
Martial Cultivator

Jun Wei finds himself transported to a Martial Cultivation world with a unique system, embarking on a thrilling journey filled with action, romance, and humor. As he navigates this new realm, he becomes entangled in the lives of a captivating harem of women, each with their own intriguing stories.

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5 Chs

Jun Wei

Linyi City

Jun Family, Back Mountain

A shadowy figure can be seen running through the forest trees with an extremely fast speed. His steps cannot be seen clearly and his body is as flexible as a rope. It is twisting and turning around the tree barks and constantly moving in a circular fashion. Finally the figure stopped.

It was a 8 or 9 year old boy with a height of about 1.7m with a bare upper body and blue pants. He is currently panting heavily, sweat dripping from his forehead. The face of the boy is extremely handsome with a slight touch of childishness which is natural for his age. His body is like a sculpture without any flaws, lean and muscular. At this time, the boy is looking in front of him seriously.

There is a transparent screen which only he can see.

[Congrats! Host has completed the daily task of 50 pushups, 50 sit-ups and 5 km run.

Reward : 50 SP]

*SP = System Points

The boy, on seeing this floating text in front of him gave a satisfied smile.

Yes, this boy is a traverser and his name in this life is Jun Wei. He transmigrated to this world 8 years ago and got a system. This system will give him daily tasks and he needs to complete them. If he doesn't, then the next day's task doubles and if he doesn't complete 3 consecutive tasks, his soul will be destroyed and he will be dead. This is all said by the system and he doesn't dare to test it with his life on the line. Besides, the daily task given by the system for the past 8 years has always been about 3 things - pushups, sit-ups and running, all of which is aimed at training his body so Jun Wei didn't refuse. Initially he started with 5 pushups, 5 sit-ups and 0.5 km running but as time went by and he grew stronger, the numbers started increasing and after 8 years, its 10 times of the exercise compared to when he started!

Also everytime he completes his daily task, he will receive SP or System Points but not once in 8 years has he figured out how to use these points. At first he received only 10 or so but it has gradually increased to 50 now.

'Status' Jun Wei said in his mind.


Name : Jun Wei

Cultivation : Mortal

Talent : Unawakened

Affinity : Unawakened

Skills : None

Strength : 35 (Ref-10)

Agility : 37 (Ref- 10)

Defense : 31 (Ref- 10)

Spirit : 20 (Ref-10)

SP : 87600


Looking at his status, Jun Wei sighed. His strength, agility and defense has reached the 30s while the ordinary stats of a person who hasn't started cultivating is only about 10. This also means that he is atleast 3 times stronger than an ordinary person, without any cultivation!

The 'Ref' of the system gives Jun Wei a rough idea of the stats of other people in this world who are having the same cultivation base as him. Of course, this varies from person to person and there might be exceptions as well.

This world is a world of Martial Arts. Children at the age of 8, awakens their talent and affinity, stepping into the world of cultivation. Cultivation levels are divided into Martial Disciple, Martial Warrior, Martial Master, Martial Grandmaster, Martial King, Martial Emperor and so on. Each level is divided into 9 stages. The Jun Family Chief is one of the 3 Martial Grandmasters in Linyi city which made Jun Family a major family in this city. As for Martial King and above, they are all top figures of the Yun Kingdom. Linyi city is just a small city located to the south of the Yun Kingdom. No one here has ever seen a Martial King with their own eyes much less a Martial Emperor.

It is said that there are only 5 Martial Emperors in the entire Yun Kingdom!

Jun Wei took a bath in the nearby pond of the back mountain and started walking towards his courtyard after wearing a loose white shirt. He is an orphan who was adopted by the Jun Family when he was 1 year old so he lives alone. All the disciples of the Jun family is given a courtyard for their stay. Although the treatment differs from outer disciples to inner to core disciples where the former have to fend for themselves while the latter (inner & core disciples) are where most of the family resources are tilted. Anyway, outer disciples still receive around 10 bronze taels every month which is sufficient for nominal eating and buying other necessities. 

Currency in this world is divided into bronze, silver, gold and the rare platinum taels.

100 bronze taels = 1 silver tael

100 silver taels = 1 gold tael

100 gold taels = 1 platinum tael

Bronze and Silver taels are used by common people and low-level cultivators whereas large sects and royal family uses gold taels. Platinum taels are extremely rare and not much used in transaction. Its more of a treasure than a currency.

Jun Wei entered his house, ate a bowl of soup as he was hungry from the exercise earlier, changed into a white outer disciple robe of the Jun Family and then immediately walked out.

He is going to the Annual Awakening Ceremony to awaken his talent and affinity!

He is 8 year old this year and it is time to start cultivating.