
Chapter 159 Golden Bells 8




My eyes met his black eyes, and I noticed his hair which was properly styled, different from the usual Alex work hair style or his indoor hair which i loved the most. He wore a black suit that suits him perfectly.

Now that I've seen him, I couldn't get my eyes off him. It was like I was hypnotized by him, or the world just vanished in a way that he was the only bright light that shown brighter than the rest. With every step I took, I could feel my heart beating really fast.

Alex had a delicate smile on his lips, as his gaze never left mine. Handing the bouquet over to Sage, I stood before him.

 Right then I cared about nothing else except the man before me, which had me wondering if he felt the same way.

The priest beside us was an advanced gray haired man performing the ceremony, "You can all sit!" With his words, everyone sat down and the ceremony began.

     Alex stared into her blue innocent eyes the Vail was a transparent one making him able to see her beautiful face. He had missed her so much, giving her all of his attention as if every other thing in the room did not matter anymore.

He could see how nervous his dauntless wife was and he chuckled. "You look beautiful!" He whispered for only her to hear and Hazel blushed even more.

"It's time for the vows!" The priest words brought them out of their trance state. "Do you both promise to honour and care for each other, to love and cherish each other all the days of your life till death do you part?" "We do!" Both couples answered.

The priest took the ring from Lukas as he stated, "Let this ring be a symbol of your love and commitment to each other, now repeat after me....!" "I Alex, promise to always love and support you, in sickness and in health till death do us part!" He placed the ring halfway on her fingers, staring at her.

"I can't promise to never hurt you, cause most times even the best of intentions fall short. But I promise to always reach for you over my pride, to hold you, heal you and to seek forgiveness!" He placed the ring fully with a smile. A smile that made her tender heart skip on bits.

It was funny that I was the only person who understood what he was talking about. But it didn't look like he was done, "That's how much I love you Hazel!" At his words my heart felt like it was about to be pulled from my chest. He let my hands go still staring at me.

"Hmmm!" I cleared my throat. "Now miss Hazel please repeat after me!" "I Hazel promise to always love and support you. I get to laugh with you and cry with you, to care for you and share with you. I get to build with you and live with you even if sometimes you're a bit unbearable!" I smiled to here the congregations soft laughter.

"I get to have you as the one person I'll spend the rest of my life with, to be there for you and support you in sickness and in health till death do us part!" I placed the ring on his fingers. "I love you!" That came as a whisper and I let his hand go.

"Is there anyone present who would like to oppose to these union, speak now or forever hold you peace!" Since no one was bold enough to speak up....

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride!" At the words of the priest, Alex took off the Vail, he held my chin and his soft lips pressed against mine and I could feel him sliding his tongue into my mouth. Our tongue meet for the briefest moment before pulling away.

With flushed face we faced the congregation with our hands intwined together. I and Alex were married, it's not like we weren't married before, but I felt closer to Alex than before. N

I could see the faces of everyone, most people smiled while some didn't even bother to hide their distaste. There were some familiar distant faces, and then my family with my father winking at me with a mischievous grin planted on his lips. I shifted my gaze away from him quickly, waving the thought off my mind. I got irritated by his presence.

There was Carie who hugged immediately, congratulating me. She looked beautiful in her biedge pink dress whish hid her little bay bump. I could see the awkward silence between she and Lukas when he came to congratulate us.

Mother hugged me too, that also includes father and grandma. My family were there too to congratulate us, and I musttered a fake smile at them. It was time for pictures and we went out to get wonderful pictures with most people.

Especially close relations and family friends. Underneath my smile, there was sadness. Sadness my mum was not here with me, I haven't seen her or aunt Amelia anywhere.

After the pictures, I went in to change for the reception along side Alex, who has not stopped smiling since the wedding at the church. Alice came in immediately, adding some little touches on my face to make me look as natural as possible. 

She left when she was done. Now I have the closet to just I and Alex before Darla arrives, I had to tell him what I wanted to say. "You said my mother would be here, I haven't seen her!" I went straight to the point. Alex promised to let me see mum if we get married in the church but I haven't seen her.

This was not the wedding I planned for, my mother being absent was not my dream wedding.

"You'd see her soon!" He assured me walking up to me, his hands grabbed my waist tenderly as he pulled me to himself. Alex tilted his head for a kiss, but I stopped him halfway, "I need to see my mother Alex, you can't make me forget this time!" I pulled his hands off my waist and sat before my dressing mirror waiting for Darla to arrive.

As predicted, Darla walked in immediately and Alex left the closet without another word. "Congratulations Mrs Wilson!" Darla congratulated along with her assistance, Jenet and Evan. "Thank you!"

They brought in the next dress, it was black in colour and with their help, I wore it. It was beautiful, I looked completely different from my usual beautiful self. The hair stylist walked in, to change my hair style into something simple, removing all the diamond pins and replacing it with new ones.

We stepped out of the room to the hall, were the reception party took place it's decorations were extravagant as always.

I was about stepping into the hall when someone called, "Hazel!" It was Alex, and I met his gaze. "Please come with me, I have something for you!" He said and I went with him, thinking of what it was he had for me. I used my right hands to hold my dress and my left hands held unto Alex's hands as we walked away.

We got into the hallways before standing in front of a door. I suddenly became anxious, "What is it you want to show me, you can just tell me?" "It's best if you see this yourself!" At his words, he twisted the door knob and pushed it open.

Being a gentle man, he waited for me to get in first which I did and was agape by what or who I saw. I was dumbstruck, my body turned stiff and it seems like time has siezed for the few seconds as my eyes stared at it or them.