
Married by first sight

Summer Cale just got out of a relationship with her jerk boyfriend who left her for another girl after she had sponsored him through law school for five years. Little did she know that pretending to be a CEO's wife would uncover a lot of secrets.

CaseeJopen · Thành thị
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18 Chs

He's married?

Penny tapped away at her desk, as usual. Summer walked in, dressed ready for the interview. She couldn't believe she was going to interview her own husband. Well, she saw it more like an opportunity to her to know him better. On business terms, that is. She stopped in front of Penny.

"Good morning ma'am"

Penny didn't answer. She searched for a file on her desk and handed it over to Summer.

"Questions for the interview."

Summer wrinkled her brow. These weren't she questions she submitted the previous day and they were absolutely absurd.

"Uh, what about the list that I handed in yesterday?"

"Those questions weren't approved. Mr Bryant would like you to use this draft." She spat. Summer scoffed, biting her own tongue.

"How wonderful."

Penny rolled her eyes and continued on her computer. Summer walked away rereading the questions. Did Mr Bryant really want her to ask these questions? Oh well.

Chris arrived at the office, exchanging handshakes with board members and the managers as he walked in. Summer ran to hide in the restroom. How did her life become this? How did she go from her boyfriend dumping her to being a CEO's wife. A hot CEO at that. She had to keep her cool. Her cheeks were already flushed from seeing him come in.

"Come on girl, snap out of it. He may be your husband. But he does not love you." she heaved in. That seemed to have gotten her composure back. She stepped out of the rest room to the office they had prepared for the interview. She smiled as she saw him.

"Hi Mr Norton. I'm Summer Cale." They exchanged handshakes. But he didn't let her hand go, he whispered into her ear.

"You look gorgeous."

Summer couldn't control her cheeks turning red again. She lowered her head and pretended to examine the papers on her desk.

"So, I will be hosting a live streaming interview. Shall we begin?" She started. He knew exactly what he did when he said those words. There was nothing more precious than seeing her blush. He had caught a glimpse of her red cheeks from the doorway when he was coming in at first. It made him laugh. She was so beautiful.

"We shall"

She sat behind her desk and Chris sat opposite her. The board of directors were in the other room, watching the interview on the TV. She was so nervous, this was the first time she had ever done something like this. Not to talk of interviewing her own husband who was the CEO of Norton enterprises. This was a lot to take in. But she knew she had to remain composed.

"So, Mr Norton, people have been speculating that you're single all these years because you...like...men" Okay, Summer knew it was bad, but saying it out loud, made it sound even worse. She chuckled nervously and Chris chuckled as well.

"What the hell is wrong with her? This is serious business magazine and she's acting like this?" Bryant complained and other board members started to mumble.

"She's really bad at this." Penny shook her head.

"This is highly unprofessional" A board member expressed his rage. Penny smiled evilly. No way Summer was ever going to recover from that.

"Well, I have a secret for you." Norton just smiled all through. He leaned forward. "I actually just got married recently." he said. Summer blushed again, lowering her gaze to the papers on the desk, making sure on conceal her face beneath her hair. Now she was convinced he knew what he was doing.

"Did you hear that? He just got married." Bryant faced the board and everyone began chatting happily. "Summer might've just scored the biggest exclusive ever. Maybe we could work with this." Bryant said to Penny, happy smiles on his face. Penny fumed. This was supposed to bring Summer down, not lift her up.

Bryant monitored the screen as people commented on the live and sent gifts. "I can't believe it. Our followers are growing like crazy. This is outstanding." he announced. The chatter about Summer's good work grew louder in the room. Penny couldn't take it any more. She stormed out.

Finally, the interview came to an end.

"Thank you so much Mr Norton for joining us today." Summer said. They both stood up and shook hands. Chris whispered.

"I'll pick you up after work"

Summer smiled. Bryant walked into the room and shook Chris hand with a smile. "That was outstanding Mr Norton. And congrats on your marriage."

"You really should thank Miss Cale. It was all her." Chris turned to her, smiling. Summer smiled back.

"Of course." Bryant said, then faced Summer. "You'll be getting a raise." He said then led Chris out of the room. As he left, standing at the door was Penny, arms folded, lips twisted.

"What were those questions today?" Summer asked

"Oh, I'm sorry. I have a hard time hearing sluts" She rolled her eyes all over her. Summer breathed in again, keeping her cool.

"I'm warning you. Stop picking on me or it's war" So what if she was her boss. She couldn't stand anyone oppressing her. She walked away, leaving Penny there, staring at her as she left. She pinched herself hard, knowing she couldn't do anything to Summer, but she would find a way to. Somehow.

Summer arrived at her normal office and everyone clapped and cheered for her. Wow she really didn't expect this much attention from one interview. Mr Norton was really prestigious. She smiled, thanking them all as she sat at her desk. Finally. The worst was behind her. She'd been anxious about the interview since yesterday but it was done finally. Penny was the worst. Those questions could've gone absolutely wrong if she wasn't his wife.

"I hear the interview was a success. Way to go Summer." Jess congratulated her as well. Summer was about to reply and her phone rang. She took a look at it. It was her dad. Okay, her day was officially ruined. What now?

"What do you want dad?"

"Are you stupid? You broke up with Vincent right after he became a lawyer and started making money?"

Not this again. She didn't want to hear Vincent's name again. Talk less of talking about him. Her father only cared about money and cared less about her.

"He cheated on me."

"I don't give a fuck. You come down to the parking lot. Now!"

He ended the call. Summer breathed hard. Today was supposed to be a good day, but no, her dad had to call. She didn't live with her parents, she lived on her own, far away from them. Unfortunately for her, she couldn't move away to another town. Her whole life was here. She knew had to go to the parking lot or there'd be trouble.

"Everything okay, Summer?" Jess asked.

"Yea, I just gotta go take care of something." She got up and left.