
Contract Marriage III

Jeremy Chuckled and let go of her hand before they all walked out of the place . When they got back to the mansion she stood in front of the mirror and stared at her reflection. Her cheek was swollen for being slapped twice .She sighed and threw her purse on the couch before slumping on the bed. She couldn't even believe that her life changed overnight , she chuckled painfully and shut her eyes when she felt it sting . 'I'm not going to cry' she muttered shutting her eyes tightly and even forgetting to change her dress.

she jolted awake when she heard the door being opened. Anaiah frowned staring at her father. 'What was he doing in the middle of the night in her room '. Anaiah heart started beating when she thought about what he might doing in her room but she still calmed her heart down .Jeremy's brows were creased as he walked to her and questioned"What exactly happened when you both went to the bathroom, don't even think about lying to me"he warned sternly. Anaiah rubbed her eyes confused 'Why is he asking me now when he had all the time from that place to this place to do so ,plus it's too early to start some useless banter'. "4:30am"she mumbled checking the time ."Nothing that would help you get your lost heart back! "she retorted angrily. She knew for sure that Kaden was not getting married to her because of her beauty because he was already in love with someone else. He was only being selfish by agreeing on a contract marriage."Hmm that was quite harsh , it seems you've forgotten that your mother is in my clutches"he countered walking to her and Anaiah moved away. "Sometimes you make me wonder whether you had a heart all those years that you were with us it seems there's no difference between then and now "she said glaring at him with tears in her eyes that refused to fall. Jeremy's eyes hardened but he didn't say anything and threw something on the bed."What exactly happened to you in the past three years, how come now you've turned into a complete monster!!"she yelled. Her dad was bad back then but she knew that some way or the other he always regretted what he did to her mother. But right now there was no remorse on his face and his eyes also seems hollow as if he was a living corpse."Shut up!!"he snarled ."That's the knife and the potion that you're going to use to kill Kaden take it and keep it in your things "Jeremy ordered ."No no I can't do this , I can't kill him find somebody else !"Anaiah cried . "You have to you dumb girl and remember I'm not giving you a choice plus I've already started your mother's machine "he paused Anaiah gasped shaking her head and he smiled before adding "There's no need to shed tears on this darling , the machine works very slowly so it won't affect her but remember the further you delay the further she dies ". He gave her one last glance before walking out of the room . Anaiah just clenched her fist as she stared at the potion and the knife on the bed .' This man is a psycho !"She screamed in her head ."I can't get married to Kaden just to kill him "Anaiah mumbled. Sh quickly stood up and entered the bathroom to freshen up and slipped into more comfortable clothes. She peeked out of her room first before completely opening the door . she needed to go to that room that her mother was in . Her bare feet padded on the cold floor as she made her way in the hallway to the room her mother was kept in . Upon reaching the door she found it surprising that the handle of the door looked completely different from the first one . She tried opening it and realized it was locked"That damn man !"she mumbled. How was she going to get in now .

Edward was seen pacing back and forth on his room as he still didn't understand why Kaden chose Anaiah instead. " Why did he have to choose that human !"He seethed in anger and his wife rolled her eyes . They all knew how Kaden was they saw him when he was growing up and how mysterious he was even then they couldn't fathom the meaniing of some of his behaviors how much more now . "I don't think that's the right thing to ask now "His wife relayed. "What then should I do then !"He seethed annoyed . "Calm down first , our only option now is to use our trump card "she muttered standing up . Edward narrowed his eyes and queried "And what is that ?". "Reece"she muttered smiling .