
Marvel’s Wizard: Start from Hogwarts

This is the mtl synopsis and I don't feel like correcting it. Traveling through the Marvel universe, Jerry gets a bizarre panel that rewards Little Red Star for doing good deeds. Consuming Little Red Star can go to other magical worlds to learn magic, Consuming Little Red Star can also refresh your mind and speed up the efficiency of learning magic. In order to protect himself and his family, Jerry reluctantly embarked on the path of constantly doing good deeds to earn a little red star, and working hard to study and learn magic. The protagonist’s three views are upright, not a virgin, no brainless, no system, the panel is only responsible for traversal and refreshing, all magic is acquired by the protagonist through learning, and powerful through research. There are some other bits but not important. Notes: I am an editor for the most part the translation is almost entirely mtl. So I obviously dont own any of this. I haven't even read it yet just chose something with high ratings (5 stars) to start with. Although I don't own it, I do put time and effort into making it easily readable so I would appreciate the tip, also I'll be taking recommendations if you're interested. Later notes: not 5-star novel, maybe just not my cup of tea? anyway, I'll post the whole story but won't edit it much so I'll leave some info. guardian god is patronus, shield curse is protego, Shenfeng Wuying is sectumsempra, alo hole is alohamora, i haven't read much of the book so these are the ones I've checked or glanced at patreon.com/user?u=98213065

Epic_Gaming_7548 · Phim ảnh
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Chapter 825 Steel Skeleton

The universe Jerry lives in is called the DC Extended Universe.

According to the history of this universe, when the earth was first born, the Greek gods ruled the entire earth.

And Zeus, the head of the gods, later created a fair, kind, strong and passionate life in his own appearance, that is, human beings on earth.

Ares, the son of Zeus, the god of war, was jealous of Zeus' love for human beings, so he led human beings to kill each other everywhere, setting off wars one after another.

In order to restore peace to mankind, Zeus created the Amazons, a noble warrior nation composed entirely of women, hoping that the Amazons could influence mankind with love.

It did have a certain effect at the beginning, but it still ended in failure, and all the kind Amazons were enslaved by humans as female slaves.

So the Queen of the Amazons led the people to rebel against humans, and freed all Amazons from human slavery.

At the same time, on another continent of the earth, there are still races older than humans and Amazons. They are Atlanteans with highly advanced technology.

At that time, the first ruler of Atlantis, the greatest weapon blacksmith in history, used Poseidon's iron to forge the trident. Legend has it that the trident was infused with the power to rule the sea.

The powerful Atlantis family wanted to defeat humans, gods and Amazons to inform the entire earth, but just happened to meet the more powerful Dakseid leading an army to invade this universe.

And the location of the invasion happened to be Earth.

In order to resist Darkseid and his army, humans, Atlanteans, Amazons, Zeus, God of War and the ancient Green Lantern who maintained the safety of the universe worked together to drive Darkseid out of the universe with serious injuries.

Afterwards, they divided the mother box that Dakseid used to enter the universe into three, and gave them to humans, Amazons, and Atlantis for safekeeping.

Afterwards, the battle of the gods began, and Ares, the god of war, once again stirred up troubles in the world, provoking human wars, and even personally ended up dealing with the Amazons.

Zeus led the Greek gods to attack Ares in person, the gods died in battle, and Ares was repulsed.

Zeus knew that Ares would make a comeback, and before he died, he used his last divine power to create a paradise island, keeping the Amazons isolated from the world and not being found by Ares.

And gave birth to a daughter with the Queen of Amazons, the future Wonder Woman Diana.

During the battle of the gods, the Atlantis family also suffered a backlash from technology because of their research on the mysteries of infinite energy, and the entire continent collapsed and sank to the bottom of the sea.

During their long career under the sea, the Atlanteans were endowed with the ability to breathe underwater, and at the same time split into seven countries: Kingdom of Atlantis, Kingdom of Zebel, Kingdom of Fishermen, Kingdom of Lost, Kingdom of Abandoned The Kingdom of the Raiders, the Kingdom of Saltwater, and the Trench Race.

Therefore, the mother box kept by the Amazons is on Paradise Island, the mother box kept by the Atlanteans is in the kingdom of Atlantis under the sea, and the mother box kept by humans is in the hands of the steel skeleton.

Now Jerry is going to get the human mother box first, which is also the easiest one to get.

Gotham City, above a dark street, Jerry put away his invisibility effect, slowly landed on the balcony on the second floor of a house, and knocked on the balcony door.


Suddenly, a very vigilant voice came from the room.

Jerry asked politely:

"Excuse me, is Mr. Victor Stone there?"

"I am, who are you and why are you on our balcony?"

Victor did not open the door, but questioned.

Jerry's figure flashed and appeared directly in front of Victor in the room, and then smiled.

"My name is Jerry Kamen, or Mister Magic as you like. Hello, Victor!"

"Mr. Magic!"

When Victor saw Jerry's appearance, he immediately recognized that he was the powerful magician who went with Superman to repel the Kryptonians more than half a year ago.

However, he didn't show any good looks towards Jerry. Instead, he tightened the hood on his head, trying to cover half of his mechanized face, so that Jerry wouldn't find out that he looked different from ordinary people.

"What are you doing here?"

"I want the mother box in your closet. I don't know if you are willing to give it to me. Of course, in exchange, I can use magic to restore your body to normal."

Jerry smiled and pointed to the closet behind Victor.

He could sense that there was a power in that closet that was the same as that in Cyborg.

At the end of the Second World War, the government found the human mother box, which was buried under a monastery in Italy.

On the way to send the mother box to Hitler, it was intercepted by the Allies and brought to the United States in 1944. It was named 61982 Unidentified Object and has been kept in the archives of the Pentagon.

It wasn't until Superman came into the world and human beings knew the existence of aliens that the Ministry of National Defense took it out again, hoping to obtain advanced alien technology through research.

The researcher in charge of this project is Victor's father, Silas Stone.

A month ago, Victor and his mother had an accidental car accident, and his mother died on the spot. Victor had only one breath left, and he could basically be sentenced to death.

In order to save Victor, Silas used the power of the Mother Box to transform him into a cyborg.

Therefore, the energy in Victor's body and the energy in the mother box belong to the same source and are the same energy.

"Can you make me normal?"

When Victor heard Jerry's words, his eyes immediately changed, from the deadly indifference just now, to a little more hopeful.

Originally he was a football player full of dreams, but now he has become a mechanical monster with only half of his face and half of his upper body.

No more school, no friends, no food, no sleep, no dreams, no love, no family, no children.

He feels that his life is meaningless, even if this body has great power, can control the network at will, and can instantly increase the number of his bank card infinitely.

"Magic, nothing is impossible!"

Jerry nodded firmly.

Hearing this, Victor turned around and took out the mother box from the cabinet and handed it to Jerry.

"If you can make me a normal person, this thing is for you."

"make a deal!"

Jerry reached out and slapped Victor's forehead, directly slapping his soul out of his body, and then took off one of his hairs, quickly reshaping a normal human body for him.

Finally, the soul and the new body are combined into one.

"Okay, happy cooperation, then I'll go first!"

After bringing the mother box and Victor's transformed body into the Bell Universe, Jerry waved to Victor who looked at his body incredulously, and an apparition disappeared.

And when Jerry left, Victor left two lines of tears in his eyes:
