
Married by first sight

Summer Cale just got out of a relationship with her jerk boyfriend who left her for another girl after she had sponsored him through law school for five years. Little did she know that pretending to be a CEO's wife would uncover a lot of secrets.

CaseeJopen · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Getting out of hand

Vincent woke up screaming in pain as Nancy poured a bottle of alcohol onto the wound she had inflicted on him. The sting of the liquid seared through his body, and he stared at her with wide, terrified eyes. She watched him writhe in pain, enjoying the sight.

    "Nancy?" he gasped, barely able to speak through the agony. Nancy's expression was a cruel smile.

    "Now you know how it feels to be kicked to the curb like a street rat," she hissed. Vincent shook his head frantically, desperation flooding his voice.

    "I'll give you back the money. I'll do whatever you want....please just, just let me go." Nancy gasped, mocking his feeble state. They would all rue the day they crossed her.

    "I'm a dead woman walking...what do I need money for?" Nancy asked.

    "Nancy, I love you, I'll marry you." Vincent began. Nancy hmmed and oohed at his disgusting offer. "We can get married. We can go back to my hometown. I've always loved you," he pleaded, a desperate smile on his face. Nancy shook her head, her smile never wavering.

    "You would say anything to live, wouldn't you?" she said. Vincent tried to protest further, but his words were cut off as Nancy stabbed the knife into his wound again. He screamed in agony, his vision blurring with tears. She didn't stop, the blade plunging into him over and over, each strike more vicious than the last.

    "Don't worry," Nancy whispered, her face close to his as she delivered the final blows. "I'll send Summer to hell so you can spend your forever with her there." With one last, brutal stab, she took the knife embedded in his body and stood up, watching as Vincent closed his eyes, struggling to breathe. Nancy left the room, the sound of his ragged breaths fading as she disappeared into the night.

Days later, Summer and Mr. Reeve finally return home from the hospital. The weariness of the past few days weighed heavily on them. Summer helped Mr. Reeve to a couch in their living room, carefully supporting him as he sat down. 

    "Grandpa, I am so sorry for all of this," she said, her voice trembling. Mr. Reeve shook his head gently.

    "No, don't worry. Did they find her yet?" Summer glanced at Chris, who was standing at the door, his face set in a grim expression. She turned back to her grandfather.

    "No, we haven't, but we will." Just then, Chris's phone rang. He answered it quickly, his face tightening with concern as he listened. He ended the call with a nod, his eyebrows etching into a deep frown. Summer noticed the worried look on his face.

    "What is it?" she asked, her heart pounding. Chris took a deep breath.    

    "Vincent has just been found murdered in his motel room."

Summer gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. "It was Nancy, wasn't it?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Chris nodded, his expression grave.

    "Yes, it seems like it. We have to find her immediately before she does something far worse." Summer nodded in agreement. She stood up and took Chris's hand.

    "Let's go."They exchanged a brief look and then turned to Mr. Reeve. "We'll be back soon, Grandpa," Summer promised, her voice firm despite the fear she felt. Mr. Reeve nodded, his eyes reflecting his worry but also his trust in them.

    "Be careful," he said quietly. Summer and Chris hurried out of the house. They knew they had to find Nancy before it was too late

Nancy arrived at The Cale's house, the door was open so she stepped in. Sheila was dusting the chairs while Grey sat in his favorite chair, eyes glued to the television, puffing a cigarette. Sheila turned around, hearing the door creak.

"Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Cale," Nancy said, her voice carrying a mix of forced cheerfulness. "Or should I say, Mom and Dad?" Sheila's face lit up with surprise.

"Nancy? It's our daughter, Nancy!" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with joy as she turned to Grey. Grey, shifting his gaze from the TV, looked at Nancy with a curious glint in his eyes.

"My darling daughter, huh? You came by with no gift. I thought The Reeves taught you better." He turned back to the TV. Nancy rolled her eyes but quickly hid her irritation.

"Actually, I have a favor to ask from you." Sheila nodded eagerly, "Anything, hun. What do you need?" Nancy's tone became earnest.

"I really need to talk to Summer."

Sheila's expression dimmed. "Summer cut us off. She won't speak to any of us, except her brother, Ben." Nancy's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Then ask for his help. I'll give you two million."

At the mention of money, Grey's demeanor changed instantly. He looked at Nancy, his eyes widening with greed.

"Two million?" Nancy nodded. "Yes, the Reeves gave me two million, and you can have it all because that's what a good daughter does."

Sheila couldn't contain her excitement. She rushed to Nancy and enveloped her in a hug, squealing with joy. Grey's face split into a wide grin. "Of course, we'll call him." He turned towards the staircase and bellowed, "Ben Cale, get your ass down here at once!" Nancy smiled tightly,

"And don't mention my name. I need to keep this as a surprise." She smiled. Grey nodded, his mind clearly already on the money. "Whatever you say."

Summer received a call on her phone. It was Ben. She hesitated for a moment before answering. "Hello?"

"Hey, big sis," Ben's voice came through the line. "Mom and Dad want to see you. They want to apologize for everything." Summer's expression hardened.

"They can keep their apology. Just tell them I don't ever want to see them again."

"But I want to see you," Ben said, his voice softer, almost pleading. Summer hesitated. "Okay," she finally replied.

After a moment, she ended the call and turned to Chris, who had been watching her with concern. "What is it?" he asked.

"Ben wants to see me," she said, giving him a knowing look. Chris nodded, understanding immediately.