
Marvel's Future Revolution Avengers(New Avengers)

It's the 2050,the Avengers are dead. The villains are coming so the world needs a new team to save them.

DKRS_Writers · Phim ảnh
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13 Chs

Chapter 1: Origin of the six

First Story Title :The Reap

The bell rings on 8.30 a.m. at Midtown High School. Students are getting move into their classes. The way for the class followed by Andy Mathew. " My grandpa made the mistake and now we don't have any properties. I just want to change everything", thought Andy in his mind while walking to his class. His first class was Biology and Andy loves Biology class. " Students, today we are going to study about amorphous and multicellular. What is amorphous and multicellular?" asked Andy's professor. "Amorphous meaning is without a clearly defined shape or form and multicellular is having or consisting of many cells", said Andy to his professor. " Good answer, Andy", said his professor. " Correct", said a voice in his mind. " Who is that?" asked Andy. " Are you okay?" asked Andy's professor. " Nothing sir", said Andy and continues his class was going on. The break time arrives and Andy went to his school canteen. He had his breakfast in his canteen and saw his best friend called Marko." Bro how was your class?" asked Marko. " It was great. I need to see the counselor right now", said Andy. " Why bro?" asked Marko.

" I always hearing a voice in my mind. I don't have any idea about that so I am going to ask about that", said Andy. " Okay bro, but I think it can be your illusion", said Marko. Andy went to his counselor room and told about his problems. " Andy, I know about your problems in home. Your wealth are low and your parents are struggling for wealth. Because of that you can have depression and stress. So it can be your own illusion", said Andy's school counselor. Andy went out from the counseling office and saw some students bullying a student. He went and asked about the problem but the bully students bullied him to. Finally, his principle came and helped them. " Thank you sir for helping us", said Andy to his principal. " No mention Andy", said his principal and went out from that incident place. " What is your name boy?" asked Andy to the boy who was bullied. " My name is Ben Harry", said the boy to Andy. " Nice to meet you. Now go to your class", said Andy and the boy went to his class. Andy went to his class and spend time to his friends and after 2 minutes later their teacher came to his class. " Good Afternoon class, I am going to give you a trip to an abandoned place that was active 40 years ago.

The teacher gave the reports to all the student and the students started to fill up the report. Andy wrote his name in the report too. The school bell rang again and the school ends. Andy walked to his home while he saw the bully between the bullies and a junior student. He went and stopped the bullies but they hit them too. He didn't know what to do next so he went from the incident. He meet his friend and followed with him. " You are weak", said the voice. " What the hack, who is that?" asked Andy. " What happen bro?" asked Marko. " The voice again", said Andy. " Bro, leave it. I told you about that. It is just an illusion, don't bother about it", said Marko. After walking for 1 hour, Andy reach his house and watch many cars in front of his house porch. It was their cousins and relatives cars. He saw his family members fighting each other. He didn't bother about their family members fight. He went to his room and and slept.

Tomorrow morning,

He gets up from his body and gets ready for the trip. After getting ready, he told his parents about the trip but they didn't bother about him. He saw his school bus in front and went in the bus. He saw Marko, sits beside him and started to chit -chat. After many hours, they reach their destination. They saw the abandoned place and get in the place. They saw many science objects and apparatus on the floor. They saw a underground base and saw the amorphous and multicellular subject apparatus. They saw goo aliens in many jars. " The secret base on your left", said the voice in Andy's mind. Andy didn't bother about that and he followed his class. Suddenly, he get some pain and he got headache. His body gets uncontrolled and went to the secret base on the left. He saw a jar and there was a red alien goo.

" Booyah", said the voice in his mind. He didn't bother about it but the jar opens slowly and the red alien goo get in Andy's body. Andy feel something horrible in his body and something mixing in his body. The red alien goo gets out from the body. Andy gets dizzy and fells down the floor. Marko searched for Andy and found him on the floor. Marko and other students carried him and send him to his home. He wakes up and feel hot and more pain in his body. He took a bucket of ice and sit in the bucket. He saw his body was fully changed something like, six pack, muscles and more changed. He decides to ask about the voice in him. " Are you in me?" asked Andy. " I am in you and always. I am Reap and your mine. This strength came from me because you're too weak than I thought. I choose you. Your present is a chemical and physical mixture of 2 symbiotes", said the symbiote Reap. " Do you have a suit for me?" asked Andy. " Abra Kedavra", said Reap. A suit came for Andy and it was red, blue body and black, white eyes. " This is amazing!", said Andy.

Second Story Title: X-Black

The alarm shows 8.00 a.m. Richard barns was wake and tap the alarm and the alarm stops ring. It's his first day at the military camp after 1 years of training. He was excited that he is gonna be working at his favourite section which was the military weapons mechanic. He is on his way to the NYC military secret base that was promoted by the NYC officials. On his journey,he took a short nap that took him to his past by the dream.

"He was at Midtown High School and his favourite class that is engineering science" and he were on his graduation.

Suddenly,he was looking at a mirror and the middle of his chest were some sort of red colour is glowing and he got some friend in his side who are looks different".

He woke up shivering and there are sweat in his face. When,the vehicle was stopped he saw out and he found out that he was arrive at the destination. Richard thought the path for his journey were started. He went to his office by the assist of some of his new collegues in the base.The place is new but the work doesn't so, he was up to some kind of weapon that could help the military to defend their country.

After 2 hours of work, he finish the new weapon.He was no idea what to name the weapon. Suddenly,he got headache and the mystery dream came through, again.

Then,some kind started to came out of his mouth in whispers.

He was out of his mind and he stated the weapon as MISSILE-X.

He presented his weapon in front of everyone to promote the weapon.

Soon,everyone loves it , they asked him to make blueprint of the weapon and to make more of the kind.

Days past in the military camp, Richard thinks about his first day until now and now he realised 6 months has been past.

The military was under attacked.When,the soldiers are started to get in the fight. Richard saw there were smoke bomb and dizziness bomb rolling in front of him. The bomb were blast and Richard loss his control and fainted.

He heard that someone is telling Richard barns and Richard's eyes started to open slowly.Richard is trying to sit the place where he was bellowed.While,he was helping himself to sit and he fell that his body was giving different type of response.He noticed that his surrounding were some kind of terrorist base.There, is a giant man who was followed by his fellow terrorist.The man asked "We need you to test our new weapon".Richard don't know what to say.The man continue to say you can see the weapon in your body from below your neck. Richard don't know what to say again,his eyes started to watering.They send richard to another room, where there were two people who looks different from their kind.They introduced themselves , that Richard knew they are the one who changed him like a cyborg.And they continuesly said they could help him to escape.Richard took some time to answer and then he agreed with it.They came up with a plan to escape from the terrorist base. The two people put some mechanic weapons and an A.I called Sun. They made a mask for Richard too and the A.I was loading to send in Richard's body.The terrorist saw them do something so they came to attack them. The A.I was fully loaded and it named Richard suit as X Black. He started to attack all the terrorist in the base using his weapons from his body. But he didn't notice about the two people and the terrorist kill the two peoples. Richard uses his repulse weapon and killed everyone. He uses his flying repulse and went to his home flying. He went to his home and sits on his couch. On of his dream came true and he went to see his body on the mirror. He decides to save all the people struggling and also to be a superhero for this world.

Third Story: Elemento

The class started to move on to the lab as Kay Mitths name was called by his best friend Xavier.They both reached the chemistry lab AKA their favourite place in the whole school especially for Kay Mitths. Mr.Micheal started to teach new topic that is Energy Resources in the Earth. After,the explanation he asked every individuals to start their solution from the object listed down in the whiteboard. Those are :

1. Earth's crust

2. Volcanic unactive mini fire crusts

3. Water solution

4. Composition of water from electrolysis activity

5. Conduct under electrical charge after everything is put in a test tube.

They all started the experiment but the time is not enough.They school had finish after they started their experiment 50 minutus ago. While,Kay was the way to his home from school he saw the school bullies are on their way to bully the nerds. So, Kay stuck with the bullies and they locked him in his own locker.The keys are fell down out from the locker.Those are 50 cm far away. He tried his best to capture the keys but he keeps fail. He start to fell hungry and he noticed the time was running with his wrist watch.

The time reached 6.00 p.m. and Kay tried a new method by using three ruler and a eraser those are in his locker. Then,he achieved to get it and came out of the locker. He felt boring so he went to the chemistry lab to make done of the experiment that he get in the noon from Mr.Micheal.

He was ready with his object and he conduct the elecrical charge with the test tube. When, he start the electrical charge the energy flow through the test tube and flow to Kay's watch. Kay felt something strange happening in his body. As fast as lightning he off the electrical charger.

Then,he ran off the school to his home. By the way, to his home there are heavy wind blow. Soon,he start to feel his feet is not the land and it was floating and he was one of the wind that flow smoothly but his aim was to go home. he reach his home and he was normal.

Kay's watch was not working. He tap his watch and realised there was a zap transfering to his watch and its working. He heard a voice was calling "Kay Mitths come here now and help me to start this fire". He went to kitchen and see his mom was struggling with starting with stove. Kay went to the stove and snap his finger he saw the fire was starting.

With a small confusion, he went to his and start to investigate about this kind of over electrical charges disadvantages.

Soon,he found out what was happening to him and he thought to live an normal life unless have an emergency to help invisible. He named himself as Elemento.

Forth Story: Animo

The bell rings on 8:30 a.m. at Midtown High School. The way Rut Charles and his friends go to their class Rut Charles have think about his family problems. " Why this all happened only to me", he lament. He have an aim and it is be a super hero. One of his friend called his name and Rut back to conscious. " What the heck men", are you daydreaming. No buddy it is a personal thing. When they were walking they saw a new student enter the main gate of the school. Rut Charles and his friends daily activity at the school is bullying. They decide to bully the new student. They bully him but Rut Charles and his friends are caught in red by his principal. The principal give them a chance to avoid this kind of activity.

" If you did it once more you will be detention", said principal. After it they were left principal's room. Rut Charles saw a injection at the detention room when he left principal's office. He has been curious so he decided to get the injection. The bell rings all students are go to the canteen except Rut Charles. He go to the detention room and he tested the injection by himself. He has been tired so he skip the last class of the day and go to his house. His body started to become hot.

Then, he went to his bed. Suddenly, he heard a sound and he wakes up. He saw himself in the mirror in front of him but the face in the mirror is way different of his own. He thinks about his pet dog and suddenly his figure changed to a dog. He thinks him again and he changed to his normal figure. Then he heard a voice is talking to him "I need you".

Fifth Story: Hotrod

" There was me, the smoke covers me but in my body something strange was glowing. I don't know what to call it as, can I say as power", the dream stops and Ben Harry wakes up from his bed. He notice the time and gets ready to go school. He prepares everything and went to his school using his bicycle. He saw the bullying students, smoking in front of the school's compound. Ben Harry went to his principle room and complained about them. The principal give them punishment and Ben Harry went to his class. His first subject was Physics. " Good morning class, today we go to our science lab and we are going to learn about lightning control objects", said Ben Harry's teacher. They went to the science lab and they were excited to do an experiment in the science lab.

The science teacher teaches about an object which can attract lightning. The object was like a metal rod. The metal rod was floating on the floor and this is because the weather was hot. Suddenly, the hot weather brings lightning to the place. Ben Harry holds another metal rod which was named as premium metal rod. The metal rod attracts the lightning and the hot weather sends a lightning to the metal rod which was Ben Harry holding.

The lightning attacks Ben Harry and all over Ben Harry body changed. Ben Harry drops the metal rod and the lightning didn't strike. Ben Harry gets dizziness and he falls down. His teacher and friends brought him to his home. The doctors came to his home and checked him. The doctors said that he was too active and his veins, muscles and other veins in the legs is so fast. After many minutes, he gets conscious and saw his mom. Ben Harry hugs his mom and went to eat downstairs.

He realized that he was too active. He went out to buy some pickles for his mom. He runs fast and he realized that he is so fast. He went to the shop and buys some pickles. He saws a girl going to be accident and Ben Harry runs fast and saves the girl. He saves the girl and gets out from the place. He realized that he gets superpower and he had a plan to save the world. He thinks this is a fate for him.

Sixth hero will be revealed in Chapter 2.