

Finding myself in the world of Marvel, I find myselfas Peter Parker, but not at his teen age, but when he committed suicide. In a completely, normal human body with me not having any of Spiderman's powers and abilities, what can I do right now? Simple. Just hope this watch of mine has transformations that can beat the crap out of all those damn Heroes and Villains.

Animelover07 · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs



"Yup. These names are sucks." I thought as I look at the social media account which is dedicated to my hero actions as pictures of Jetray, Heatblast and Blitzwolfer are in there.

Due to my action last night with me kicking Miles's ass, somehow, people seem to like me due to me seems to deal with my enemies faster than him.

And my action of rescuing that teenager boy also gives me positives remarks from the citizens but it is only my first patrol.

There are only 5 days before I had to check-in for my job as I am right now just chilling in the room while using the hotel gym to work up my body. I did not want to become sloppy despite me having the Ultimatrix which is why I had to always wear a long sleeve shirt to cover it.

It is a pain in the ass but it is a prize to pay for me to wield it. After all, smart people may soon recognise my identity when they see my Ultimatrix as it has the same symbol as they will soon realise that Peter Parker has a close connection with those aliens.

Taking a deep breath as I look at all those hero names they have given to me which mostly said Shapeshifter, Shifter and even Dial. The last one is used by my senior okay?

No need for me to think about my hero name right now as I now need to think of what my actions may cause.

After all, I indeed kick Miles's ass and he is a member of Avengers albeit a reserved one but still is a part of the biggest hero team on this planet.

And when Avengers hear a story about this, Fantastic Four, X-Men and even SHIELD will take notice of my action which will be me counting days of them to come after me.

Fuck. I did not want to meet them right now but eventually, I had to. This is why I need to be prepared myself as today, I am going to find out how my 2 powers, healing factor and danger sense work.

I grab a pen and without a moment of hesitation, I stab my palm me moving it to left and right as I grit my teeth enduring the pain as I throw away the pen.

Taking a closer look at the bleeding mark, I see how my wound has closed itself as I know this is my healing factor but many questions appear in my head?

How good is my healing factor?

Will it drain my stamina?

Is it the same level as Deadpool and Wolverine healing factor?

Then, I decided to see how well if my hand get burned which is why I had to use the Ultimatrix.

But not in this place. Maybe an abandoned building that I can use to check out my hearing factor and danger sense.

Then my phone ring as I pick it up only to see it is Mike who calls me. I pick up his call.

"Lad. You did a good job defeating all those villains last night. You are slowly building a reputation. That is good. But that is not what I call here you at this moment. I need you to defeat Bullseye. He is spotted at your place and his aim is the Mayor of New York. Make sure you defeated him and be prepared for anything coming to you. After you defeated the mercenary, we will transfer his bounty money to your bank account. Mike out." He ended the call as I sigh knowing I already get an early job.

Now, I need to search where is the Mayor of New York is.

But first, let me get something for my stomach. Donning a blue jacket this time with a white shirt beneath it and a black long pant, I grab my socks, wear them and complete my full attire with blue sneakers.

Walking out from my hotel room, I enter the elevator as it descends down and as the door opened, my heartbeat suddenly beat as I grip it as I look in front of me only to see the one woman I swore to never meet again,

Mary Jane Watson.

She is with a male who I am very familiar with, the one who is once my best friend then turns into an enemy, Harry Motherfucking Osborn.2 of my best friends who left me to turn into dust even though I help them so many time.

"Calm down. Calm down." I chanted in my mind as the feeling of anger as Peter's curse to this world suddenly heard in my mind as my hand reaches the Ultimatrix.

I can say I am a vengeful person as I believe an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth person, so when people do shit, you give shit back to them, and I want to give them a taste but decide it is still not the time yet.

I hang my head down as I decide to ignore them as my eyes grow cold seeing these 2 people are chatting happily while the old Peter Parker is always close to dying.

But luck is not on my side as Mary Jane sees me as she flinches with Harry who sees this follow her gaze as he is gobsmacked seeing me.

"P-peter?" He calls out my name but that make me glares at him as he takes a step backwards seeing this.

"Y-you, where ha--"

"Shut it, Watson." I coldly cut her off as I walk past them.

"P-Pete. Wait." Harry tried to grab my shoulder but I smack it away as I look at my former friends.

I need to calm down my anger and take better control of my feelings. The past is the past. They are no longer your concern and responsibilities.

"What?" I ask him.

"W-we, no I mean I just want to know how are you doing right now?" Harry ask me as I laugh hearing that.

"Yeah. It is great I mean, my reputation has dropped to shit and everyone lives happily while I am the one suffering. You guys must live happily and have so much fun huh. To the point, you forget this good guy who always helps you guys hmm?" I said to them as they keep quiet.

"Look, Peter, we can give you home-"

"Nope. I already can buy one hotel if I want to. After all, my current life may be the happiest one. So yeah, so long you damn fucking former friends." I said to them as I walk away with them.


"He looks different." Harry Osborn commented.

Then he looks at Mary Jane who is frowning as she seems to be lost in thought.

"MJ?" He calls her again.

"Yeah." She replied as he can see how MJ seems to be in distress.

"Are you," Harry cannot find the words he wants to say as Peter's words stab him like arrows.

"H-how about we just go back to our home?" MJ suggested as he nods his head.

"But, before we go back to our home, maybe we can grab some cheeseburgers along the way?" Harry ask MJ.

"I do not mind that." She replied as both male and female proceed to get out of the hotel, not knowing they will stumble against their former friend again.


"That hit the spot," I said while patting my stomach which is now full after I stuff it with so many hotdogs. No wonder Peter like to eat them.

"Okay. Now for me to go do my mission." I said but first, I need to go to this rendezvous place to get the badge that signifies I work with Secret Service Agent at the local that Mike sends him just now.

Grabbing a cab as it drove him there, he find himself at the railway as a black skin man approaches him as he then delivers a high kick to him but I take a step backwards and delivers a swiping kick on his feet as he falls but a kick hit my chest sending me to stumble backward.

Then he takes out his knife and throws it toward me as a tingle on my neck make me move my head to my left and catch the knife as he already delivers his knee to my face but I decided to brace it while doing a scorpion kick hitting his nose as we both take few steps backwards while gripping our nose.

"Shit. Mike did not lie when he says you are a former hero Spidey. Nice to know you never lose your fighting experience." He said to me as I throw the knife toward him as he grips it as he twirls it.

"Nice catch and throw. Are you sure you never lose your powers?" He asks me as I just smile.

"Guess years of fighting as vigilante and superhero make me develop danger sense," I tell him as he just snorts hearing that.

"Whatever. Well, Mike asked me to do this for you to see if you are worthy to become Enforcer. Well, guess you are worthy though you still had to come to our HQ Friday next week. Here is your badge. And for your information, you now can go alien in public right now. We already establish you into our organisation which mean, no longer operate as a vigilante or the Avengers, rather like our tank to barge in through anything and mostly we will involve you when fighting supervillains." He said to me.

"So basically I am your soldier in public when I go fighting villains. Okay, I get it. So I do not have to conceal my identity?" I ask him.

"Yes, though any record, images or videos of you will be immediately deleted. And yes, you now can operate freely with a team, that you will be informed next week. Now, go toward Mayor Resident. Just show them this badge and they will know what to do. Remember, protect him at all cost." He told me as I nod my head as he then walks away leaving me alone while gripping the badge.

"Huh. It is near Queens. It sure brings some unpleasant memories." I activate the Ultimatrix as I activate the Map Function.

"Carl Schurz Park at East End Avenue and 88th Street in Yorkville," I said.

"Searching. The location has been founded." It then shows me the exact map as I grin as I twist the face making the hologram map disappears as I search for an alien to go there.

Founding the alien I wanted, I smack onto the watch as I transform as I grow a bit taller as my skin turns into blue and black with proportion blades sprouted from my knee and elbow as my face now looks like the hero Peter often joke around, Wolverine. The Ultimatrix symbol is on my chest.

"Fasttrack!" I announced as I then make a run there. Due to me not so familiar with this alien, I ended up almost crash into many people but soon, I slowly adapt with me now is brave to increase my speed as the journey that is supposed to take about an hour turned into 15 minutes since I ended up having to catch many burglars in the street, about 5 of them as I deliver so many fast punches that they cannot sees as they all surely will have to become hospital residents for a week or maybe more.

About a meter away from that location, I stop as I make a screeching sound as I know this alien weakness is that it is hard for me to stop myself but that can be trained as I tap my Ultimatrix symbol as a green flash occurs as I have turned back into a human.

Jogging to the front gate, I see many armed men as I am slightly nervous as I am jist wearing a completely normal attire that the only weapon I have is my Ultimatrix. Nah, if I want to convince them that I can give a fight, turning into an alien seems college than showing my fighting skills.

"Halt." A soldier said to me as 2 other soldier approaches me. It

"What is your business here?" One of the soldiers asks me as I take out my badge and shows it to them.

"Hmm." The soldier seemed surprised seeing this as he then walks back, as he approached a middle she'd man who has a scar on his forehead as he looks at me.

Then he walks toward me as he examined me.

"So, this badge, you are the Enforcer huh? You don't look so tough. And what the the fuck is with your getup? You think that this is a joke?!" He barked to me as I just twist my Ultimatrix.

Well, let's see how tough you are old-timer. My hand smack onto the watch as the green flash occurs as I turn into Four Arms.

I am now taller than him as I search down to meet him. He is at the height of my chest as he had to look up to meet my gaze.

Trails of sweat form on his forehead as I smirk seeing this.

"You are an alien?" He asks me.

"You can say that," I said to him as I slap the Ultimatrix back as I turn back into a human back.

"Well, I am Peter Parker, an Enforcer, nice to meet you guys. I hope we can cooperate nicely." I told them as he shakes my hand.

"Also, I apologise if I offend you with my attire but Mike never told me to wear anything for this kind of mission so I thought I am going with this option," I explain to him.

"Damn Mike. Do not fret over it. Roll, come here and give our Enforcer a set up for him. Any preference of weapon." He asks me.

"Some combat knife and knuckles," I replied.

"How about guns?" He asks me.

"I am not confident about my marksmanship. But do not worry, I can turn into an alien if the situation is dire." I explain to him as he nods his head.

I never dreamed to become an escort for the Mayor but this Mayor who goes by the name, Mayor Bloomberg, a nice middle-aged man who has that gentle aura around him as he walks down from his mansion with his family as I had to straighten up while making the site not to be disrespect against the Mayor of my city.

But then a little boy approaches me as he stared at me in wonder.

"Hey, big brother, what is your name?" He asks me as I look at the captain, Luke who nodded his head toward me. These guys already become the escort, guide and guard for Mayor for a long time but they slowly get pressured by the people who want the Mayor dead.

"Peter. Peter Parker. But you call me Pete if you want." I tell him as he grins.

"Say, Daddy, can this Big Brother become my escort today. He looks cool." He said toward his father who just smiles.

"Sure." The Mayor replied as I just do my job as I had to sit in another car with Rudy is sitting on my lap as he is now playing with my smartphone as we are now on a highway as I take notice of the surroundings.

Many drones have been deployed as one team are checking until our comms in the car buzz.

"Suspicious vehicle moving at a top speed. A black dump truck with a driver. It seems that it did not want to stop. Enforcer, do your job. Intercept it and do mean any necessary to stop it." Captain Luke told me as I pick up Rudy as I hand him to the soldier in my right.

"Take care of him," I told him as I then activate the Ultimatrix.

"Wow. What is that?" Rudy asks me as I smirk toward him?

"The reason I am called Enforcer." I touch my ear comms.

"Enforcer, engaging," I reported as I open the door and then jump as my hand already smack onto the watch as my body now has transformed into an alien. My body bloated as my backhand now has turned yellow armour skin with my back is the same as I curl up into a ball, heading to the dump truck.

My body clashes against the dump truck as it flips forward as the driver already jump as I immediately make a turn as I bounce myself toward the driver, knocking him out toward the ground.

But then, I noticed the truck has fire trails that are slowly headed to the engine and with so many civilians car that stop just behind the truck, many innocent people may get hurt or worse due.

My palm smacks my Ultimatrix symbol on my chest as I change into another alien.

My bloated body turns into a normal body back as many red armours sprouted around my body as on my palm, holes appeared with me now wearing a hood on my head.

"Water Hazard," I announced as I immediately shot a water blast toward the fire that almost approached the engine as I feel relief seeing no fire trails are on the road.

Many citizens now started to take picture of me as I wave my hand toward them as I pick up the driver. I bring him toward the squad who take him in another armoured truck.

"Good job Enforcer. Okay, we can continue our journey." Captain Luke announces as I sit back with Rudy who now wants to play with Ultimatrix but nothing happens to my watch as only with my touch, it will be activated.

"Come on Big Brother, please turn into an alien? Just one." He pleads to me while using his puppy eyes on me as I look at the other soldiers who just smiles wryly seeing this.

"Just do it. I will inform the captain." The one on my right said as I nod my head and thank him.

My hand touches the Ultimatrix dial as it polled up revealing Heatblast, yeah, no way I am going to change into him. Spinning it again, I stumble against Wildmutt, then Grey Matter, Stinky and Four Arms.

"There are so many figures." Rudy said as I have selected an alien for him to play with.

A green flash occurs as I change into a very small alien that has claws with me having many green dots on my forehead.

"Ditto!" I announce as I grin at him as my body glows green as another me appears.

Rudy seems very excited seeing this as we play many games in the car while creating some jokes that make the soldier laugh, dropping their serious demeanour.

Eventually, we arrived at a fancy restaurant where I already change back to human with me now has been assigned to stay in the vehicle for me to sneak attack any people who tried to harm the Mayor and his family.

Luckily, I bring some sweets for me to munch while waiting for any danger as there is a delivery guy who I find it weird as I activate my Ultimatrix, as a green flash covers my body as orange fur surrounded my body as I am now on my four with tail grow on my back.

"RARGHHH(WILDMUTT)!" My vision turned into 3D as I now can see what is inside the delivery nag only to see C4.

"Gurrghhh." I immediately get out of the vehicle as I immediately lung toward the delivery guy who already takes out his handgun as he tried to shot my neck but I already bite his gun, destroying it easily as my palm smack his face to the ground, making his nose broken.

But then 5 motorcycle appears as they surrounded me as they fake out their minigun and released shots but I am faster as I slap my Omnitrix as I stand on my two feet back with my whole body now is covered in an emerald diamond as purple stone covers some part of my body as 2 spikes are formed on my back.

"Diamondhead," I announced as all the bullets hit me where they did not hurt me as I just stand there, letting myself get hit by those bullets.

I waited for them to empty their magazines and at the moment they, run out if their bullets I extended my arm and do spin movements that knock their air out from their mouth.

Then a smoke grenade land a few feet away from me but I step my feet on the ground as the smoke grenade is being launch into the air as aside from the ground rise beneath it.

My eyes now are seeing a man who has his right hand like a launcher as on his other hand is a diamond shape shield.

"$+";"-"!" He said or rather cursed me as I never want to tell you what he crushed, not suitable for kids to hear them as he used his hand launcher a blue blast that I block using my hand that slightly push me back as I grab my right side from my back.

Then I throw it toward the guy who used his shield to deflect it but never he knows, I can somehow the crystal from far as I command it to move back, attacking the guy who has his knee get stabbed as I moved backwards making my right hand become a large spike as I avoid a blue blast and aim my spike on his forehead that he block using his shield but I already predict this.

I do a yakuza kick on his stomach, slightly using my enhance strength that makes him moved backwards as I deliver a slash using my other hand who already turn into a blade that makes his shield turn in the half with it fell to the ground.

"Fuck you damn freak!" He cursed loudly as he tried to blast a point rank energy launcher but my blade already stabs into his blaster as the launcher is overload with energy that makes him thrown back as some blood hit my body.

My heart grows cold seeing this but when I remember how I kill my brother for him when he stabs me due to some really stupid reasons.

"Arghh." He moans in pain as I stomp his face to the ground ignoring the sound of crunching as this guy, is already lost his life. Not that I cared of. After all, when you want to kill somebody, you also must be prepared to get killed.

I am no longer the nice and naive Peter Parker, who always give people a second chance, no, I am the new Peter Parker who decides to do things my way, and if anything stands against it, I will make sure to obilerate it.

After defeating this terrorist who wants to kill the Mayor, I am gifted by the Mayor himself for completing the mission brilliantly with him giving a premium card that can be used in any New York stores.

Though the card can only pay until it hit 25 million dollars but it paid off. Which is now I am searching for a penthouse that I find near Lady Liberty. It cost me about 15 million dollars so I am left with 10 million dollars so I decide to buy a BMW A 1000 RR, the red coloured one and many other things to be placed in my penthouse.

As for the car, I decided to create my one with the help of my smart aliens.


My smartphone ring as I pick up the call as it is Mike.

"Good job on your first job as Enforcer. 6 million dollars already be transferred to your bank with each of the terrorist head is worth 1.5 million dollars, you only kill one so you only get that amount. Be prepared for your next mission. Any more question?" He asks me.

"Say, can I get an approval certificate for my vehicle that I build?" I ask him.

"We can arrange that. Anything else?" He asks me.

"No, that is all, sir," I said politely to him as he ended the call without saying goodbye to me.

Okay, that is so weird. Anyway, I need to buy some electronic stuff right now at the Roosevelt Field. I enter a random store as I pick up a Smart TV, a TV stand and a massage chair.

After selecting those 3, I go to the counter as I paid for them and had to give them my penthouse address.

The female client who sees my addresses give me flirty wink which I ignore as this girl is not my standard.

After that, I then go to the furniture store and buy a sofa, dining table, cupboard, a bean bag, a king-sized bag and a hanging shop chair.

The same action I do as when I reveal the golden card, I can see the awe and envious of the male cashier.

"Okay. This is exhausting. I am going to need some since cream." I thought in my head as I search for a once cream stall and sees a Baskin Robbin. I fasten up my pace as my head already know what I am going to order.

"Greeting sir. May I ask what is your order?" A male worker, who is named Ted where I see his name on his nametag asks me with a smile.

"Banana split. As for the ice cream flavours, just give me your popular ones." I tell him as he proceeds to do what I order.

Minutes pass as I get my order and paid for it as I am now sitting on a bench near the shopping mall fountain as I enjoyed eating the sweet.

"Ha. Sweet things after doing a very exhausting work paid off. Nothing can make me not happy right now." I thought in my head but that is the moment I realised I fucked up as a female voice sounded on my left.

"P-Peter?" I heard her voice as I frown while feeling annoyed and angry seeing this familiar redhead harlot is with the son of my enemy that I loathe so much.

I look at her and Harry who is holding cheeseburgers in their hand as I just eat my dessert, ignoring these former friends of Peter Parker.

"Tsk. What?" I ask after finish eating my desert while licking my lips, enjoying the taste of sweet on my lips.

"W-we just want you to know that we ar---"

"Save it. Do not continue that sentence. It made me feel annoyed to hear it." I tell her as Mary Jane feel sad hearing that as Harry, who is beside her grab my right shoulder as my eyes grow cold seeing this.

"Look here, Pete. She is just trying to say we ar----ack!" He gets push by me as he stumbles to the floor as I am now really annoyed with them.

"Oi. You guys better make sure this get through your fucking thick head. From now on, we are strangers. I am no longer your study partner, neighbour, best friend or the guy who had to rescue your ass whenever you guys needed help. Whatever relationship we had before is done. End of story." I tell them as I walk away leaving a stunned make and female who is shocked hearing my words.

"Also, say Hi to Aunt May if you meet her Watson. Tell her I now can survive my own and wish her a happy life with her husband."

Having enough of saying mean and sarcastic words toward them, I make my way out of there as I now need to wait for the things that I bought in my penthouse.


"Okay. This may call for some help." I thought in my head while looking at the not so arrange furniture and electronic stuff I bought. Not to mention, I also bought a PS5 with its games, complete gaming set up and a gaming chair for me to enjoy myself while I am playing games on my PC and PS5.

"Time for some extra hands." I scroll through the Ultimatrix as I found an alien I wanted as a green flash occurs in my room as I arrange all those stuff using my alien form.


"Sir. These are all the reports we have about Peter Parker recent activities until today." A 30-year-old man hand in a stack of paper toward Mike who examined them one by one.

"So he already becomes a hero back huh? Good since at least we can show those tight hero costume we had our own hero. " Mike commented as his eyes examining all the aliens that Peter has transformed into.

"Hmm. He purposefully did not tell us about the device as he only said it makes him able to turn into an alien that has powers like the mutants. And he said the moment it comes off from him, this planet will be gone. The last statement makes me unsure but this is the agreement we had. Hmm, his abilities vary in many different ways, making him an unpredictable opponent. " Mike thought in his head as he looks at the folder he has written.

"Hope he and this team can work very well." Mike thought in his head as he dismisses the soldier.


In a certain library, a figure rises with tentacles are behind him but with the pale expression that makes him look like a dead man, he gets into a tube as one of the tentacles press a button as the tube glass close as a green gas envelops the man as he screams in agony as his body is changing to a new one.