
Didn't have a choice III

'Mom is here' she thought and rushed to the bathroom to get ready, she needed to make sure that her psycho of a father doesn't hurt her mom. Quickly rushing out of the bathroom, she slipped into one of the many dresses there and just tied her hair in a ponytail. Her hair was dripping wet but she didn't care, she didn't know how her dad turned into a vampire all of a sudden and was scared that he might hurt her mom. When Jeremy heard the hurried footsteps from the stairs, he smiled proudly at how Anaiah was looking.She was dressed in an expensive knee length gown which fits her upper body and reveals her beautiful round bosoms and was flare from her waist to her knee. Even though she hadn't intended to look this beautiful she was really glowing. Her wet hair alone made her breath taking.Anaiah hurriedly walked to her mother when she spotted her with a worried expression. Her mom stood up half way to the table and hugged her."My love ,are alright?" her mother whispered still hugging her and Anaiah's eyes teared up, she so much wanted to say no and explain her fears and worries to her but Jeremy looked her right in the eye and smiled and she knew what he meant. He was now a vampire and would hear everything she would say there was no point in whispering and dragging her mother in it. Anaiah returned her gaze back to her mother and forced a smile."I'm fine Mama , see I'm even dressed in a beautiful dress" she countered. Mercy smiled and sat down.

She was very surprised when she saw her ex husband at her door." What brings you here" she asked and he rolled his eyes." You really do hate me for not inviting me in, the Mercy I new would have embraced me and guide me in " he said nonchalantly. Mercy arched a brow at him ignoring what he just said and indicated that she was still waiting for his reply to her first question. Jeremy just smiled and said" Anaiah passed out at the event" he began and paused to see her reaction." What! where's she take me to her right now!" she said worriedly walking out of her house. Jeremy chuckled and said" she's been calling your name since when she woke up and thought of bringing you to her" he concluded and Mercy nodded rushing back to her room to get ready quickly whiles Jeremy stood at the door to wait for her.

Mercy smiled passionately and whispered brushing her through her hair" Jeremy said you passed out at the event, was it very stressful or you met a vampire". Anaiah gave a blank look before glaring at her father who offered her a smile to show that he was listening."No I really didn't see any vampire, I might've passed out of exhaustion" she replied. Alessandra looked at her husband and asked" Honey, are these the guests you were talking about?". She gave them a scrutinizing gaze especially Mercy , her pale clothes and not so kept hair. "Hmm, that's Mercy and this her daughter Anaiah" she answered and Anaiah as well as her mother exchange looks when they heard the way she addressed him. "Meet my wife Alessandra and daughter Wendy" he introduced and Mercy paled as a realisation dawned on her. A faint memory of twelve years ago flashed through her head as her grip on Anaiah's hand tightened. "Are you alright mama" she whispered and she nodded before acknowledging their presence" Glad to meet you". Alessandra on the other hand just nodded whilst Wendy responded with"Same". The servants arrived in time and breakfast was served." Dad I heard Kaden is now looking for a bride"Wendy said with a smile on her lips and he nodded." Can you please introduce him to-" Wendy began and was interjected by her mother"no" she said firmly. Wendy clenched her fist and asked annoyed " But why it's every girl's dream to marry Kaden plus you told me three days ago that you're going to him so-" "I said no!" Alessandra yelled and stood up before storming out of the place. Wendy was startled because this is the first time her mother had yelled at her."Dad why is mom being like this, l want to ma-"Wendy began with suppressed anger as her father cut her off"I think it would be better if you listen to your mother"Jeremy said. Wendy stood up with a loud creech and stormed out. Anaiah was quite surprised when Alessandra objected the idea, because as far as she could remember every rich family in Melson was trying to entangle themselves with the Welcher's . She dabbed her mouth with the napkin and stood up, she didn't care about their family drama anyway. Mercy too did same and announced" we'll be leaving now". Jeremy too stood up and said "how can I let the both of you leave when Anaiah is still unwell" . Anaiah frowned confused at what he said because she was not sick." There's no need to worry dad I'm fine now"she said and even faked a warm smile. "I'm afraid I can't trust you since the doctor said you should have proper rest for some days"Jeremy stated and looked at Mercy"Please the both of you should stay just for some days"and walked away. Mercy sighed and said"I think we should wait for you to recover properly before we leave" . Anaiah nodded and pulled her to her room, 'at least he won't do anything stupid if mom is here'she thought exhaling through her mouth.

Just when they were about to enter her room a servant approached them ."I'm sorry miss but the boss ordered as to make sure you rest and so she told as to lead your mother to her room"the servant said. Mercy was surprised when she heard what the servant said. Does he really care that much about her,maybe he wasn't as heartless as I thought. Anaiah was about to object but her mom nodded and walked away leaving her in a panicked State. 'What on earth does he want from us' she thought clenching her fist.