
Marvel : Beyond Horizons

"Thrusted into the chaotic world of Marvel, Alex must learn to survive in the once thought fictional, now a real world." -(Image used from Pinterest.) ________________ -Hello Readers, Like many, It's my first story and the grammar may not be up to the best. 'Thank You for Reading'

kaizer20 · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

MBH #06 I GOT X-GENE! -1

[A.N. :- I was quite confused about the storyline, because I was subconsciously trying to blend comic incidents and characters into this story. That choice was very confusing, along with my lack of clarity on the plot of the story. It became quite messy. So I took my sweet time to let it sink into my mind and realize that, this is an AU not MCU or Comic. I should go with my story flow, rather than trying to make the story fit into established comics. I'm trying to make the story as compelling as possible, but I'm just an amateur and I hope that readers find it a good story.] Here's the chap, enjoy! 

[MBH #6 I GOT X-GENE! -1] 


Alex was already melancholic about recent adventure, while reading the note. at last he flipped the note which wrote:

P. S. :- I'm taking all gifts which may harm you, so don't worry about them and use the rest carefully. 

P.S.S. :- The suit will disappear after 4 A.M. and try not to take it off before sleeping. 

Alex didn't fully understand the extent of harmful part but he understood that some gifts may become more like a curse than a gift, some alien objects may even harm his body or may affect mentally. 

Alex following the thoughts, felt grateful that Santa Claus took upon himself and helped him in keeping him safe. This also made Alex aware about certain things for the first time in life. Don't take unnecessary gifts from others, it's ironic that a gift can become a curse but considering this as a possibility and this uncertain universe, chances of it, are very high.

'Next time, I'll be more cautious about things', Alex thought, determined about his future actions and their consequences. 

His eyes then fell towards the second one, the suit. He knew how magical the Mini-Santa Suit was, because he himself had experienced it. It had various good features, like space pockets and thermo-regulation. He felt regret at the loss of such an ideal magical suit, except for its Christmas themed colours. Alex felt puzzled about why not to take off the suit though it was so comfy but currently, he needed to take a hot shower and he was also feeling quite sleepy. 

Just as Alex removed the suit, he felt immense fatigue, and there, Alex realised what Santa's warning meant, the suit helped him in providing not just safety but also life support and this he didn't feel any hunger nor any fatigue but after taking it off. He needed to deal with the after-effects of using the suit. But poor Alex didn't even fully realise it and he, again fell asleep on the floor. The difference was just that, this time he fell due to after-effects of using the Mini-Santa suit. 


With heavy eyes and a tired body, Alex woke up. he groaned feeling the exhaustion from his body. It reminded him of the events he experienced, feeling unsure about it being reality or dream. He checked his surroundings to find he was sleeping on the floor, thanks to the insulating floor, he didn't feel the winter cold. Alex sat on the nearby couch, with slight difficulty and thought about the recent events as his eyes went towards the phone. '10:17 A.M., 25th December 2003. I woke up late on Christmas.' He massaged his temple, feeling quite unsure of how he felt about the recent events, Kidnapped by Santa, visit to Alien planets. All seem dreamy to him while certain memories claimed it as fictional. 

 His mind and body were weary from exhaustion, while his stomach grumbled, Alex went towards the refrigerator taking anything he could eat, apple, half-eaten sandwich, slices of pizza, ketchup, cheese and bread. His mind didn't even try to differentiate between them, and he gorged on food as fast as he could. Surprisingly, a bottle of orange juice helped in swallowing otherwise, news channels would report in their broadcast, a hungry teenager died by choking on his food.

After filling his stomach, Alex sat on his comfy couch and the recent events came into his mind. 'So this shit really happened!',Alex hurriedly walked towards the main room, while trying make sense of it. He was shocked to see there various things lying on the floor. Alex crouched down to observe them carefully, 'No way! No way these are real! I was kidnapped to an alien planet! Oh God! What I was thinking?These are really alien objects! Shit I'm fu*ked if anyone saw this', Alex panicked, his mind went in shocked as it was still trying to adapt to recent situations. He collected all of them and went to his room to hide them in his secret chamber, i.e. beneath the study table. 

Alex then sat on his bed to placing them in front, 'let's see them first if anything useful' Alex tried remember anything while reminding himself 'this is Marvel, Santa's real, I went to space and I got alien tech and I need to be very careful about it.' while Alex concluded his thoughts, his focus shifted towards Titanian tech. His hand reached towards a device, which looked like a handle of a handgun. 'Scanner, no! Archivor that's what it's name is. I remember Mercy telling me about it. Seriously, an atomic level scanner, that can scan anything in certain distance. Though distance is problem but if it really works as it is described, then I have got myself one hell of a cheat.' Alex zoned into his thoughts, 'I could scan various things, energies, matter and magic yeah it could identify magic. Maybe it could help me in making SS-serum. Awesome! It can also help me in Gene research. Shit! I totally forgot X-Gene!'

Alex went to kitchen and took the smallest knife. Facing the knife, he took deep breath and poked the tip of his knife on his toe, and allowed some blood to come. Alex then nervously placed Archivor near his bleeding toe, "scan".

The device responded, bringing blue hologram screen atop it's handle.

Archivor: Scanning, sample detected! It contains organic material of a sentient organic being. Do you want full data or any specific results?"

Alex surprised, "Wow, It even has AI like feature. Yes! Scan the blood and display it's DNA structure and search for any possibility for mutation in the genome sequence."

Responding to Alex's command, the Archivor displaced the magnificent double helix view structure of human DNA, and it specified few gene sequences on it.

Archivor: The sample contains DNA of an sentient bipedal species named Homo sapiens. The subject is Male, age 14, currently in heavy stress and malnutrition. A resident of a planet named Earth, of Sol star system, Milky Way galaxy. The DNA structure is highly malleable towards radioactivity of certain frequencies. It is be notable that, the possibility of mutation in this DNA sample and their by the subject is 78% under certain situations. It may be noted that the data repository have found 24 similar results. Would you like to cross reference them?

Alex: yes, and tell me if there's anything related to X-Gene.

Archivor: Sure, cross referencing the data repository there's no information related to 'X-Gene' but on further analysis few genomic sequences have been found as anomalies. Do you want to proceed further and cross reference the obtained data with the Sample DNA?

Alex: of course, and what sort of changes this genomic sequences could create if they are influenced?

Archivor: Cross referencing ....Results obtained.

The results indicate certain genomic sequences linking to brain, body development hormones, adrenaline, even certain metaphysical aspects like soul, psychic energy etc, they are likely to be affected, while certain trigger situations, mostly mental/psychic by nature could trigger this genomic sequences and cause mutation in the sample species, which may include, growth or changes of physical body structure, may resonate to certain frequencies to allow energy transmission from different dimensions or may even harm the body. High amount of variable have been detect, further analysis required. New information have been detected on Homo sapiens genomic mutation, do you want to categorize this information into specific folder?

Alex: Damn, it like cosmic lottery system. Yeah, categorize it in new folder called 'X-Gene'. Can you simulate anything on X-Gene of current sample?

Archivor: New folder 'X-Gene' created. Inputting available information.

The simulation is available but I recommend further analysis required. More data on different individuals possessing 'X-Gene' can produce substantial information for further analysis and simulation.

Alex: oh man! How could I find mutants without harming myself!

Archivor: It may be noted that, the current Archivor system is updated with high precision atomic scanner. In one's language, you don't need to bleed. The device can scan all individuals in inches in 4-5 seconds. Calculating the given data, One needs to only scan only 100-300 individuals to obtain enough data.

Alex spoke, "oh! good, that means I need to just scan all people no, just be in contact with anyone and I can scan them and gather sample while knowing if they are mutant or not. Damn! Alien high-techs are really awesome. Thank God, I have one otherwise I don't even know how what would happen to me. 

Wait a minute, I bled for nothing. Shit, dummy me, I forgot, it's literally an atomic scanner." Alex facepalmed himself, "well I'll keep in mind next time."

Alex then stared at ceiling and thought, 'It's certain that I have X-Gene in me. I already knew from memories that, it's activation may happen in extreme situations, but I really don't want to be another Deadpool. Currently for my safety I need to make myself safe, in this universe my current position and power is not even considered a cannon fodder. 

So let's conclude, get X-Gene samples, find efficient way to activate it, though it may call X-Men or Magneto's brotherhood but to live in era of superpowered individuals, I need to have something to counter those superpowered individuals, currently X-Gene is my best chance. Tech can be next one, because I don't have enough understanding and and I'm not much intellectually gifted but I have Titan tech. Magic can be third one, but currently, I don't have any knowledge about it, except Kamar-Taj but going there would be problematic. 

So, get the samples, activate X-Gene secretly as possible while trying to get into X-Men or Xavier's and, Santa has placed the seal, I don't need to worry about mind problems and grow powerful.'

Yeah, MC got X-Gene,

Initially I was against giving X-Gene but at last, I changed my mind because, it's more easy to make and blend powers using X-Gene excuse and get more character interaction with X-Men and mutants.


This increased my research area, I'll need to research on X-Men storylines and mutant events.

Researching from fandom is really hard. I'm thinking of, not going towards full comics parts but just take vital events.

What do you say?

Comment and suggest your thoughts.


P. S. I'll take my time to prepare proper storyline so, until then enjoy the irregular schedule.

kaizer20creators' thoughts