
Chapter 217 First Day At Work

    Stepping out of the car, I got into the organization without Mr David this time. It was still difficult addressing him as my father even if I now knew the truth. It's a gradual process, and with time I would alearn to accept him fully as my father. I'm so lucky he's very patient with me.

The last time we were here together, he had introduced me to a couple of friends and I had gotten this job cause they said I was more than qualified. This is 'Alpho inc' the third largest tech company in the world.

   I couldn't believe it, my dreams were actually becoming reality. Later on I and Mr David have to visit the court, he said he has some important stuff he wants us to do there. I was so curious to know what it was.

   My shoes clicked the floor as I got into the 30 story building. Alpho is like another world of its own filled with unmatched brains, latest technology and even the yet to be invented projects.

I had a new feeling that was undescribable, a new wave of emotion enloped me, and this time it was not sadness but rather Joy.

   I was happy genuinely happy, "Good morning Madam". The receptionist greeted politely. She's the same person I met the day I came with Mr David and she has been so friendly to me. Since my arrival in London, I was always surrounded with positivity. No negative energy around me, most times I even forget that I'm pregnant and do some crazy things.

   "Hello, good morning!" "First day of work Is it!' she smiled for me to nod politely. "I see, good luck working here. And welcome once again Madam!" She said arranging some files but that didn't mean her gaze was not on me as she talked. "Thank you".

    "Gina, why keep your beautiful Boss waiting let her in!" A brown haired man spoke from behind. I didn't seen this face the day I was here, but he was extra handsome. Maybe in the Alex range.....

   If I was to rate him a 100%, then he should be in the 95% range cause his hair colour. "Yes sir!" Gina arranged her files and quickly give me my ID and a key to my office.

   "Please come with me, Miss Hazel!" I smiled slightly with a nod and went in with him. "I'm Falcon Dion, Mr Dion's son!" He introduced himself as we both stepped into the elevator. "Nice to meet you Mr Falcon, I'm Hazel Huxley!" 

   "I already know that, you're quite popular in this country!" He smiled. "Popular?.... Hmm, In this organization or in the whole of London?" He smiled. "Aren't you the ex wife of our famous Mr Wilson?

   I was agape at his words, how did he know? Alex made sure no one took pictures of us except of course the private photographer we hired. "Don't worry, only I know about this. I happened to be present at your wedding ceremony!" I felt relieved at his words at the same time cautious. It's a good thing no one else knows about me. I had to cut whatever it is I have with the Wilson's, I was done with everything about them.

    "Such a short time to get divorced, three months is it?" "I believe my private life is not part of the job right? I smiled.

   There's no way I would let an outsider know things about me. I hated it when people try to intrude into my personal life, let the dead be dead to me. I can't believe I once had a thing for that monster, how foolish of me.

    "I'm so sorry, I've let my curiosity taken the better of me!" "That's alright!' walking with Falcon as we got out of the elevator didn't mean I was blind to see the glares coming from all angle were the ladies were and I enjoyed it.

     Walking further we arrived before a glass room, more like an office but was made of glass, "This is your office, right next to mine over there. Don't hesitate of you need anything!" He gestured his hands to me and I handed my keys over to him.

    Inserting the key in, the door clicked open and we both stepped in. I was awestruck by how beautiful my office was. It was more beautiful than all of my imaginations, I never imagined my office to be this large and beautiful, this was more than gorgeous.

I should laugh at Alex's face when next i see him for thinking I was not qualified to get a job. I smiled at that thought as if I would see him again. Slowly my smile fell and a tinge of sadness covered my heart which I was quick to shake off.

   "The glass is an electric switchable glass, as your privacy is highly demanded since you'd be doing lots of confidential work!" He winked and I knew what he was getting at. "That will not be happening!"

   "You remind me so much of my mother, I'm sure she would love you. Remind me to do some introductions nexttime!" "Alright!

     "Friends?" He brought his hands out for a hand shake, "That's not how it's done, you need to earn it!" "I'll have that in mind!" He smiled deeping his hands into his pocket before leaving. I let out a sigh once he was gone and closed my door before turning the glass blurry. I wouldn't want someone invading my privacy, besides I needed some time to celebrate my new life.

   I've got everything I've ever wanted, Mr David said he was going to get mum back. My real Father is a wealthy man, I have a nice paying job and my babies are fine what's the worst that can happen.

    There was a knock on my door almost immediately, "Come in!" A blonde haired man walked in. "Hello Madam, I'm Bianca Garrett your P.A!" He said.

    "Okay... Hello Bianca!" "Well, I'm here to inform you about the knew board meeting in about an hour for your formal introduction to all the staff members and also the introduction of the new product with the 'Comigo inc'. Bianca stated placing a file on my desk.

    "We have a partnership deal with them? "Yes, Mr Dion arranged a meeting with them in three weeks time. And you'd be the one making the deal with them. All you have to do is sign here and there in agreement to this offer!" He used his had gesture to show me where to sign.

     "The Comigo's?" The name sounded so familiar, but I just couldn't figure out where I've heard that name before. "Yes madam, they're the leading tech company now and it's a huge deal. Mr Dion doesn't want anything to go wrong!"

    "You know we've actually been pursuing this deal for three years now!" "Then why handing over such a huge deal to me?"

    "He thinks you're the best person that can handle this!" Bianca smiled. I took out a pen and signed the deal. "Thank you ma'am, I'd keep you updated about the upcoming meeting!" He walked out.

    First day and I already have a huge task at hand. I haven't made any deal before so how I'm I supposed to carry this one out? Here I was thinking i had nothing to worry and this comes up.