
Marvel - One last sacrifice

In most marvel fanfics MC always gets to transmigrate or reincarnate into marvel universe and knows the future plot. But here, it's one of the many realities where our protagonist is neither transmigrated nor reincarnated. But the part of this universe from the beginning. He doesn't know about any future events. He also faces the unbelievable difficulties and threats just like everyone else. This is the story about how much impact our protagonist Had on the fate of the world and how the story changes from the marvel we knows. So let's see how a boy in the highschool turns into the last wall that protects the earth. After all this is the story about Emergence of guardian of the earth. ---------- hello guys, Author here... By reading the synopsis. you have gotten the idea of where I'm going with this. I want to write a character, who doesn't have a head start like knowing the future or getting things from the system. I'm trying to make a character as real as any other. Soalong with others he will also get surprised by the unbelievable thing and struggle agains the terrible invasions that will occur in future. That's about it. So enjoy reading. ---- note: you already know but I don't owe marvel or even the cover image. so if the image owner wants me to take it down I'm happy to comply.

Blood_God_ · Phim ảnh
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67 Chs

Brothers of the dead

General pov....

Ethan moved toward naiman and without delay using his ice element. He freezed his whole head but before he can strike to shatter it. Ethan pulled his head backwards and saw a bim of laser getting passed before his his eyes.

Before ethan can understand what happened. Something fall from the sky, when ethan looked in that direction. It was one more copper skinned man. But it didn't stop there. one after another more copper skinned people started to desent from sky, encircling ethan and unconscious naiman in the centre.

"Leave him alone and we brothers will give you an easy death." one of those copper guy with some kind of black mark on his forehead said.

Ethan observe every one of them with solemn eyes. there were 5 of them but only 2 were giving him dangerous vibes.

All of them were glaring at him like waiting for orders to chew him alive. They can't see ethan's expression because of his mask. So they thought ethan had stopped because of fear. But they don't know, that's the one thing ethan never felt. Even from birth, ethan was always one particularly fearless child.

Ethan looked at the one with mark and straighten his left hand to saw his open palm to him. while his right hand ess still on naimans frozen head.

next moment, he closed his left palm to show crushing sign and scattered naimans frozen head with thrust of aura. Small pieces of ice scattered in the surrounding. While rest of the body convulsed in trauma as it suddenly lost its head. but after few moments that struggle also subsided, leaving the headless body of the first invader of earth.

All copper brothers got shocked, watching just how fast all that happened. naiman was dead, their eldest brother was killed in front of there eyes. When the realization hit them. Rage took there eyes immediately and one of them shot laser from his gun toward ethan's for a head shot but before it can reach there. a hammer came before ethan and blocked the incoming laser.

Then it flew back in somone's hand "you requires some help here it seems." thors said.

Behind him came ironman flying in the air "so he invited his family now ??"and desent beside thor.

Ethan stood up and said "those two with mark are bad news..."

They both get their gaurd up as they became warry of those two. who's else judgment they will believe if not this man. With what they also had little confrontation with naiman, they knew how dangerous of foe that guy was. and they just saw how ethan had killed him. despite getting surrounded by five more. "he sure is fearless." they thought.

"can you fight ??" Tony asked.

"i need 10 minutes." ethan replied.

"Then you better start counting..." tony said as he saw the laser coming there way again.

Then thor gone to take on the two gus with mark. While tony flew toward the other three. He drove them away by halwk eye assistantce from far.

Without wasting time ethan sit down in lotus position and started to meditate and soon his right leg started to become normal again.

Tony was fighting with the one who was shooting laser. he was using various alien tech but there were two others to help him. So tony was in quite pinch.

For that He came up with plan to use some help and flew toward hulk. Other guys without knowing of what awaits them there started to follow him on their jet like vehicle.

Tony got passed hulk But one of other guy got stuck with the hulk, so hulk looked at him with growled. so the other one also stoped and both of them fired few shot at hulk. Without any damage, those shots only made hulk angrier. Then hulk roared and jumped toward the two guys who were trying to run away. But It only took few seconds for hulk to catch them and just like that their was only one guy left for tony to deal with.

On other side thor was able to keep those two busy by taking beating from them.

One of them had super strength and while other one has very fast movments. Fast one was also leader of their group. There combine attacks were troublesome to deal with for thor. They both teamed up against thor and made sure that his hammer doesn't reaches back to him.

After fighting for while, The strong one took thor from his neck and said "you should have stayed out of this asgardian, we are sigma brothers and we are called namesis of life, feel proud that zee and bake had are the one taking your life."

(Strong one = bake & fast one = zee)

"Haven't 10 minutes passed already, i can't hear his blabbering anymore..." thor said.

Hearing thor bake frowned but suddenly looked up and show someone coming at him but it was late to response and a kick send him far away crashing in the building.

"it's only been 8 and half minutes." Ethan said while giving hand to thor for help.

Thor took his hand and stood up. "Is that so, maybe you only needed that much." thor said with smirk on his face.

Ethan didn't said anything and just turn to look at other one. Seeing ethans sharp gaze zee frown. bake came back and stood beside zee after spiting the blood, he glared at ethan for his last kick.

Before they start their fight. steves voice came from transmitter "hellow, anyone can come we need backup, we have to get loki's scapter to close the portal but loki is surrounded by dozens of chitauris."

Ethan knew that unless the portal gets closed. Everything they were doing was just delaying the inevitable. And enemy wouldn't let them close it that easily. So to close it as soon as possible one of the big guns from their side had to be present there And the best candidate was just standing beside him.

Ethan looked at thor with intense stare. thor hasitated...since he had faught with them, he new those two with marks were really dangerous. But under ethan's gaze he nodded and said "don't die, i still have to settle scores with you..."

Ethan new that he would have hard time facing them both together. But sending him was the quickest way to end this all. Then after nodding thor swinged his hammer and flew away.

Bake try to attack him but zee stopped him and said "he's the one who killed naiman, he's our target." hearing that bake nodded and turn toward ethan again.

They both locked their eyes on ethan and bake started to rush at ethan. while zee stood still to observe. Ready to intervene if needed. They didn't watch the whole fight but ethan was able to knock out naiman. who was best solo fighter among sigma brothers and was only had been defeated by them together. So he wouldn't let his guard down.

Ethan dodge the punch easily and tride to give punch at the jaw but bake caught his punch and didn't let go. So ethan did the flip and gave kick to the bakes chin which bake dodged. But he Released ethans hand while dodging.

It was clear to ethan that bake wasn't as strong as naiman. But he wasn't going to let his guard down, after all naiman was also died because of that. Who says the enemy can't pull the same trick too.

They exchange quite few attacks and it was quit obvious that ethan had upper hand cause ethan was able to dodge bakes attacks effortlessly like they are open book to him. And as dodging ethan landed few heavy hits to bake while keeping eye on zee for any suprise attacks.

But suddenly bake retreated and zee staped in and said "hope you're are not tired already."