
Marine’s Dark Admiral (by High Fever 36 Degrees)(complete)

Original Title : 海贼之黑暗大将 (Navy's Dark Admiral) Author : 高燒三十六度 (High Fever 36 Degrees) He is the Admiral, praised by the world as the light that cuts through the darkness, the Holy Lance Longinus. He is the Dark Lord, feared by the world as the darkness that ends the era, the Demon Sword Apophis. He wandered in the light and darkness and wove the battle song of blood and fire. When he looked back, he found that he had crushed the world beneath his feet. PS1: This story did not feature any fruit or system, the title of the book has nothing to do with Yami Yami no Mi! PS2: The timeline is quite long, starting when Roger began the great age of sea pirates! PS3: Non-scrappy article, highly fantastic and biased slightly off, but the characters should be intellectually ruthless basically in the line! Original Site: https://book.qidian.com/info/1014128504

Franxiscus_Siregar · Tranh châm biếm
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Unexpected Events

"How so? The wailing of sinners is the best proof of justice."

Shiryu was startled before smiling meaningfully, "It seems that Ensign Longinus isn't like the rest of the Marine."

As they were talking, a grumbling, soulful whisper came from the side.

"My Chief Warden, My Impel Down ..."

Longinus turned to see that Magellan was grabbing Hannyabal's headdress and dragging it across the floor, while Hannyabal was still shredding like he'd lost his mind and didn't react to Magellan's strenuous movements.

"Has Chief Guard Hannyabal not recovered yet? It looks like yesterday struck him!" Longinus sighed softly.

"Heck! This idiot seems to be completely hopeless!" Magellan sighed at length.

"Quite a full complement of people have arrived today, in that case, let's not waste any time and go straight to the office to see what the Director wants to say." Still hiding in the darkness, Ember came from the distance with a pair of guards behind him, apparently inspecting the floor.

"Still as stern as ever, Ember!" Shiryu said with a tilt of his head.

"It's rare that you're finally willing to come out of your hunting grounds, too." The voice beneath the mask still seemed dull and depressed.

"Not getting rid of the crap that tries to break out of prison as soon as possible and always letting them escape, but it's rather disturbing to my killing pleasure." Shiryu said helplessly.

"Get a grip, both of you, those prisoners aren't for you to play around with," Magellan said with discontent.

"Are you starting to give us orders before you're even Chief Warden?" Ember said and then crossed straight over to Magellan, "You guys go free patrol, but don't make any mistakes, or some diarrhea-only deputy director will come after me."

"What did you say, Ember?" Magellan whispered with hidden anger, his body dripping venom that eroded a hole in the ground.

"Yes! Head Jailer!" Seeing that something was wrong with the atmosphere, those guards who had previously followed Ember to inspect quickly dispersed around.

"What you want to fight?" Ember's bodies began to change, and a massive, Pteranodon soon appeared before everyone's eyes.

"Heh! It seems like a good show!" Shiryu stood with his arms folded to the side, apparently without any attempt to dissuade the fight.

"What I'm more curious about than the two of them is that there seems to be a special tunnel to Freezing Hell over there, right, is it necessary for those guards to escape to the next level?" Longinus didn't care about the increasingly condensed atmosphere in the arena but instead looked to the other side of the staff-only tunnel.

"Ensign Longinus, just keep watching, and you'll see that this place ... will soon be a real hell." Shiryu didn't care much for the guards who fled to the tunnels, and it wasn't the first time or two that this happened.

However, Longinus raised his right hand grudgingly and tapped out his index finger, a crescent-shaped bolt of air flicking out at great speed, "Sorry, I don't seem to have the patience to keep watching."


After letting out a terrifying scream, one of the guards who had fled to the vicinity of the tunnel fell in response.

Standing next to Longinus, Shiryu was a little surprised. Still, more attention was paid to the other party's fingertips, "A Tobu Shigan derived from the Marine Rokushiki Shigan after it was developed to an extremely high level? This kind of strength doesn't seem like something a recruit should have, and it seems that the rumors are true, the monster of monsters, Longinus!"

The disoriented Hannyabal also woke up with a jolt because of this scream and looked at Longinus standing beside him with trembling legs and feet, "Half a floor away. A gentle nudge has this kind of power, is this guy human?"

"No, that's not the point. The point is that this guy is more brutal than Shiryu, or at least Shiryu hasn't laid a hand on one of his own. By the way, is it too dangerous for me to be around him now? It's so scary, Vice Warden Magellan, come and escort me!"

Also caught up in the scream were Ember and Magellan.

"This guy ... " Ember was silent and just looked coldly at Longinus.

"Longinus-san, do you know what you're doing?" Magellan roared incredulously, completely unable to figure out why Ensign Longinus, who had made an excellent impression on him yesterday, would do such a thing?

"Since I have taken on this mission, I naturally cannot stand by and watch the escaped pirates escape from right under my nose," Longinus said calmly.

The group of startled guards stirred first as the words fell out.

"Johnson is a pirate?"

"That's impossible. Johnson's been a guard at Impel Down since ten years ago!"

"But can you be sure that he's the one you're talking about, Johnson?" Longinus asked with ease.

A group of guards looked at each other, "Is this ... still certain? He's Johnson, and no matter how many times we see him, we'll never be mistaken."

Perhaps Longinus made too good a first impression, but instead, Magellan was more inclined to his explanation, "Ensign Longinus, what evidence do you have?"

Now even Shiryu was a little too impressed and sneered, "Magellan, are you stupid with diarrhea? Wouldn't it be enough to verify such things with a Kairoseki?"

"Yes!" Magellan was about to leap onto the floor, but someone was faster than him.

With a flurry of wings, Ember flew up at speed far more significant than Magellan.

"Longinus, I hope you're not mistaken, or this matter of injuring my subordinate won't end so easily!" Ember grunted and took out Kairoseki handcuffs and locked them around Johnson's wrists.

Sure enough, "Johnson" turned into another unfamiliar face as fast as the naked eye could see.

"This guy is Ivan the Butcher who being held on this floor with a 65 million berries bounty on his head. Never heard of him as a Fruit Ability User, huh?" The guards on the side quickly recognized the identity of the escaped pirate.

"It seems to Mane Mane no Mi, no wonder even Ember-sama couldn't spot it! However, that marine named Longinus is outstanding, he saw this guy's disguise at a glance, and is worthy of being sent by the Marine Headquarters specifically to support our war effort!"

"I'm taking this guy with me. I'm going to torture to find out where the real Johnson is." Ember took Ivan in his hands like he was a baby chick and headed for the torture room, exuding the fearsome air of a man who is never dangerous.

"Ember has lost face this time, and that pirate's end won't be too good." Magellan didn't have much affection for pirates who dared to escape from prison, so naturally, he wouldn't try to stop Ember.

Saying that, Magellan looked to Longinus again to apologize, "Ensign Longinus, I'm sorry for this misunderstanding!"

"I'm the one who did it without your permission, so just don't blame me," Longinus said, shaking his head.

"If it weren't for you were discovering the guy's disguise, where Ensign Longinus is, it would have been a real problem once he was allowed to descend to the fifth and sixth levels," Magellan said with some horror.

"However, that guy was indeed lucky. The fact that the pirates who escaped from prison were killed before already made us slack off, and the fact that the meeting was imminent made us instinctively ignore the possibility that the pirates would escape from under our noses."

"Luck? I don't think so." Longinus said meaningfully, "Too much of a coincidence put together can be a guarantee!"

If there are errors in naming characters, places, skills, etc., please notify me as soon as possible to correct them. Thanks.

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