
Marvel's Earth 200,000

*MALE TO FEMALE* *Please see tags before reading* *There will be romance and it'll be a slow burn F-F* *If you decide to continue reading thank you for spending your time reading my story* Immerse yourself in the multifaceted realm of Marvel's "Earth 200,000", a novel universe birthed by an omnipotent entity. Within the limitless dimensions of Marvel's cosmos, countless versions of Earth have bloomed and perished, each unique in its trajectory. Now, an extraordinary force has conceived an unprecedented experiment - a world born from the amalgamation of all its predecessors, a crucible of diverse realities. Our protagonist, a young man confined to the deathbed by an unrelenting illness, teeters on the brink of oblivion. His world dims and the inevitable darkness encroaches. Just as he prepares to surrender to the void, he awakens in an ethereal expanse of white - an interlude between his mortal life and something far beyond human comprehension. As Marvel's "Earth 200,000" materializes from the celestial chaos, our young hero embarks on an adventure of a lifetime. Navigating this remarkable world, he becomes an integral part of a realm where conventional reality bends and transcendent marvels abound. Join this exciting journey into the heart of the new Earth - an odyssey filled with wondrous explorations, daunting challenges, and unforgettable encounters. Witness as this brave new world evolves, and as our hero grapples with the incredible and the impossible

Tomlish · Movies
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Chapter 29

Years have passed now. I have been working nonstop on figuring out how to incorporate the Uru to my suit with no success. It proved difficult to add the Uru to the nanites. I ended up just building a mold for the Uru to go into for the armor. I mixed in vibranium and adamantium as well for added support. The end result was something from my memories of my past life. I took inspiration from a video game I used to play. Dragon Age 3's armor from the dragon hunter collection. I created leg, arms, chest, and helmet piece. The number of runes I added were also insane.

Next, I ended up deciding to create a weapon. One that would complement my powers and style of attack. I ended up creating a shield and long sword. I had tried various weapons and this combo suited me best. I added a storage to my weapons so my armor can be stored there when not in use. When I call it, the armor would come out and apply itself to me similar to what Thor does when he grabs his hammer and equips his armor.

The enchantments on the sword and shield were like Thor except none of that worthy crap. I did make it so only Carol and myself can lift the weapons. I asked if she wanted one, but she refused. She was more of a hands-on fighter. I ended up creating a bracelet for her. She would be able to summon her armor that way. At first, she declined but I didn't leave her room for discussion.

Both armors were enchanted as well. The scans that I managed to get from the dwarfs was a different magic than what I was taught. It was similar in concept except these used different letters. It took some time to understand but I managed to get a general understanding of it. The armors could self-repair overtime and can absorb energy easily. I made them so they could take the stress of the stones and regulate the flow. They also provided flight if it was provided with energy. It was mostly for me so I wouldn't have to use my suit or magnetism to hold myself in the air.

The planet I purchased had become second home base. It was good to have in case anything happens. I became increasing worried about certain events happening. This place would serve as a last resort in case something happens. I let the nanites build several houses and buildings. Everything was automated to reduce maintenance. Food and water were taken care of by the drones.

Carol and the rest continued to go around the universe to help out anyone who needed it. Carol made sure to stomp any Kree force they meant. The peace treaty between Xandar and the Kree came earlier than I remembered. I don't know if this would cause an issue with the Guardian of the Galaxy forming up. I put that thought to the side as it wasn't important.

"Lydia?" I heard Carol call out.

"In here!" I responded. I had fully equipped all my armor. For the parts that the armor did not cover, I used vibranium and adamantium to cover them. My sword and shield were holstered on my back. I grabbed my helmet and placed it on. It was definitely a new look for me, but this armor was no joke.

"Looking good," Carol said as she inspected me. She had very similar armor like me but didn't have it equipped. The only difference was that there was more armor on her hands to increase the damage she did with her punches and amplifies her blasts.

"I wish you would reconsider…" I whispered. I was sad that I would have to be separated from her again. She wanted to continue helping the planets she saved and look for other who need help. I had to go back to Earth to start getting ready for any situations that might occur.

"The universe is a big place Lydia. Earth is not the only place that needs protection," she said. I sigh in agreement. She would say the same thing when Thanos snapped his fingers. Her logic is not wrong but I just didn't like being separated again. I don't even know how she ended up becoming the dominant one in our relationship. I looked at her and smiled. She always took lead in relationship, which I don't mind. As long as I was with her, I didn't mind it at all.

"Besides you know I can literally be there in a few seconds,"

"I know I know. I just don't like being separated from you," I said honestly.

"Ah…I've spoiled you too much," she said and cupped my face with her hands. My face quickly turned red. I don't know how she keeps making react like this.

"I'll make it up to you," she gave me a gentle kiss.

"Y-you better!" I said pretending to be angry. She laughed at my reaction.

"Are you taking anything?" she asked.

"Just the stones. I'll leave Emma and Tessa with you. They'll help you keep track of things," I said. She nodded in confirmation.

"Call if you need help," she said smiling.

"I will," I replied smiling as well. I activated the space stone on my right hand and created a portal to the space station.

I looked around the area and saw Astrid looking outside the large space window. A brief inspection of the area and herself, I could tell she has made several improvements.

"Astrid?" I asked. She turned around and smiled.

"Lydia! About time, did you have one last go with Carol before you came here?" she asked. I smiled. I missed her a lot. I went over to hug her.

"I missed you…" I said.

"You know we've talked several times," she said and returned the hug. I nodded.

"I'll never understand humans…" she whispered.

"So, what's the situation?" I asked. She waved her hand and several screens populated on the window.

"Hydra is good at hiding that's for sure. They've made some mistakes here and there but its hard to pinpoint all their locations," she said as a screen enlarged that displayed information on Hydra.

"Any experiments?" I asked.

"They are up to something. I am not sure what though. Then there's this group," she said and another screen to over.

"AIM…that's not good," I said.

"The Hulk has emerged and the events you mentioned are taking place. Tony Stark has announced himself as Ironman as well," she said. Video feeds of Tony were displayed and the fights between him and the other metal suit were displayed.

"How's the company?" I asked.

"Exceeding expectations. We have taken over several other companies and have grown incredibly large. I took the liberty to start to taking shares from Stark Industries," she said. Several screens took over to display the company's assets. I could tell she's been very busy. We had shares in several companies. She even created shadow companies and accounts.

"My brothers?" I asked. She sighed.

"James is still chasing after the person that was running that lab but its really futile. There is no trail to go after. Victor has been keeping him out of trouble," she explained. I smiled at their faces in the screen. How interesting to see Victor of all people would be keeping James out of trouble. I really have changed him.

"Is Erik coming?" I asked. Just as I finished the door behind us opened. I turned to look at Erik in his suit. He looked just like in my memories expect his helmet created a dark shadow over his face so you couldn't tell any facial features. If it was a normal person seeing him, they would be scared shitless. He even added a cape to his suit.

"I'm here. Welcome back," he said.

"Thanks, what's with the suit?" I asked.

"I could ask you the same thing," he said and took off his helmet. The helmet turned to a liquid like state and merged into his hands. He has started to develop some grey hairs but still looked the same. The serum has done a wonderful job at keeping him healthy.

"I found a new metal. Unfortunately, I can't fuse it with the nanites," I shrugged. He smiled as he walked up to me and extended his hand.

"It's good to see you again," I took his hand and shook it.

"Likewise," I said and smiled at him.

"Anything worth noting?" I asked and turned to face the window again.

"We've had more mutants come over but only four new additions to the team," he said, and their profiles came up. I began to look at them and was about to dismiss them until I noticed the last person. Nina…

"How'd you convince your wife to let that happen?" I asked amused. Erik looked to the side and sighed.

"It wasn't me," he said.

"Little Nina managed to convince her?" I asked.

"She's not so little anymore and yes," he said and crossed his arms. I looked at the screen and videos of her fighting displayed. She sure was impressive.

"Did you give her the serum?" I asked.

"Yes," Erik said. I stayed silent. I'm sure he knew what that meant. Even if it was his daughter, now she had to abided by the rules. She can never go back to having a normal life. The commitment to join the fighting group is absolute.

"I heard you went to see your other children. How did that go?" I asked and looked at him. His facial expression turned sad for a quick second.

"Not well. They did not want to come with me. After the bombing, they refused to come along…" he said as he looked to the side. He seemed to be remembering the events that took place.

"I'm sorry," I said with a sad expression. Internally, I was freaking out. Wanda becomes so strong she alters reality. I wonder if the Reality stone can counter her.

"I was hoping you might have an idea on how to get them," he asked. His eyes looked hopeful as he looked at me. I looked at the window and thought about what to do. He most likely came to them with a brute force method. Erik is not known for his kind side even if I changed some of his personality.

"I will try and see what I can do," I said.

"Thank you…" Erik said. I nodded back at him.

"The Inhumans?" I asked Astrid.

"No activity," she responded.

"Is it ill advised to visit them?" I asked.

"At this time, I would say yes. Eventually they will have their own issues and we can use that to have a hook on them," Astrid explained.

"I agree with her," Erik commented.

"There's also this," Astrid said and displayed a hammer in a center of a crater. I couldn't help but smile.

"So, the god of thunder has been banished," I said.

"Anything from the database?"

"Reed Richards has had some activity. Based on my findings, there will be a space mission soon," Astrid reported.

"Oscorp is also doing some shady business. Spiderman has also emerged. S-" Astrid tried to continue but I interrupted her.

"What?!" I asked. She was taken aback slightly and waved her hand. A video feed of Spiderman was on display. I searched my memories to match the costume he wore. It was too early for the one from the MCU so this spiderman was different. From the suit, this would have to be the amazing Spiderman. I continued to watch as he helped several people in the fight that Hulk in New York.

"Several others have emerged as well," Astrid again waved her hand and displayed videos of different people.

"That's…a lot of people..." I said as I watched. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Where are my brothers?"

"Still searching for the individual responsible," Astrid said. I sighed again. James is probably not letting it go. I can't blame him for that.

"What do you want to do?"

"Continue gathering information and recruiting," I said. There wasn't much for us to do. Loki doesn't invade until later. Once he arrives, the Mind stone will be on Earth. The Reality stone is difficult to collect. I would have to wait until it reveals itself.

"Oh, before I forget. We've stopped some people from Wakanda looking into the company's technology. They've become rather suspicious with the similarities," Astrid reported.

"Ah, let's keep that up. I rather not deal with them yet," I said honestly.

"Erik, how's things on your end?" I asked.

"We've had a steady increase in the number of people. If it continues, we've run out of space soon. Astrid mentioned there's a fix for that, so I took her word for it. Our combat division has grown as well. We have a total of 30 people. Some joined from the Red Room. I have them doing just basic security. I was waiting for you to decide what to do with them," he reported.

"Taskmaster?" I asked.

"Dead," Erik quickly said. I wasn't surprised. Erik can be deadly with just a small amount of metal.

"Okay, I'm going to go and explore for a bit," I said. They both nodded and Erik was the first one to leave.

"Where are you going?" Astrid asked.

"I want to look at the hammer," I said and looked at the image of the crater.

"Ah, good luck," she said. I nodded and teleported near the crater.

It was dark and SHIELD had not arrived yet. I walked close to it and starting to inspect the runes. This would help me better understand the rune language that they use. Compare to the magic runes that I've been taught; the Asgardians magic runes are at a whole different level. I was too engrossed with the hammer that I let my senses didn't pick up the person behind me.

"Who are you?" a male voice said. I turned around and saw Phil Coulson looking at me. I stood up and briefly expanded my senses to feel the minds of several agents nearby.

"Ah, I heard that a hammer was here. I thought it was part of the guild game, so I came to check it out, but the freaking thing is glued to the rock!" I said dramatically.

"Such a waste! The hammer is really well made, and I took the time to wear all this expecting some battle!" I remember there would be people where I came from that would participate in fantasy battles. Who would have thought that would be the perfect excuse to use with the stuff I'm wearing?

"This is government property now. I need you to exit the area" he said with a no-nonsense attitude.

"Government property? Is this thing real? Is it alien? What part of the government are you from?" I asked. Phil narrowed his eyes at me.

"You need to leave. Now," he said again.

"Okay okay, I get it. I'm going," I said and started to walk out. I could feel Phil looking at me as I started to walk out.

"Can I ask you something?" Phil asked. I stopped and turned around. He looked around before making eye contact again.

"How did you get here without a vehicle?" Ah…I messed up. I didn't think about that.

"You got me," I said and shrugged.

"But all I was doing was just looking. I'll see you next time!" I said smiling and teleported out.

I had gathered enough information on the runes that I didn't bother freezing them in place with telepathy. I decided to go visit Erik and see how things were going. It had been a long time since I was at my home.

I teleported above the area and searched for Erik. I found him near a building and teleported there.

"Erik!" I said to get his attention.

"Lydia?" he asked confused.

"Just stopping by. I wanted to see how things were here," I said and looked around. It's definitely different. There were more buildings and people from what I could tell.

"Mind if I look around?" Erik shook his head and proceeded to continue his work. He seemed to be looking over some information on his tablet. I smiled and left.

Everyone had happy expressions as I walked around. Mostly everyone looked to me as I walked with the armor I was wearing. Whispers started and soon everyone knew who I was. I didn't mind the stares. I was just happy that they can live peacefully here. I could even see young children running around. Some of the people used their mutations to help with certain tasks. It seemed like most people here didn't have much combat ability.

It was like a small city here. I was glad I was able to change something for the people here. I liked Erik's approach. Even with the technology we had, he still had farmers, builders, and gatherers. In a way, I guess it was very peaceful and it allowed for those who just wished to live out their life's in peace.

I walked back to Erik and asked him to call the people from the Red Room to gather. I waited near the training building. Soon, roughly 30 women showed up.

"Everyone's here," Erik said as he came next to me. The girls all lined up in a military style formation facing me.

"Hello everyone. My name is Lydia Howlett," I said and looked at everyone.

"You have all decided to join but this is where you must decide what path you wish to take," I paused to examine them. They hid their feelings very well but with my telepathy I could hear all their thoughts racing. Some feared being kicked out, some thought I would kill them, and others remained hopeful.

"I am here to give you your choice. You have three. First, leave and venture out on your own. No hard feelings, no questions. I would prefer if you didn't mention anything you saw here. Believe me when I say that if you betray this trust, I will find you," I paused to let that threat sink in.

"Second, remain here and live peacefully doing tasks around the area. You will not see combat, but you may help out with traditional guard duties. Other than that, you may do any job you wish,"

"And your last choice, join the combat division. You will forfeit your freedoms and give your life to protecting those who cannot fight or defend themselves. As I'm sure you've already noticed, the majority of the people here just wish to live peacefully. We need protectors and on occasion fighters. You will dirty and stain your hands with blood. I am not going to sugar cloak it; this path is not easy, and it will require you to give everything to the cause. There are other perks this comes with, however that information is classified,"

"You may pick now. Those of you who wish to pick options one or two, please follow Erik. He will see to it that you are taken care of," A few looked down to think about their choices. Several thoughts were racing on everyone. I waited until someone finally stepped up and went to Erik. Five more people followed. I counted 25 people remaining. I waited a few more minutes before speaking.

"Kneel," I turned serious and released an oppressive energy aura. It would look intimating to anyone seeing it. With my new armor, it looked even more menacing. Several were taken aback from the sudden mood change and hesitated before kneeling.

"Your training will be being. Once complete, you will undergo a procedure. After, you will be given your equipment and orders. Do you agree to this life?" I paused and asked.

"Do you agree!" I asked again when no one answered.

"Yes!" everyone shouted.

"You will take this oath," I displayed something that Astrid came up with during my time away. She had really structured everything so well that I didn't want to change anything. It was all very militaristic, but Astrid convinced me to go with it.

"Report to Astrid. She is waiting for you inside," I turned and left. They waited until I was out before they got up and entered the room.

Once they finished their training, they'll be given the serum and their own suits. I'll have them start to eliminate the most dangerous groups first and then target individual targets. I headed back to my room where Astrid installed several monitors for me to see all sorts of live feeds from the drones. One of the drones was stationed near Thor's hammer and captured SHIELD agents building their camp around the crater.

I folded my arms as I looked at the monitors. I'll reveal myself when Loki comes. I'll be able to capture the Mind stone then. I won't be able to replace it with a fake until I'm able to extract its power which would take some time to do. If I take it, Vision won't be created, and Wanda and her brother won't be experimented with it. I thought the Mind stone is responsible for Wanda's powers. It more than likely just accelerated it. I don't have much of a choice. I would have to take it from them once they defeat Loki. I just hope we don't create a scene.