

Finding myself in the world of Marvel, I find myselfas Peter Parker, but not at his teen age, but when he committed suicide. In a completely, normal human body with me not having any of Spiderman's powers and abilities, what can I do right now? Simple. Just hope this watch of mine has transformations that can beat the crap out of all those damn Heroes and Villains.

Animelover07 · Tranh châm biếm
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27 Chs



"So umm, I come in peace," I said but all of them did not take their guns down making me slightly sad since I mostly defeated all these armed men with my reward is get pointed by every gun at my body.

But then, this Gerard Butler lookalike hold his hand up as he seems to stare at me very deeply as he can see my soul.

"Men, stand down." He announced which earned protest from some agents.

"Sir, are you out of your mind? He may be one of the freak"

"He may backstab us sir."

"I SAID STAND DOWN!" Gerard roared as he said those words making all the agents who seem not to agree with his decision slowly put their guns down as they all seem to be aware of me.

Gerard then approached me as he stares at me upside down, as he raises his eyebrows seeing me.

"Never sees you before. Are you a new guy in the Avengers? Or The X-MEN?" He asks me.

"Why not Fantastic Four?" I ask him.

"They are called like that for a reason. You did not answer my previous question." He said to me.

"Fine. I am new here and is not in any of these heroes group." I told him as he grunts.

"Thanks. But now you need to come up with us. If you did not mind. We need to tell about you to our higher up. Especially when you rescued the President's daughter from getting killed. I hope you cooperate with us, Alien." He said to me as I seem unable to contain my glee hearing him talk the same way, Gerard Butler does in his action movies.

"Sure. I did not mind as long as you did not dissect me, or drug me to completely obey you guys." I said to her.

"Hmm. If we want to do that, we will not have this conversation." He said to me as he urges me to follow him as I see many military trucks just arrived.

"Stay close. With your appearance, they will view you as a threat. And you just stay silent. Let me do the talking." He told me as I nod my head as all the soldiers as he expected, pointed all their weapon at me, making me feel a little annoyed but this Gerard act like he did not see these.

A general approached us as he point his AK-47 at me along with 2 men who has set on shooting me if I make suspicious movements.

"Mike. Why you don't kill this damn accursed alien already. Or you spare him for me to kill him." He said to Mike, this Gerard Butler look-alike, who I am sure is a secret service agent.

"Look, Turner, you tell your man down. He is clear. I make sure of it." Mike tell him but the general seems to not believe him but then he drops his weapon.

"If you say so. Men, stand down." He ordered the same command as Mike does as I sigh in relief seeing no more weapons are pointed at me.

"Is First Daughter alright?" The general asks Mike.

"She is fine. Except for some bruises that can be treated. Medic is on their way." Mike inform the general who nods his head as he sends me a glance then, look away as he walks back to his squad.

"Alien, come follow me," Mike orders me.

"You can just call me Four Arms," I told him.

"Is that your name?" He asks me as we are walking to the previous group as the female makes contact with my green eyes.

"Act properly in front of her. Her father is the President of the United States." He told me as I remembered this world President is Mattew Elis the same President in the MCU verse.

"Hmm. This female. She looks like she is in her 20s. " I thought in my head as in front of me is a black-haired woman who has her hair in a ponytail and ruby eyes. Her beauty can rival all the female superheroine that Peter Parker sees.

Surprisingly, she moves toward Mike as they start a conversation whispering to each other as then she stops whispering to him.

She then walks in front of me as she looks at me.

"You look like the Hulk except you are red and has extra eyes with arms." She commented making me smile wryly seeing her seems to compared me with the green behemoth.

"Thank you for rescuing me Four Arms. Cool name by the way." She told me as she then walks away as I had to grin hearing that but then makes it disappear when Mike approached me.

"Follow me." He commanded as I follow him to an armoured truck as I am slightly worried if I can fit in that.

"Can you fit in there?" He asks me as I just sigh with me had to go on my knee while hugging my body with all my arms as I cramp up my way into this small armoured truck as I just resign to my fate as the door is closed.

I just decide to close my eyes and try to get some sleep as this is probably the only time that no cops try to shoot me without warning as they did to the original Peter Parker.

Wait for a minute? Speaking of time. I have still not timed out. Huh? Did this watch get busted? Nah, it did not look like it gets busted. Maybe, it's time limit is one hour.

Oh man, an hour will pass and if somehow I am being interrogated with me has timed out and turned back into a human, they will ne be surprised seeing a big alien turn back into a human back and make a ruckus.

And they probably want to take my beloved Ultimatrix away from me. Yeah, like the hell I am going to let them take it away from me.

I just need to pray and at the same time hope this goes on very well without me had to use force.

I did not want to meet the Avengers this soon since I never grasp the full capability of Ultimatrix. Heck, even I did not know how many aliens I have in this watch?

10?19? Or maybe 23? Does it have the same function as the Ultimatrix I know by making me able to go Ultimate or not? Many questions are left unanswered as I can sense the vehicle has topped with me already open my eyes as the door is being opened.

"Follow us." One of the soldiers said to me as I follow them into an army base with many soldiers. surrounded me when I am walking through the base as then we arrived at a door that I believed is belong to the integration room."

One of my escorts open the door while the other look at me.

" Please go inside." He said to me as I crouch down and had to squeeze through the door for me to enter.

In there, I see 2 white chairs and a table that made me wonder, how the heck a Tetramand, who is bigger than a human, and at the same height as Hulk sit on this small chair.

"Say, can I stand? I mean, not to insult you guys, but this chair will break if I sit on it." I said and is met with silence as another door in front of me opened with Mike Butler, the Head Captain of The Secret Service Agents sit with behind him is a black skin woman who I did not recognise.

"Well, hope you can stand for hours since we are going to have a long chat," Mike told me.

"This is Lyne Jacobs, my superior." He introduced as the woman stares at me.

Geez, why does everyone gaze at me like they are going to figure me out?

"Greetings. So, are you an alien-like the Kree?" She asks me.

"Yeah. I assure you I come in peace." I told them as both agents adopt their serious and work expression on their face.

"Name?" Mike ask me.

"Four Arms," I replied.

"Is that your real name?" He asks me again.

"Well, that is my nickname I give myself but my alien species is Tetramand," I tell him.

"Tetramand. What is your speciality?" This time, Lyne ask me.

"Physical traits that are stronger than a normal human. Super leaping, heat resistance and I can create shockwave when I clap with all my hands." I told them.

"Are there more of your species?" He asks me.

"Yes and No. Yes because I am an alien that is different from the universe and No, I am the only Tetramand in this universe." I told them.

"Hmm. Tell me, can you defeat the Abomination?" Mike ask me suddenly as I remember the nemesis of the Hulk.

Well, compared to him, Four Arms may or may not lose since according to a YouTuber who is a fanatic fan of the Ben 10 series, age played a role in the strength of his aliens.

"I am not sure since I never discover the limit of my strength or met this Abomination guy," I replied.

"How did you come here?" Lyne asks me and that makes me smile wryly knowing I cannot beat the bush around.

Well, as they said, trust is important when you want to form a relationship with someone.

"Sure. But can you promise me do not freak out or shot a missile toward me?" I ask them cheekily.

"We can promise that," Lyne replied as my right arm stretches as my palm hit the Ultimatrix as green flash blind them and my watchers from the outside as I turn back to human, with my Spider-man suit.

"What the fuck?" Mike cursed as he sees the once Tetramand turn into a human back.

"How?" Lyne asks me.

"Yeah, you see, I am a normal human who goes by the name Peter Benjamin Parker. And my other alias is Spider-man." I tell them.

"Bullshit. Spider-man never displays this kind of shapeshifting power." Lyne said to me as I just scratch my right cheek as I know, this is going to take a long time for me to explain how this happens to them.


"So basically, you lose your Spider powers and instead receive this Ultimatrix, which appears out of nowhere that grant you turn into aliens. Am I right?" Mike ask me as I nod my head.

"Fuck. No wonder this new spider hero did not look like you a little bit. " He said as Lyne already talks to the people outside.

Oh man, I hope this honest way will at least make them freed me and did not demand me to give Ultimatrix to them.

"No. They will not do that." Mike told us as I stare at him.

"Your face, I already know what you are thinking? I am sure with your action of rescuing First Daughter, they will let you off though you will be under bay surveillance from now on. I mean, with that dangerous weapon on your hand, we did not know when you will create chaos on this planet."

"I will--"

"Yeah, I know you will not do that. Just saying, lad." Mike told me as I sigh in relief.

"For a hero that is so talkative and make jokes, you sure have been through a lot." He commented as I keep quiet hearing that.

"You did not look the 30s or 40s but your life experience already tops over them. You must already know how much shit this world gives to you while the others lived leisurely. For example, when you divorce your wife. Your hero reputation fell to a deep bottom with new heroes take over your place. Your once comrades left you like a sack of rubbish." Mike commented as I cannot contain my anger and sadness hearing the harsh truth.

"I know, how a broken man looks like but you by far are the most broken man I see in my entire life. " He continued as we sat in silence as then Lyne enter but now, a group of people follow her behind as one of them is President Ellis.

"Well, I never expect Spider-man will be in this room." He said as he sits opposite to means the soldiers are tense with them ready to take actions if I do suspicious movements.

"First of all, I want to thank you for rescuing my daughter, Spider-man or can I call you Peter?" He asks me.

"Yes, you can call me Peter. It is not a big problem Mr President. It is what heroes do." I told him.

"Yes. As you all know, the military and other department are now demanding you hand in your device to them." He said as I frown hearing that though I expected this.

"But, I decide to tell them not to. This is why I am coming to you personally to tell you, we had 3 offers." He said as Lyne put a folder in front of me.

"First is, you can go home and be under surveillance from us. All your actions must be handed in with you must tell us what are your alien capabilities and the function of your device." Lyne explains to me.

"Yeah, no way in hell I am going to tell them that, " I thought in my head.

"Second, give us your Ultimatrix and we will give you money that makes you able to have a life like the top-notch billionaire," Lyne told me.

Yeah, like the fuck I am going to do that. This Ultimatrix is even worth more than that."

"Or, the last offer is, you work for us and we will let you do anything you wanted." She told me as I perk up hearing that.

"What did you mean by that?" I ask her.

"Simple. Due to the recent rise of many mutants, aliens and supervillains, our agents and soldiers days by days getting decreased. But that can be changed with you. So how about it Mr Parker, which offer will you choose?" She asks me as I made my decision.

"Wait, let's say I receive the last offer? Will I receive a wage than the reporter wage I received from Jonah Jameson?" I ask them knowing they surely already check out my history and Biography.

"Yes." She replied.

"Okay. I accept the last offer." I replied as the soldiers who are tense lose their guard.

"Good to see you working with us Mr Parker. Do not worry, I already couch for you to make yourself did not get to jail." President Ellis told me.

"Thank you so much, Mr President." I thank him while bowing my head to him.

He just pats my shoulder and walks away with his guards followed him from behind leaving me, Lyne and Mike.

"Well, Parker, welcome to our organisation. I will tell you about what we will do next week. For now, you will take a week of rest. And take a damn shower and feed yourselves first. You smell like shit." Mike said as the same 2 soldiers appear behind me.

"Take him to the shower and prepare some clean cloth for him And clean his Spider-"

"No, this suit. You can burn it. I " Looking at my hero suit, I start to remember how much suffering I had to go through.

It is time for me to turn into a new leaf. So goodbye, you shitty Spider suit.

"did not need it anymore." I continued as Mike and Lyne look at me for a moment.

"Fine. Do what he said, men." Mike said as I stand up, then follows the 2 soldiers leaving both Mike and Lyne.

"He sure suffers a lot," Lyne commented.

"Nah, that lad is tough. But this news he tells us, can we trust the heroes?" Mike ask her.

"Well, considering how the heroes keep so much secret and fight against each other, I can say we must be completely aware of them and take note of what they are doing every moment especially the genius heroes," Lyne told Mike.

"I am going to go for a drink. Want to come?" Mike ask Lyne who just nod her head hearing that.


"Ah. This is so satisfying." I thought in my head while munching fried chicken in my mouth with many plates of food are in front of me.

And I did not feel embarrassed even though the people in the cafeteria keep given me glances seeing my way of eating so much food in minutes.


"Okay. I now feel full." I said as I gather all the plates and bring them to the sink for the worker to clean them as my guides nod to me to follow them.

We arrived at a garage with a black SUV car wait for me.

"Sir, this is a smartphone for you. Make sure you had it with you every time. We will contact you if you had any mission. Make sure, you come to this place Friday next week. " The one on the left said as he then gives me back my wallet which now has a new credit card and some bucks in my wallet.

"Here are some allowances for you to biy necessities. Have a good day sir." He said as I enter the car, as it moves to New York.

The car stopped at the shopping mall as I thank the driver who just nods his head as he drives away leaving me to wonder, what the heck just happen to my life from now on.

"But first, let's check in a hotel and book it for me to stay in it for a week." I found a nearby hotel, which is a decent one, and after getting the room key, I decide to buy some clothes and trousers for myself.

"Hmm. Might as well buy some green jacket, slack pants and many shirts. Since I have Ultimatrix, might as well goes for Ben's way of wearing his clothes."

Times Square is my favourite place right now as I found all the things I wanted as I have donned a black jacket that has green stripes with me now wearing blue sneakers.

I already bought many underwears in a men underwear store and some extra shoes with socks in case they got torn.

Going back to my hotel, I placed all the thing I bought in the cupboard as I turn on my smartphone which is the iPhone 11 Pro Max.

I type to search the need for the Avengers only to see they are still doing their own business with the others are the same but one article catches my eye.


Of course, that is the Daily Bugle main question, yeah, fuck that place, the moment I become Way Big, I will "accidentally" crash into that place.

I then charge my phone and turn on the television which ended up showing live news of Shocker and Doughboy wrecking the city with me seeing a figure who is laying at the top of the fire truck.

"Miles," I commented as a sense of worry overwhelm me worrying for my junior spider.

"Shit. I need to hurry to go there." I am about to touch the dial of Ultimatrix until my hand retrack back.

"I need to make a call," I said as I disconnect the charging cable of iPhone 11 and hurriedly search for someone in my contact. There are only 2 names on my contact and one of them is Lyne.

I select her name and then make a call as I waited for her to answer the call. Then, my call got answered by her.

"Parker. What do you--"

"Look. Sorry for cutting you off but I want to tell you I am going to fight against 2 supervillains in New York City. " I hurriedly said to her as I see the villains now are approaching Miles.

"Okay. I will this to higher-ups so no cops or military will be after your head. And we will make the surveillance cameras of the hotel will be deleted. Go ahead saving your once junior." She ended the call as I hurried to twist the dial as I search for an alien for me to reach there really fast.

Founding the alien I wanted, I smack onto the watch as green flash engulfs me as I grow slightly taller with 2 horns appear on my head as wings appear on my back as I grow a tail with my appearance now looks like a red manta ray that has black lighting marking with the Ultimatrix is on my chest.

"Jetray!" I quickly open the window and fly to the south as Miles is in that direction.

I fly there at my top speed as I soon see the supervillains as Shocker ready to blast his air blast toward Miles until I shot my green energy beam toward his chest without mercy as he gets thrown back as my tail shot a beam toward Doughboy who only lose his right arm as he then proceeds to envelop me.

My eyes glowed brighter as I release an energy blast that makes half of the dough is disappeared but then one dough hand grabs my face as I am my tail to blast it's I fly to the air but a huge dough hand already grasp me, as it then smashes me to the ground, making me yelp in pain.

Soon it tries to suffocate me but my eyes and tail shot a simultaneous beam as I quickly dash away from him but then, Shocker punch me on my back sending me to crash on the road creating a crack beneath me.

"Damn. You hurt me there freak. What the hell are you? A new species of manta ray?" He asks me as I then make a mad dash flight as Shocker is caught off guard as he slips down.

Many dough whips now are approaching me as I avoid them but when you add Shocker who keeps shooting his air blasts toward me, I soln realise how I had put civilians near me in danger.

"Let's see how you like this." He blasts an air blast toward a teenager boy who is frozen in fear seeing a villain just unleash an attack on him as I scooped him up and put him down a few feet away from the battlefield.

"Hey, this is our battle. Do not involve the citizens." I said to them.

"Like the fuck I follow your orders." He shot a car toward me as I avoid it with me envelop myself and process to do a movement that I see in one of the Ben 10 Alien Force games where I spin myself like a drill, as I dived down toward Shocker at an amazing speed that makes him gasp in pain and lost his breath as his body get roughly plant on the ground making the ground shake a bit.

Trails of blood can be spotted on his mouth as I scoff seeing this arrogant prick has defeated by only a movement but the next one is going to be a big problem one as I see around me is only dough.

"I am going to kill YOU!" He said to me as I sigh in annoyance hearing that statement so many time in Peter's memories.

Then, a dome of the dough envelope me as I decide to change my mask as I tap the Ultimatrix on my chest as my body now is covered in magma rock with both my shoulder has hole that has fire on them with my head appears like a certain spirit of vengeance that Peter know.


My body released an amount of flame that makes the dough around me to be blown away as I roar while blasting a concentrate fire blast burning all the dough as I then blast myself toward the face of Doughboy with me blasting a blank point of the flame explosion that scatters all his dough body to many places.

"Let's see how you escape this." I punch the ground very deep as Doughboy already form himself to his previous state as many spikes now are in his body with his expression is a very furious one.

Then, a shot of a magma spike impaled him as he is being forcefully moved up for a little bit as I command the spike to ignite the flame that burns the Doughboy as his body structure is slowly expanding making me realise my flame seems to make it bigger.

"Oh, man. Now I remember his weakness is a high-frequency sound." I thought in my head while remembering how the Avengers from Avengers Earth Mightiest Heroes defeated this villain.

"Well, let's surround this guy in a circle of flame." I shot a flame that soon becomes a ring that I slowly shrink as the flame is bigger than him as Doughboy seems unable to free himself.

"Well, finishing time." I slap my Ultimatrix as I undergo another transformation as silver fur appear replacing my current body as my mouth slowly extended forward with claw appears on my hand and feet. A white shirt and green stripes are donned by me as the Ultimatrix is placed on my chest.

"Blitzwolfer!" I announced as my mouth split into four parts, which I had to admit, it was pretty creepy and gross at the same time, but due to the instinct that is imprinted in my mind of what this alien can do, that feeling only lasted for a moment.

"AHWOOOOOOO!" I released sonic howls that hit the Doughboy who for the first time scream in pain as he got thrown forcefully backwards, as I put more power in my holes as the villain slowly shrink smaller as his body slowly get dissolved turning into a blob that is now on the road.

I stop my attack as I relapsed a howl of victory seeing I have defeated 2 supervillains in my second day here.

Hooray me.

But then my ears sound of groaning from Miles as he stands up and I can see he is shocked seeing me.

And before I open my mouth to say something to him, he launches himself toward me as he delivers a right hook that I block as I deliver a harsh knee attack on his throat that makes him cough his saliva in his mask with my mouth already take a bite on his mask and throw him away to a phone booth.

"Ouch."Miles groaned as I feel disappointed seeing this former junior of mine randomly attack me before I manage to say I am not a villain toward him.

" Look. Spider-boy or whoever you are, I just defeated these villains and then you decide to attack me, what the fuck is wrong with YOU?!" At the last words, a small comic howl is blast hitting him sending to fly backwards as he then flips backwards as he lands on the ground gracefully.

Hmm. He did not do the famous superhero landing. What a noob.

"Oh really? Then why did you blast me backwards huh?" He asks me making me sigh of relief in annoyance for the second time today.

"This is why I hate young generation heroes. Always full of themselves especially they have the moniker the same as their senior." I then turn my back as I decide I should search for more crimes rather than dealing with this kid who cannot defeat 2 supervillains that the old Peter Parker defeat, even the other villain's friends.

"Hey, where are you going, I am asking you a question." Miles said as he is about to shoot web toward me but my hand already touch the Ultimatrix turning me back to go Jetray, as I fly upwards with me staring at him.

"Just do your job cleaning up my mess Spider Junior." I then fly away leaving an enrage spiderling.

I go back to my hotel at 3:30 am as I then realised my time in my alien form has surpassed an hour.

"Well, before I sleep how about I check on you hmm, my precious Ultimatrix," I said but then the device beep in green.

"Password has been recognised. Ultimatrix AI function has been online. Master Access is offline. Voice Access is offline. GPS is Online. Hologram Map is Online. Multi Connecting Devices is Online. Universal Translator is Online. Codon Stream is Connected. Communication Online. Quick Change Feature is Online. Energy Feedback Blast is Online. Database Online. "

A voice that weirdly sounds like mine but in a blank tone sounded as it flashes green.

"Ultimatrix require the user name for registration." My AI asks me as it looks like me but all blue, like Cortana from Halo.

"Peter Benjamin Parker," I replied.

"User is recognised as Peter Benjamin Parker. Lock to the User Online. Safety Protection Feature is Online. Nothing now can harm the user and the Ultimatrix. Any kind of force will be repelled by the Ultimatrix. Only the user touch can activate the Ultimatrix and change into any being. " He told me making me feel a bit of relief knowing in one of the fanfictions of Ben 10 who finds himself in the Marvel world, a villain forcefully reverts him to human by touching the Ultimatrix symbol.

"Ultimatrix require user permission to scan all life form in this universe. Do you agree to do it?" He asks me as I blink my eyes.

"Wait. Are you saying you can scan all the life form in this universe and then added them to my Ultimatrix?" I ask him.

"Yes. After all, this Ultimatrix is created by #-$-$77$, to help host in $$-$;$."

Huh? 2 words are being buzzed making me know those are probably hidden messages.

"Okay. You can do that scanning. " I said while feeling happy knowing with the Ultimatrix now scan all the life forms in this universe, I will be having many transformations that will be super useful and stronger than my current aliens which are from Ben 10 Universe.

The Ultimatrix core rise as it shot an energy pulse that I think will be sent through this whole universe. Let's just hope nothing sense that.

Nah, there will be beings who notice that but I will worry about them later on.

"Calculating. The scanning process may take longer so the user may unlock a new alien based on the nearest life form that is not noted in the Ultimatrix Database."

"That is fine. Anyway, Ultimatrix, any notes left by your creator or whoever leaves me in this new body?" I ask him as it then glows green as I closed myself only to see I am in a completely green town that looks like the place where Ben Tennyson forcefully get drag in when he fights against his Ultimate Alien Forms.

An envelope appears in front of me as I grab it and open it.

"Dear Peter Parker, the newest one, you must be wondering how you who is supposed to die right now is still alive. It is simple as I with the permission of ONE ABOVE ALL make you return alive again but had to sacrifice Spider-man's powers and abilities making his current body you inherited right now is a completely normal human. But do not fret as, after this, your body will have 2 powers that I decide to give you which are the healing factor and danger sense.

The Ultimatrix is something I come up with as this device is the only thing I can think for you to use for future flights. Do not worry as all the aliens you may know are a lot stronger in this universe. More envelope will be sent to you in the future as this is all I can tell you.

And the reason I chose you to inhabit this fallen hero is that you are just in the right place and time. Until we meet again, ROB."