
Marvel : Beyond Horizons

"Thrusted into the chaotic world of Marvel, Alex must learn to survive in the once thought fictional, now a real world." -(Image used from Pinterest.) ________________ -Hello Readers, Like many, It's my first story and the grammar may not be up to the best. 'Thank You for Reading'

kaizer20 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

MBH #07 I GOT X-GENE! -2


Again! Got excited about story and couldn't concentrate on other things. So thought let's finish this part and have some peace of mind. 

Here's the next part, 


[MBH #07 I GOT X-GENE! -2]


Alex suddenly remembered that, there are plenty of alien things left in the main room. They needed to be taken care of. He went to the main room and glanced at the heap of alien objects. 'A lot of work to do, fu*k, work, I nearly forgot, that I also had Christmas homework,' Alex thought, 'so much work!'

Alex went on his 'alien object segregation' project. It took him some time as he was also amazed by few things like a kree exotic fruit, a shiar sturdy-metal dagger, a pendant given by kanoja tribe, and made from tooth fierce alien creature. A bottle of alien potion, it increases body stamina. A sacred herb from Tarnex- IV, given by a skrull friend, it can be used in simple magical rituals, etc. 

It took him some time to arrange things properly. Alex thought, 'ok let's separate them into useful and non-useful type. So jewelry, pendants necklaces, crystals, etc things go to non-useful, they can be used for money making. 

'Next is the useful one, there's so much useful here, I mean everything is useful but this sacred herb can't be used currently. So, let's keep it in the magical pouch. Exotic fruits, and other edible thing are useful and need to keep them in refrigerator or eat them. I think Santa may have taken all inedible things. So let's keep them in fridge, dagger, space lazer pew-pew gun, well it would be oddly draw attention so, in the pouch. Yeah unknown metal dagger, useful and need for defense. And this is useful, this one isn't needed for now.. '

At last, Alex was on the verge of his 'alien object segregation' project. 'now only remains Titanian tech, seriously Mercy and Phurse were so generous to give me such advanced tech'

He glanced at the Titanian communication device beeping, he hurriedly picked up the small eraser sized device and suddenly, a beautiful, brunette teenage girl, in a space suit-like costume, popped up on the hologram screen. Ayrise, the Titanian friend of Alex. 

Ayrise: Hey Alex, are you home yet.

Alex : Yeah! I got my home not long. So, what happened, you called so sudden? 

Ayrise: Actually, I didn't want to disturb you but you see the Titan planet and earth have different time zones and also, we know that earth isn't that much technologically developed and you mentioned that, you may have to keep this 'Holocall', a secret. So, we need to establish time zones to keep proper communication timing. So Mercy asked me to set it up. because she has work to do in new area as an assistant engineer. 

Alex: ok, I understand so how do we establish time zones? 

Ayrise: you don't need to worry. Just send your time format, or have Archivor scanning any of your electronic device containing time format and send it's data. By connecting it to Holocall. 

Alex: Hey Ayrise! there a small problem here. 

Ayrise: what, did something happened to Archivor or Forcefield-gen? 

Alex: no, nothing bad happened just, how do I say, I don't know how to connect them. You see that's an Titanian tech. Even though you downloaded English text on Archivor. It's setting is massively complex just help me with it. 

Ayrise: eh? It has inbuilt AI inside it for that matter? 

Alex: AI, does it really have an AI feature? because, I didn't see it there

Ayrise:- Wait a minute, let me ask Mercy about it, the Archivor you currently have was her device, so she may have changed the settings and forgot to mention it. Also, bring the Archivor while I ask her.

The hologram dimmed and disappeared, leaving a puzzled Alex, who thought about the conversation, 'so, did Mercy give me her old Archivor?'. Alex took Archivor in his hand and thought, 'even if it's old, this tech is like a cheat and now if there's really AI in it then my work decreased a large margin. No need to give orders manually, fu*king awesome!!'

The beeping of Holocall cut Alex's musings, and he hurriedly answered.

Ayrise:- Alex, I talked to Mercy, she said she forgot to tell you about it. So, let help you in this matter, ok just follow the instructions.

Alex:- Ok, but just say it in understandable language.

Ayrise:- Noted! Now open Archivor settings by pressing the button beside hologram screen.

Alex: done, it has lot of options.

Ayrise:- Yeah, that's for one who can understand it, for now use open the send panel named, controller settings.

Alex:- Oh! That broke my heart, Ayrise. How could you be so cruel to this poor boy. Um... Done here, opened controller settings.

Ayrise:- That's no gonna work on me Alex. I'm the best biologist student in class and I have dissected many hearts. Yours may be just one more.

Alex:- Woa! Really you guys get to dissect in biology class?

Ayrise:- Of course, we also have special exam for it. 'A biologist must know inside-out about species', That's what my teachers say. Hey! Don't change the subject. Now scroll down to end and select reset to default.

Alex:- Oh! So we are going to reset the settings to default.

Ayrise:- Yes, if only certain someone could understand language easily, there was a easy and understandable way.

Alex:- Hey! that hurts, also don't compare us together. You have been learning on Titan, dissecting species, while I'm just an innocent boy from earth. Also, The technology gap combining Titanian brain is just too much for my brain to handle.

Ayrise:- Of course, Titan is best! But, hey! I'm not dissecting species, but only samples according to Titan laws. On Titan, we don't hurt sapient species like those barbarian Baddons. Again don't change the subject did you reset it?

Alex:- Yeah it says processing.

Ayrise:- Ok then, wait for the process to complete.

Alex:- So... how do I connect it to Holocall?

Ayrise:- Don't worry about it, just command the AI, it will remotely connect to Holocall.

Alex:- That's reassuring. Hey, say if I send you some data on human genetic information, can you find if there are possible mutation in it?

Ayrise:- Are you talking about human genomic mutation, it isn't widely known but teacher said that, humans have been experimented by various species and that's the reason there's large possibility of mutation in them. While Titanians rarely exhibit mutation or what we call deviation, but yeah I could use it as a side project, is it important?

Alex:- Just before your call I found out that I have mutant genome and chances of mutation is close to 78%

Ayrise:- woa! That's really high! Send me the genomic data, I'll try to develop cure for it. Just make sure don't get involved in some radioactive areas or radioactive substances or place with high dimensional energies. I read a theory about causes of mutation citing human species in it.

Alex:- Thanks, I'll send the data but I don't want cure, you see there's a large group of mutant humans, they possess various powers like telekinesis, super strength, stamina, similar to Titanians, lazer eyes, thermokinesis etc. I'll send their raw information as I don't have their DNA but I can send other people DNA, I think almost 7 of 10 humans possess such genomic sequences. Will it help?

Ayrise:- Sure, I'll try my best to keep your body not devolve into single-celled ones.

Alex:- Hey! Don't scare me like that! You don't know how harsh beauty standards on earth are.

Ayrise:- Though every species has their own aesthetics. But it's just humans aren't part of the galactic area so they don't realise how dumb their beauty standard sounds.

Alex:- that's some rich coming from a lady, who is picky about asthetics. Hey Ayrise! It asks here to proceed do I go for it? 

Ayrise:- Yes, that's done so now just choose AI settings like voice and sounds etc and it will be ready. Ok then my work is done here. Don't forget to send Timezone data. 

Alex:- Thanks for your help Ayrise, and I'll send the genomic data also, please try to research in it. And help me in not devolving into a hairy ape. 

Ayrise:- hehe! Sure. Ok bye! 

Alex:- Goodbye.


It was written in excitement. I may have made some mistakes please help me in that area.

While I'm also trying make it slightly detailed, that's why current chapters are short, details and imagination feels conflicting.

So, next would be Uncle John, who's waiting for flight to land, and then maybe a surprise!

Comment and suggest, they help me in making story more compelling and encourages me to write more.


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