
Chapter 124 What ??

   "What the fuck are you talking about? How the hell did she start walking for Alpho inc' and who gave you the right to make deals with them?" Alex stared at his assistant with distaste. How could this foolish boy give that deal to Mr Dior his business enemy? And how did his wife start working for them?

   These questions got him more furious that he wanted to strangle Benson with his own hands. How long has he left work for different mistakes to occur. Taking in deep breaths Alex wet his lips with his tongue, "What other foolish mistakes have you made Ben?"

   "None sir, I only.........". 

    "What gave you the right to make decisions without talking to me or my board of directors? "

Those stupid people are not there for showoff, I'm beginning to have second thoughts as to why I hired you!" Alex started.

    "My company cannot labour so hard for years only to give free publicity to those bunch of failures!" Alex spoke furiously.

     "I thought it would be helpful to you and......". "You don't have to be considerate when making a business decision Ben. Now I have to fix your mess". He smacked his table hard causing Ben to flinch a little. "I'm sorry boss".

   Ben knows to apologize immediately, he had not thought things through when he accepted the Alpho inc' deal. Benson was over excited when he found out about his Madam working for Alpho inc' that he thought of nothing else at the moment. All he wanted was to surprise his boss, and arrange for their meeting again, that's all he wanted.


     "That's the best news I've gotten so far!" "I want the best for my daughter". David said sitting on a sit in the restaurant. Both men have been friends from college and it was only right of their families are finally united with their children.

    Dior has a son and he had a daughter.

     "Yes and Falcon seems really interested in the girl, you know it's the first time he's ever wanted something this badly". Dior said smiling at David.

      "It might be difficult to win my Hazel over since she's still inlove with that boy!" "Shouldn't we leave that to my son, it seems you don't know my son has a degree in winning the heart of women!" Both men laughed as David thought about his daughter.

      It was evident she still loved Alex, but he wished he could change or turn her heart against the man. Falcon was a better option to the Wilson's, he was ready to father the children which would not be a problem since Alex knows nothing about the pregnancy.

      "He took in a sip of his soda water staring at no direction at all. "I need a favour from you!" David spoke this time. "Anything for you my friend!"

     "I need to find out who Xavier Gale is!"


     Amelia arrived at the hospital, rushing to the reception, she still could not believe what she heard. If what she heard was true, then it only means their plans with Alex was gone and their family is finally humiliated before everyone in New York.

     How will her husband be able to handle the shame. She had told him not to worry that she would handle everything, but this was beyond her reach.

    "I'm here for Miss Berverly Balowe!" Amelia spoke to the receptionist. "Yes ma'am, please come with me!"

     Arriving at the private ward were Berverly was placed, she found her daughter crying on the bed. "Berverly..."