
Marvel: A Titan's Dream (Completed)

Kai was a psychopath, deemed clinically insane by the medical community. He had always been strange, the kind of strange that would make him dance in a dark room with headphones on while chugging down bottles of milk. Yes, he was a milk addict, and he took it to a whole new level. The voice in his head was his only friend, the only constant in his otherwise chaotic life. One day, Kai escaped from the mental asylum where he had been confined for years. He had no idea what he would do next or where he would go, but he was determined to escape his reality. He found an abandoned building and made it his home, but fate had other plans for him. Kai died in that building, but instead of his consciousness fading away, he transmigrated into the body of a young Thanos. When he realized where he was, he had an existential crisis. Thanos was a madman who pursued the concept of death, but Kai was scared of death. It was ironic that he had transmigrated into Thanos' body.

SleepyChaos · Phim ảnh
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125 Chs

Lingyun vs Thanos (1)

The colossal arena, that once buzzed with an electrifying energy, now seemed to hold its breath. Each battle had been a display of power and skill, pushing the limits of what was thought possible. But now, the very essence of the arena felt different. The ground shuddered, the walls quaked, and the collective gasp of thousands turned the air thick with anticipation. The pinnacle battle was upon them.

The Titan, Kai Thanos, casually sipped from his drink while awaiting his turn, seemingly aloof to the tournament's gravitas. The spectators whispered among themselves about the audacity of such nonchalance, even as the food and beverage bills piled up next to him.

Upon the announcer's call, the atmosphere palpably shifted. Kai Thanos stood, the very air around him tensing with anticipation. He propelled himself towards the arena.

The Titan's jump onto the arena floor wasn't just any jump—it was a display of raw, unbridled power. The ground responded with a tremble, as though submitting to a higher force. As he stood there, his aura seemed to darken the sky, casting a shade upon the arena that made the world seem a little more intense, a little more real.

"And now, on the other side, the genius of the Azure Sword Sect, Lingyun!" The presenter's voice reverberated throughout the arena. In a blinding flash of speed, Lingyun appeared, his short blue hair swaying gently with the force of his entrance. Those piercing eyes looked out across the space between them, a challenge evident in their glint. The sword on his hip was not just a weapon; it was an extension of him.

The customary salutation gesture between the fighters was performed, not out of mere formality, but mutual respect. In the shadows of the arena, a young master smirked, watching intently, his devilish plan in motion. He had banked his fortune on Lingyun and the promise of an "accident".

The signal from the announcer, like the ringing of destiny's bell, started the battle. With the signal given, Lingyun was a blur. His sword, an extension of his will, moved with a life of its own. Lingyun's sword seemed to come alive, moving at breakneck speed towards the Titan. However, the Titan evaded the rapid thrust, lunging forward with both fists glowing with the ethereal figures of dragons. He mentally commanded, "First Form: Projection!" The dragons seemed to roar, their forms becoming clearer, almost solid.

Lingyun, not to be outdone, invoked his "Earth Slash." The blade emitted a radiant glow, slicing through the atmosphere with an intensity that threatened to rend reality. The crowd could feel the tension, the very air crackling as the two powers collided. The arena became a symphony of light, energy, and motion, making it almost impossible for most spectators to track. The air was thick with tension, filled with the scent of burning ozone and the sounds of metallic clashes and raw power.

Blurs of motion were all that most could see, but to the elites in the audience, it was a dance. A dance of power, of skill, of life, and potentially, death.

Lingyun's confidence wavered. The Titan's prowess seemed beyond the realms of a mere 3rd Stage cultivator. Their strikes and parries continued, each move amplifying the spectacle. In a lightning-quick moment, Kai Thanos launched an uppercut. Lingyun barely evaded in time, earning a taunt from the Titan, "Don't be distracted; you might lose your head." Lingyun's frustration was palpable.

The taunt from the Titan managed to do what few things could: shake Lingyun's focus. And in that split-second lapse, the Titan capitalized, sending Lingyun scrambling to regain his footing.

Pulling back, the Titan threw dagger after dagger, each one narrowly missing or deflected by Lingyun's swift movements. "Running away?" Lingyun sneered.

Kai's fists then morphed. From the distinct ethereal dragons, they transitioned into abstract blazing rock-like entities. He rose, fists ignited, the roars intensified. "3rd Form: Blazing Comet," he declared. Energy surged, encapsulating him within a fiery cocoon resembling a hurtling comet. The sight was magnificent, like watching a star being born.

Lingyun, understanding the stakes, unleashed his full aura, glowing with the power of a 4th Stage Cultivator. He whispered a single phrase, "Heaven Slash," and his blade responded. Light radiated from the blade, transforming it into a longer, more potent weapon. A dazzling upward slash aimed at intercepting the Titan's descent.

As the Titan's blazing comet collided with Lingyun's heaven slash, the world seemed to stop. Time froze as the comet met the divine blade. The resulting explosion sent a blinding light cascading across the arena. Spectators shielded their eyes, feeling the raw power of the collision.

It was a spectacle to behold – a comet from the heavens clashing with a divine slash. The arena, filled with the scent of charred earth and the sounds of explosions, echoed the power of their clash.