
Moving to the Welcher's mansion I

Anaiah tried opening the door once again but it turned futile. She heard footsteps approaching and quickly hid behind one of the pillars there. She noticed it was the head maid and butler who had something on a tray , squinting her eyes she realized it was a knife and a glass . 'What are they going to do with that 'Anaiah thought having a bad feeling about it . The butler removed a key from his pocket and approached the door in which her mother resided. 'Oh no!' Anaiah screamed in her head. They opened the door and entered and she hastily made her way to the door which was fortunately not locked. Upon entering, the butler and the head maid made their way to where Anaiah's mother was lying on a bed with so many tubes connected to her body . "Do you think she would survive "the head maid queried with worry written all over her face.The butler only glared at her and made his way to one of the tube there , pressing on a button the tube came off from the woman's wrist as he walked over to where the maid was and took the knife . Anaiah who wasn't sure of what they were doing only kept quiet and stared at them . Just when the butler directed the knife to her mother's wrist she yelled "Stop right now !". The butler who was about to draw the blood paused and turned to face Anaiah."I'm sorry miss but it's an order from Mr. Jeremy himself that -"the butler tried to explain but Anaiah interjected ."I don't give a damn about some stupid order that psycho has given but for all I know you're not going to cut my mother with that knife!"Anaiah countered with anger evident in her eyes . "Then you leave me with no option then , Cynthia stop her "the butler ordered and the head maid pulled another knife from her waist and directed it towards Anaiah . Anaiah panicked at first but calmed down because she could see the head maid's hand shaking. "We don't have to do this please , my mother's life is at stake"Anaiah pleaded and for a fleeting moment there it looked as if the head maid was going put her hand down at the moment but she shook her head and charged toward her . Anaiah first dodged the woman's attack but didn't notice it when a punch was directed towards her stomach. Clutching her stomach she saw the butler about to draw blood from her mother again when she grabbed the nearest vase on the table and threw it to him which smashed into peices after colliding with his head . The man fell down with a thud sound which distracted the head maid and Anaiah used this opportunity to kick her in the stomach which sent her flying away. "Mother! "Anaiah called and rush to her mother . Maybe this was her only chance of saving her mother from this place. Surged with new hope Anaiah began pulling out all the tubes, " Mother "she called and her mother opened her eyes."A-na go leave me here and ran Ana "her mother countered with half lidded eyes but she shook her head and said "I can't mother I won't be able to live without you ".Anaiah tried helping her mother up but her mother was heavy. "Come on "she encouraged and finally helped her from the bed , even though the woman was reluctant she still stood up and tried walking but she was too weak to move a limb."Well , well what do we have here "Jeremy said from the door and as if Anaiah has seen a ghost her face paled. "You never stop to amuse me Anaiah"Jeremy muttered and snapped his finger and just then his men entered the room and separated Anaiah from her mother harshly. "You never told me that you were leeching on my mother's blood! it was never part of our deal!"Anaiah countered trying to wiggle out of the tight embrace of one of her father's men . Jeremy gave furrowed his brows as if he was contemplating whether he told her or not ."I didn't , ah it might've escaped me I'm sorry if I didn't but now you know".he commented and and flashed her an eerie smile ."You're going to kill her if you do this you psycho you're already damaging her system by keeping her in this machine "Anaiah said still trying to wiggle out of the man's embrace. Jeremy gave her a blank stare before grabbing her and turning her to face her mother ."How about we make it simple and less tolerable by making you see how they'll slice your mother's skin to draw blood from her "Jeremy proposed and nodded for the men to start. 'How is this tolerable , this man is insane !'."Please don't do this father please"Anaiah pleaded with tears in her eyes." Oh no baby don't cry "he whispered trying to wipe her tears but Anaiah pulled her head away ."Start"Jeremy ordered the men who held the struggling woman's wrist and sliced it . "No!"Anaiah screamed and elbowed her dad before kneeing him in his groin and then rushed to her mother but the men didn't allow her . Jeremy groaned in pain as he gritted his teeth feeling fed up with Anaiah's antics he held her head and slammed her to the wall which made her pass out .

In one of the most prestigious hotels in the country sat three men with their wine glasses in their hands. Amongst them was Kaden and Tristan with another guy and in front of them stood women who's clothes barely covered their bodies and were dancing. "I never pecked you to be the first to get married among us "Tristan muttered swirling his wine. "Me too I thought you would never get married and even of you ever it would be Mia not some random girl who is even a human "the other guy who was called Troy stated . Kaden only directed a glare towards them before downing done his wine in one go. "It's a fake marriage to attain the throne and all my possession's" Kaden muttered before standing up and waving his hand at one of the women who quickly giggled and followed him .