
Married by first sight

Summer Cale just got out of a relationship with her jerk boyfriend who left her for another girl after she had sponsored him through law school for five years. Little did she know that pretending to be a CEO's wife would uncover a lot of secrets.

CaseeJopen · Thành thị
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18 Chs

Kidnapped Again

As Summer's eyes fluttered open, she found herself bound to an iron chair in an unfamiliar location. Where was she? Panic surged through her as she struggled against the restraints, that bound her hands and legs to the chair. Beside her, her grandfather was also bound to a chair unconscious, a sight that sent waves of dread over her. She tried to free herself, but to no avail. Suddenly, Nancy emerged from the shadows. With a wicked smile, she taunted,

    "You thought I could trust you? Let me guess, you told Christian, right?" Summer's heart sank. "But, there's no way your prince charming is gonna save you out here." Nancy continued. She knew Summer would tell Chris, so, she tricked her into coming there, then bringing her to another location.

    "Please, Nancy, let Grandpa go. This is between us, I beg you." Summer pleaded. Nancy's response was swift and cruel, with a sharp slap across Summer's face, she sneered,

    "Stop acting like you care about the old man. I know you just want the money and both of you are going to die today."

    "Christian will haunt you till the day you die if you do this," Summer's protests were met with mocking laughter from Nancy.

     "Maybe, maybe not. Let's see how much trouble he'll go through for a ruined slut," Nancy snapped her fingers, two menacing figures walked into the room, their presence sending a shiver down Summer's spine. With a defiant glare, Summer warned,

    "If you touch me, I'll..."

Before she could finish her threat, Nancy cut her off with a cold laugh.

    "You what? Gut them? Stab them? Cut off their balls? I don't think so." She laughed, holding a sharpened knife.

    "Cut her loose," she ordered. The man scoffed, glancing nervously at Summer.

    "What if she runs?" he countered. Nancy's smile widened, and she pressed the blade of her knife against Mr. Reeve's neck.

    "Then Grandpa will find out just how sharp this knife is," she threatened. The man's laughter filled the room as he finally relented, cutting the ropes that bound Summer to the chair.

     "Whatever Nancy is paying you, I'll double it, I'll triple it," she said, trying to aee if she could buy her way out of this mess. Hesitated, then shrugged

    "I like money, honey, but I love women more," he sneered, his eyes leering hungrily at Summer. "Strip down and show me what you're working with."

Summer's eyes widened in horror at the degrading command. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Strip? Nancy was out of her mind.

    "You heard him. Take off your clothes you bitch!" Nancy yelled. Sensing her reluctance, she pressed the knife to Mr Reeve's neck. "Three, two ..."

    "I'll do it!" Summer said, then stood up and began taking off her jacket, very slowly. The man lost his patience.

    "Fuck this, I don't have all day." The man moved quickly towards her, but Summer was quicker. She kicked him in the gut and wrapped her jacket around his neck, forcing him to the ground, gagging.

    "Let him go or the old man is dead." Nancy said angrily.

    "Put the knife down or I will break his neck!" Summer threatened. She was not going to back down easily. Nancy stared at her hatefully. The man struggled to get free.

    "What are you doing? Put the... knife down you...you crazy bitch." He managed to say. Nancy threw the knife to the floor. She screamed.

     "You useless piece of junk!."

The other man, who stood guard at the door, suddenly began to fret. There was commotion in the other rooms. He peeped out to check and gasped in horror.

    "Christian Norton and his boys are here!" He said in fear. Christian, finally! Sensing a loose in her grip around his neck, the man got free of the jacket and held her around her neck.

    "Christian Norton? Who the hell is she Nancy?"

    "Where did you put her phone?" Nancy asked.

    "I dumped it downstairs at the entrance."

    "You idiot!" Nancy growled.

    "Who the hell is she? Why is Christian Norton here for her? You told me she was just a country girl from the farm." The man protested. He was in big trouble if he messed with A Norton and he knew it.

    "I'm his wife, if you let me go now, it'll all be over." Summer said.

   "You think Christian will let you off easy. We'd better finish what we started, kill them both!" Nancy offered. This was everything she wanted. To get her revenge and end Summer. It was finally happening.

    "Christian! Chris..." Summer tried screaming, but the man covered her mouth.

    "Light it up" he ordered, then threw Summer to the ground. She fell and hit her head on the wooden pillar in the room. "Back door, now!" The two men fled, Nancy, with a cocky smirk, walked out of the room. They set the room on fire as they left. Seconds later Chris came into the smoke-filled room, his boys, close behind him.

    "Summer, Summer..." He rushed to her lying on the floor.

    "Save grandpa first." She said, then blacked out.

Summer woke up in her hospital bed, she felt a wave of relief wash over her. She touched her head. The dizziness was fading. Her gaze drifted to the figure sleeping beside her, and a soft smile graced her lips as she reached out to gently touch Chris's hair. Chris stirred awake with a smile, his eyes filled with concern.

    "Babe, I was so worried about you. You were out for two days. I was losing it," he said, his voice filled with relief. Summer returned his smile, grateful for his presence by her side.

    "I'm just happy that no one got hurt," she replied softly, her eyes reflecting her gratitude. "Where's Grandpa?" she asked, worried.

    "He's in the other ward, sleeping. He's fine," Chris reassured her, his voice soothing. Summer felt a weight lift from her shoulders at the news. At least her grandfather was safe. Her thoughts then turned to Nancy, the source of their problems.

    "What about Nancy and those men?" she questioned, her expression serious. Chris's gaze hardened at the mention of Nancy.

    "I took care of those animals, but Nancy got away. I have to stay close from now on. She has clearly lost her mind. There's no telling what she's going to do next," he declared.

    "We have to stop her once and for all.  she added. Chris nodded in agreement.

Vincent was in a motel, planning his next course of action on what to do with the money when he heard a knock on the door.

"Open up." The person outside spoke. His heart pounded in his chest as he heard a familiar voice outside his door, he approached the door and opened it, revealing the shadowy figure standing before him, wearing a hoodie.

"Who are you and what do you want?" He asked.

"Don't you recognize the voice of the love of your life?" As the figure spoke, Vincent's blood ran cold. It couldn't be...

"Nancy?" She removed her hoodie, revealing her face. Before he could react, Nancy revealed her hands, holding a knife and stabbed him. The blade sliced through him, piercing his flesh with pain. He cried out in agony as Nancy pushed him back into the house, the cold steel of the knife pressing into his stomach.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you alive...at least for a little while," Nancy said as she leaned in close, her eyes gleaming with sinister intent. Vincent dropped to the ground as his eyes closed.