
Martial Cultivator

Jun Wei finds himself transported to a Martial Cultivation world with a unique system, embarking on a thrilling journey filled with action, romance, and humor. As he navigates this new realm, he becomes entangled in the lives of a captivating harem of women, each with their own intriguing stories.

John002 · Fantasy
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Talent & Affinity

The talent of an individual measures his/her potential or you can say cultivation speed. The higher the talent, the faster will be his/her cultivation and breakthroughs. Talent is determined by the number of stars, the lowest being 1 star to the highest 9 star. It is directly associated to the amount of true Qi someone can absorb from the atmosphere while cultivating. It also somewhat affects the purity of the true Qi absorbed. In the history of Linyi city, the highest level talent ever occurring was a 4 star talent. Even in the entire Yun Kingdom the current No.1 Genius is princess Yu Xinyi, a 6 star talent. 

She is expected to reach even higher levels than the Martial Emperor in the future!

So, it can be said that the talent of an individual determines his/her future in this world. The best example of this is the Jun Family. After the awakening, all the 8 year old disciples will go through a screening procedure from the elders of the family. Disciples at or above 3-stars are selected as core disciples, 2-star or above is selected as inner disciples and all 1-star disciples are kept as outer disciples. These 1-star disciples, due to their low talents will not get sufficient cultivation resources from the family which will further slow down their cultivation.

It is exactly where the rich gets richer whereas the poor gets poorer.

On the other hand, affinities do not play such a huge role in deciding the fates of people but it still plays a part. Affinities of an individual can be any natural element namely fire, water, wind, earth which are common while there are other rare affinities like lightning, ice, poison and so on. Some of these affinities are offensive like fire while others are defensive like earth. But it doesn't mean the individual with earth affinity cannot attack. Defense is just a dominant nature of earth affinity while fire affinity people are more inclined towards offense. Other than this, some elements restrict each other like fire and water which may affect someone's battle. But these are natural. Each and every cultivator has to know their way around these strengths and weaknesses of their affinities.

Jun Wei walked through the entire way to the 'Test Field' of the Jun Family. Although he was very handsome but due to him being a loner, he did not have many friends. Actually, its not like he doesn't want to make friends but he is always busy with his routine. He has to complete his daily tasks, wash clothes, cook food, go to market to buy necessities and so on. Moreover, he also has a system which is his secret. He thinks the less people know about him, the better as he is not much aware of the capabilities of powerful people in this world.

What if someone finds something suspicious about him?

As he entered the Test Field, Jun Wei saw a long line consisting of only 8 year old children. Above the field, on a raised platform, three old men were sitting. The man in the middle has a long white beard with a strong momentum and sharp eyes. Although he is old, his body is full of vitality and a sense of oppression could be felt from him. He is the Chief of Jun Family, Jun Hao and one of the 3 Martial Grandmaster in Linyi city. The old man sitting to his right is the First Elder and the one sitting to his left is the Second Elder. Both of them are reputed Martial Masters of the family. At this time a sweet voice came from behind Jun Wei, "Big Bro Jun Wei, you are here"

Jun Wei turned around on hearing this voice and saw a face full of innocence and beauty. Her long, dark lashes, flawless skin and rosebud lips formed a captivating smile which lit up her entire countenance. She was wearing a dress of pale lavender silk, with a satin ribbon belt lovingly tied, accentuating her dainty waist, adding to her enchanting allure.

"Yue'er, you are also here" Jun Wei nodded and said.

This beautiful girl is the only friend Jun Wei has in the Jun family. Her name is Liu Yu'er. She is not from the Jun family and her origin is unknown. Everyone only knows that she is from a big family outside Yun kingdom. That is why her status in the family is quite high. Many disciples have tried to approach her before but she always has a cold and detached attitude towards others. As for why she is close to Jun Wei, it's because Jun Wei saved her.

**2 years ago**

One day Jun Wei was walking through the back mountain forest after his exercise when he heard a cry. He quickly ran towards that direction and found an extremely beautiful girl lying on the ground. Although she was yet to develop but anyone could see that she would become a beauty who can topple kingdoms when she grows up. Jun Wei noticed that the girl's face was pale and she was unconscious. He quickly approached her and took her pulse. Jun Wei was a doctor in his previous life so it was easy to determine the cause — Poison. He quickly looked through her body and found a bite mark on her ankle. She might be bitten by a poisonous snake not long ago. But the problem is even if he was a doctor, this is a different world. This world do not have medicines but pills and he doesn't have any detoxification pills on him. He doesn't even have money to buy it. Moreover, it will be late if he goes looking for help. He quickly concluded that the only way to save her is sucking the poison out of her body. The poison hasn't spread much and is concentrated on the bitten part.

"Miss, Offended" Jun Wei whispered and put his mouth on her ankle. Her skin was soft and had a sweet smell which caused Jun Wei to be flustered for a while. Afterall this was his first time doing such acts to a woman. 'No, I am just saving life' Jun Wei steeled himself and started sucking the poison out. The bitter taste of poison lingered in his mouth when he started the process. he spat out the poison blood everytime and in less than 10 minutes, all the poison was eliminated. But Jun Wei wasn't feeling well. Although he didn't swallow the poison, it still affected him.