited them in the future.


The morning sunlight streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the Lewis family living room. As the clock ticked towards 10:00 AM, there was a knock on the door. It was the X-Men, just as they had promised.

James opened the door, finding Emma standing in front of the door with Ororo and Logan on her right and left. "So, have you decided on what you want to do?" She said in a mature and calming tone.

"Yes, we have talked and I've decided to go to your Academy," James said, looking back at his family with a subtle smile on his face.

Dawn got up and hugged her son tightly, her eyes filled with both pride and worry. "You take care, okay? And don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything."

James nodded, his voice tinged with embarrassment. "I will, Mum."

Quinton and Peter came over, giving their older brother fist bumps. "You better come back with some cool stories, okay?" Quinton teased, a smile tugging at his lips.

James grinned. "You know it."

With a final round of farewells, James gathered his suitcase, filled with clothes and essentials. He took one last look around the familiar surroundings, a mix of nostalgia and anticipation coursing through him.

As they stepped outside and began a walk into the field, the imposing form of the Blackbird jet awaited them. It was sleek, black, and exuded an air of high-tech sophistication. James couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as he boarded the aircraft.

As they took off, he waved one more time to his family. As the plane left British airspace and began to traverse the Atlantic Ocean, James couldn't contain his curiosity. Turning to the X-Men, he began to ask questions.

"So, what's it like being a mutant? Are there different types of powers? And what can I expect at the school?"

Emma responded to him "Being a mutant means discovering a unique aspect of yourself, something that sets you apart. Powers vary widely—some have incredible strength, others control the elements, and like you, some develop enhanced abilities like durability."

Storm, as she flew the plane, added, "At the school, you'll find a community of mutants like yourself. It's a place to learn, grow, and most importantly, understand and control your powers."

Wolverine chimed in, gruff but sincere, "It won't always be easy, kid. But you'll have a team here to support you every step of the way."

As they continued their journey, the Blackbird eventually touched down at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters in under an hour. James stepped out onto the grounds, taking in the sight of the impressive institute.

He was amazed by the grandeur of it all—the vast campus, with its unique blend of classic mansion architecture and modern, high-tech facilities.

As he walked through the halls, he saw a bunch of mutants around his age walking around and interacting with their friends. James felt a sense of hope and excitement for the future as he was being led to the principal's office.


Inside a laboratory, the eerie hum of tubes filled with swirling biological concoctions, enigmatic chemicals, and an array of complex medical instruments painted an unsettling picture. At the heart of it all stood a tall, menacing figure, his slicked-back black hair cascading down his shoulders, pale skin stark against the darkness of his suit. His piercing red eyes bore into the screen before him, a distinctive crimson diamond mark etched on his forehead.

On the screen, information danced before him, a web of details about James and his family. The video played, capturing the moment James was struck by the car, only to defy the odds and emerge unscathed. The man studied the footage, his interest piqued, every frame etching itself into his memory.

"Interesting," he murmured in a voice that would send shivers down the spines of anyone if they were in the room with him, the unsettling tone a stark contrast to the clinical environment. The words hung heavy in the air, carrying an aura of foreboding. His eyes narrowed, the red irises gleaming with an eerie intensity. His focus shifted to the extensive medical history, a detailed family tree, and additional layers of information about James' family. It was as if he was unravelling a tapestry of secrets.

As the data unfurled before him, the man's lips curled into a chilling smile, the red mark on his forehead seeming to pulse in rhythm with his thoughts. The puzzle pieces were coming together, painting a portrait that promised untold revelations. He took a step back, his presence a palpable force in the room, leaving behind an air of mystery and anticipation.

With a final, lingering glance at the screen, he turned and strode away, disappearing into the shadows of the laboratory. The stage was set, the players assembled, and the secrets of James and his family had no idea.

I am a new author so if there's anything that you see that could be a mistake or improved upon please tell me.

BigCheesecakecreators' thoughts