

How would it be if a girl married to seven men? Will she get the love she never had? Will her love life have a happy start? This story is about my female lead where she survives the cruel world....

DaoistZvRJ2x · Nhóm âm nhạc
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2 Chs


A night sky, busy road, buyers here and there, problems everywhere, who cares. A girl around eighteen entered 'Granny Rice' shop. " Ajusshi , Good evening" , she said. An old man around his 60's replied ," Oh, Y/N you came. I will bring my special today." He came with a big bowl of noodles and sat in front of her.

" How is it?"

" Hmmm... Yum Yum Yum tasty."

" I know. Are you eating properly. You have become skinner that the last time I saw you."

" I am eating well. I had lots of commitments and I just got free from those."

" I still don't understand why you don't want the world to know you are Tack07? You are famous. There are millions of people out there who want to see you just once n their life. Your music , your novels gave hope for them to live. It makes them feel happier. "

" I already told you jaja, I am not ready. Its only been a year since I entered this arena. I want to position myself first. "

" I heard you got into university. So how's it."

" I am majoring cooking. I don't know how it's going to go."

" You are the youngest lawyer in UK, you are already an artist , You are a composed, a writer and what not. And now you want to learn cooking which you are already good at."

" Ahh jaja please. I told you I did those thing for my survival. And I want to learn cooking since I want to do more recipe's. "

" Till what age are you going to work. Spare time for you. In you age I already had a lover."

" I don't want it now jaja. Who will love someone like me? And how will I know that he will not abandon me like my parents did? "

"You are loved by millions Y/n. I am sure the god will give you a life with lots of love. Till now you struggled a lot. Now it time for you to relax. By the way what happened to your job interview?"

" Well the interview is tomorrow and I am not in urge to get the job. Its just a cover for my identity."

" Hmmm. My wife's anniversary is around the corner. Come like always."

" You don't need to remind me. I will be there even if you are not." , she fined her supper. " OK jaja, I will get going. Will visit you later."

" Always sassy. Before you go, here take this bag. I made side dishes and packed it. Keep it in the fridge and have it when you are hungry. Don't skip your meals. Okay."

" Aye Aye captain. Bye bye. "

" Bye"

After she left, " God, let Y/N have lots of love and let her enjoy her life in peace".