
Chapter 123 Lost baby 3

    "We did all we could but I'm afraid we lost the baby!" "What are you talking about doc?" Zan felt her heart fall out. Berverly was sure to kill them now especially her, what would they do now.

   "I would love to see her family members, does she have any?" The doctor asked leading her to his office. "It would be nice not to inform the patient since she's not fully recovered yet!"

   "Doc, I'm her guardian you can tell me what's wrong with her!" Zan knew what Berverly was going through, at least everyone has access to the news around. The last thing they wanted right now was to loose the baby.

  Loosing this child only means a lost battle for the Balowe's. The Wilson's will definitely fight back now and there is nothing the Balowe's can do about it. 

  "Her womb is too soft to hold a child!" The doctor spoke sitting on his chiar as he gestured his hands for zan to sit. "What do you mean Doc?" Zan asked confused. "Miss Balowe's womb is too soft to hold a child, that's why she had a miscarriage and this is the beginning of miscarriages!"

   "I would suggest surrogacy, that's the only alternative of having a child at this moment, does she have a husband maybe we could talk when he gets here for the possible alternative?" He stated rendering Zan speechless. "She doesn't!" Zan said calmly as she left his office.

   She walked back into the room to check up on her madam that just lost her baby. Berverly was still fast asleep when she stepped in. There was no other option than to inform her family members.


   Amelia stepped out of the mansion feeling inferior. She had thought of changing her ways but changing was like turning a car into a bike which is almost impossible. Earlier she was insulted by the same neice she thought she could destroy completely.

   From the look of things, one could tell that the girl was not the same again. But what annoyed her the most was not the humiliation, but the fact that Alex still didn't want to get married to Berverly even after carrying his child. Even after carrying the first heir to the Wilson's empire.

    Amelia was hurt, she couldn't count the humiliation her family was going through. Berverly made a grave mistake doing what she did, but sins can be forgiven. The Wilson's have allies and even if the news spread like wild fire before, people barely talked about them now.

   The blogs carrying the news have taken their post down, they've become laughing stock in the society. She had arrived at Alex's mansion earlier to drive her sister out of the mansion. She should be in Nessa's position, her daughter should have taken Hazel's position by now. 

   Who knew things would turn out this way, who knew Alex liked that whore Hazel this much. She had listened to Berverly's side without learning the actual truth from anyone. Amelia stepped out of the mansion and got into her car when she recieved a call from her daughter.

    "What is it honey!" "Madam it's me Zan!"

   Amelia narrowed her eyes, "what is it Zan, where's Berverly?" Amelia asked impatiently. "She... She's in the hospital ma'am!"

    "What do you mean hospital? What the hell happened to her?" Amelia panicked. "Ma'am the baby... She had miscarriage and....!" "Where the hell is my child Zan? Amelia stepped into her car anxiously. "She's in the hospital ma'am!"

    "Alright, I'm coming over text me the address". At her words, Amelia drove out of the estate heading to the hospital. She didn't know how to handle the information she just got about her daughter.

   Berverly was fine few days ago, so how did she end up losing the child? Was that even possible?


      Sitted in his chair with a liquid in his hands was Alex, who seemed in a terrible mood. Seeing Hazel but not being able to get close to her was frustrating. Alex has been away from the office for a few days now, he left everything in the hands of Ben and the rest in an excuse of him not being mentally capable of handling the company right now.

    His brain calculated the possible way to find her again. Taking his liquid bit by bit, "Sir, your meeting with......". 

     "Get out of my office!" His cold voice echoed without having to look at the man before him. Ben had second thought about this, he didn't know weather to continue talking to his boss or stop talking.

     The ice cold man was back to his original form. The deal Ben had in hand was a massive deal that could help the man in both ways, if only he could just listen to him. "Sir you have a deal to sign with Alpho inc' next week!" Ben took in deep breaths speaking audaciously.

     And his boss met his gaze furiously, Alex looked like he could kill this daring man any minute now. The man was just like a mosquito that will not stop pestering one until it's killed. Pressing his fingers on his forehead frustratedly Alex parted his lips to speak after letting out a sigh, "I told you to leave Ben, this is not how you want to die".

     Ben stared at the man in disbelief. He never thought a woman can actually make this man go this crazy. He had to find a way to make this stubborn Boss of his listen,

    "Sir, I think we found madam working in London!" Ben said to his boss. Alex's ears rose at his words and his doll eyes brightened, this was the best news he has heard in a long time. His lips curved into a smile, the smile that hasn't graced that lips in forever.

 Ben had actually found her location before now, that was his reason of accepting the deal with Alpho inc'.

     "Buy the company Ben and book me the next flight to London!" Ben stared at the man on his sit. "That cannot be possible sir!" Ben blurted out readying himself mentally for the worst.

   "What do you mean?" Alex met his gaze placing his liquid on the table as he stared at the man. He's Alexander Wilson there's nothing in the world he can't buy except of course the one woman that had made him useless.

    "Sir, she's working with the Alpho inc', we have a project with them concerning the lunch of the new product. I think she's the one to make the deal with you!" Benson smiled to still see his boss's rigid expression. It looked like Alex's mood turned from bad to worst.