
Contract Marriage

Everyone was shocked when they heard what Kaden said, 'Is the almighty Kaden smitten by her already' they thought. Anaiah stood there stupefied gazing at him , are her ears playing jokes on her . 'All I needed was sometime alone but why should you come along !'she thought clenching the sides of her dress."T-there's no need for you to do that ,I can-"Anaiah tried to object but he interrupted."Silly, there's no way I'm going to let my future wife to go alone when she needs help"he said with his deep baritone and she felt a cold shiver run down her spine ,'What'!she thought staring at him wide eyed. Kaden walked to where Anaiah was and offered his hand , she stared at his hand and then his face which wore a playful smirk . Swallowing hard she shakily placed her hand in his. His hand was soft and warm she frowned as he dragged her to the bathroom. 'That was fast 'Jeremy thought.

Throughout their walk to the bathroom they didn't utter a word . She silently followed him as he dragged her to the bathroom. She entered the bathroom and was surprised when he followed suit ,'won't he even give me some space to breath!' she thought wanting to glare at him but stopped when he shut the door. 'Oh God did I just dig my own grave' she thought already regretting her decision of spilling the wine on herself. Kaden saw her horrific expression but ignored it and went for the tissue, just when he was about to come closer to her she took a step back."I don't want to get married" she blurted out even before she could analyze what she said. She

covered her mouth shocked at her own self. "I know" he countered and started cleaning her dress.' He knows 'she thought distracted by what he said . He dumped the tissue in the bin after he was done and straightened up staring at the beauty in front of him ."I must say you're such a beauty"he complimented and she bit her lip to stop herself from blushing"But you're not quite the woman I want as my wife forever, plus you're just a mere human" he added. Anaiah wasn't even hurt because she also didn't want to get married."But you'll do for my fake marriage , we would just be married for twelve months and then we'll divorce" he stated and Anaiah looked at him confused "Erh". "You heard me right because I already love someone else , far beautiful and also a vampire who would live long enough beside me. I know you also don't want this so this is the only way for the both of us to be married for a year and then go our separate ways"he explained and was annoyed with himself as to why he was even explaining. He wasn't the type of man to explain stuffs but when he saw her ,he felt the need to assure her not to be scared. Without waiting for her response he walked out . "Contract Marriage "she mumbled. "At least that is better than nothing" she encouraged herself.

When they saw him approaching ,they looked behind him to see if Anaiah was there but she wasn't. "I've chosen her "he announced and walked to his grandparents giving them perks on their cheeks and without sparing a glance at his parents he walked out. He didn't even touch the food he was given . Edward was shocked ,he wanted to object but he was already gone."I think we're going to leave now since our purpose here is done "Constencia commented and Jeremy nodded. "Thank you for having this dinner with us"Alessandra said . Mella didn't even wait to exchange words with anyone and she stormed out of the room. "There's no need to thank us, we're going to be family very soon"Marcello said with a smile which didn't reach his eyes and they all left . "I didn't know it was going to be this perfect" Alessandra muttered and Jeremy too nodded. He hadn't expected it to go this smoothly, especially with the way his daughter was behaving. Wendy on the other hand was fuming , even thought she knew this was fake she couldn't help but be angry at how Kaden was staring at Anaiah earlier." There's no need to be angry my dear just relax" Alessandra comforted but Wendy's anger blazed more. Jeremy chuckled at his daughter's reaction and said "how about teaching her her place when she comes". Wendy's anger subsided and she nodded.

Anaiah who was oblivious to what was happening leaned against the door,' to be married to a vampire for a year is like digging her own grave. If only he knew that she was rather going to kill him instead . Her eyes teared up , all she wanted was to live with her mother in their town was that too much to ask. She took in quick breaths to calm her nerves, 'they might be waiting for me' she thought and chuckled dryly before exiting the bathroom. She was surprised when she realized the Welcher's were gone. 'Did they leave already' she thought walking to where Jeremy and his family were. Wendy smiled when she saw her and without warning slapped her hard on her cheek twice. Anaiah was beyond shocked when she slapped her .

"Are you happy now ?"she heard Jeremy ask Wendy and she gritted her teeth, was all this just to pacify Wendy she thought glaring at them . Wordlessly she grabbed her purse and tried walking out of the room when Jeremy caught her wrist."Where do you think you're going ?"he queried with a smirk on his lips. "Let go of my hand"Anaiah seethed with disgust in her eyes , that's it her father disgust her like no other."Don't be stupid, your mother's life is in my hand and I can crush it any moment"he taunted."Don't you dare hurt my mom when I have already agreed to do all of your stupid shit! "she warned.