
Married to my worst nightmare

Hey, you don’t go! Please wait and read this… Calla and Davis attended the same high school, while Calla was shy and kept to herself, Davis was popular amongst the students. Someone discovered Davis’s secret while in school, For his secret to be kept, Davis had to make Calla’s life miserable. Because of the way she was treated and humiliated by Davis, Calla swore to exact revenge on him no matter the cost. Six years after high school graduation, Calla and Davis got into an arranged marriage. Calla was no longer who she was back in high school, she was now the most feared and respected killer in the underworld, and she was ruthless, She killed without remorse, and she made sure to use the most torturous way possible! Calla could have objected to the marriage but she opted to marry him, she saw that as an opportunity to get revenge on him. Davis on the other hand secretly arranged the marriage between them so he could make it up to her for the way he had treated her in high school. He kept asking for her forgiveness but she told him the reason she had married him was simply to get revenge on him. A few days into their marriage, Calla was given a task by her boss, the grandmaster which was to make Davis fall in love with her within ninety days and get some files from him that would ruin his life and that of his family forever, Calla loved the idea because that way, she could get her revenge and also accomplish her task. According to Calla, what keeps her going is her desire for revenge… What do you think would happen to these two enemies? Find out by adding the novel to your collection. Disclaimer: The book cover is not mine, if the original owner wants it taken down, it would be taken down.

Perfect_praize · Thành thị
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53 Chs

Mrs Williams

She walked to the bathroom with pride on her face, she would show him she wasn't scared of him anymore.

Davis stood there with a smirk on his lips, this girl had really changed, she wasn't that scared little high school girl who couldn't defend herself anymore.

He was going to see if this was just a charade, or she had really toughened up.

When she came out of the bathroom, she saw him busy with his laptop on his lap. He seemed engulfed in his work that he didn't notice when left the room.

She went downstairs, she saw two maids discussing about plans for dinner. She walked up to them.

When they saw her, they bowed to her as a sign of respect. She simply nodded at them, and they stood up straight.

"What do you have in mind for dinner?." She asked Nina, the head chef.

"Italian sausage and white bean stew." She replied, wondering if the master's wife would like it.

"Does your boss like it?."

Nina nodded.

"He loves it so much." Lola, the younger maid responded happily, she looked cheerful, Calla thought of making her, her personal maid.

Calla, thought about it for a moment.

She loved eating Italian dishes but for the fact that it was also Davis favorite food, she frowned, she couldn't bear having anything in common with him.

Upon seeing her new madam's expression, Nina was really worried, so, she asked.

"Don't you like the dish, ma'am?, we could prepare something else for you."

Calla was deeply touched by Nina's concern for her. She smiled warmly at her.

"I love Italian food, Nina, you can prepare it."

Nina was so happy hearing Calla's response. She was about rushing to the kitchen to start cooking the meal, but Calla held her back.

"I will prepare dinner."

What she said shocked both Nina and Lola. She wanted to cook dinner?

None of the Williams ever cooked, if the boss found out, she would be punished severely including Lola.

"Ma'am, if the boss found out you cooked, he would punish me." She sounded really terrified.

"And me." Lola added sadly.

"Am the madam of the house, am Mrs Williams, aren't I ?."

They nodded slowly.

"Great, so if I say I want to cook dinner, then no one can stop me, and no one would punish you for letting me cook dinner in my own home, do you understand?."

"Yes Ma'am." They responded in unison.

They didn't dare say a word to dissuade her from cooking anymore, because the gentleness that was once in her eyes had been replaced by a cold and fierce look that scared them as much as that of their boss.

Seeing that they weren't going to stop her from cooking anymore, she walked towards the kitchen with a look of triumph clearly written on her face.

Before she could enter into the kitchen, a hand grabbed her arm.

She froze.

Who dare hold her back?

Then she smelled his familiar scent, he had a unique scent that no one else had. The very scent that gave her nightmares, how could she forget?.

His hand on her arm brought back painful memories. She shut her eyes, she couldn't cry, the memories didn't hurt her like before.

When she opened them, there nothing but pure hatred in them.

She slowly turned around. "Let go of my arm." She said the words slowly and in a tone that was as cold as ice.

Those who heard it felt goosebumps crawled up their spine, but Davis didn't even budge.

"I want to talk to you, in my study." He said in a calm tone that annoyed her. Why was he suddenly talking to her in such a calm manner?. She preferred he talked to her rudely in order to make her hatred for him grow stronger.

"Maybe after am done preparing dinner." She retained her cold tone.

"It's our first time together, you don't have to cook." Her said, glancing at Lola and Nina with a cold expression.

They shivered, they were going to be punished for sure.

Was this man being nice to her, but why?, she thought. She had to find out.

"I will cook and it's final." She said and entered the kitchen.

He followed her.

"If you must cook, then I will help you."

She was flabbergasted by his words.

Was he really going to help her with the cooking, and when did he learn how to cook?.

"You don't have to do that, Nina will help me out." She didn't want to be in the kitchen with him, she wouldn't be able to concentrate on the food.

Why, because she hated him?.

No, because he looked so damn hot in casual pants and rolled up sleeves, not to mention the cute pink apron he was wearing.

"I am your husband, so I should be the only one helping you out with anything."

Calla "…"

What has gotten over this man? Why was he suddenly acting all romantic all of a sudden.

"Do you even know how to cook?." She asked in a challenging tone.

He smiled, "am good at everything."

"Yeah, especially in bullying." She couldn't stop the words from coming out of her mouth.

She saw hurt clearly evident on his face, but it disappeared immediately as if it wasn't there in the first place.

She didn't know why she suddenly felt bad about what she said, hadn't she been praying for such an opportunity to get back at him all her life, so what happened now?. She couldn't tell.

He didn't say any more words, so they cooked the rest of the meal in awkward silence. They only spoke few words when she wanted him to wash the vegetables or help her with something else.

Nina and Lola didn't hear the discussion between the couple after they entered into the kitchen, so they only gossiped about what happened in their presence.

"The new madam is nice, but she's so cold towards the boss, I think she doesn't like him." Lola said after they were both sure their boss couldn't hear them talking.

"Don't be silly, would she get married to the boss if she didn't like him?."

What she said made sense to Lola, she responded, "that's true, she must love him, but I believe the boss truly loves her, he even decided to help her with the cooking, he had never done that before."

"Yeah. I hope he doesn't punish us."

Nina knew Davis was heartless, he would definitely punish them for this, but she could only hope.

Lola nodded, "me too."