
Chapter 16: Hero’s Chronicle, Breton’s Lesson

"Mother! Exactly what on earth are you doing?"

While Glass was having pleasant tea time with her step-mother in the garden, an intruder suddenly appeared. It was Breton

"…How boisterous. Please escort him out." She didn't even take on look at him she just treated him coldly.

'Ah, her tone of voice has changed' Glass thought.

"Don't dodge the question; please tell me the reason."

"If you're asking for the reason, I have already written it in the letter. Because I am currently in poor physical condition, I will be resting in Rica province and will not be attending."

"Hmph… You're having a cup of tea as usual, so who exactly is in poor physical condition? Also, it was an invitation from the royal family… did you want to plunge MY Hall House into a predicament?"

Glass twitched at the comment as she secretly brought out Satusko.

"…You talk too much. YOUR Hall House? What a thing to say for someone who has yet to inherit the title."

"…As the person who will be succeeding it sooner or later, and my statement earlier was said in consideration of the Hall House."

"Silence. In consideration of the Hall House? Hmmm In that case, there must be a really good reason why you did not return home to during the long vacation to study how doesn't? Surely the reason isn't that you wanted to be together with the Third Prince and that Baron's daughter or something like that that you have completely disregarded your responsibilities."

"That is…"

"First things first, I have received permission from the Queen Dowager to be absent from that party. You, have you become so great to the extent that you can dispute the decision made by a royal?"

"…. Tsk."

'When will this bratty brother of hers notice, she hears' Glass couldn't wait to beat him till nor tomorrow. 'Surely enough the best discipline is a beating from you'll never forget from your older sister.'

"In the first place, to invite the mother of the girl whom he had his engagement annulled, to an engagement party to get engaged to another girl, their motives are suspicious. Also, it has only been four months since the engagement was annulled. The Queen Dowager as well, she is grieving about it. Since that's the case, my husband who is the Prime Minister might not want to go as well. However, … Because your father has an official position, he will likely attend. And thus, this will be enough to represent our Hall House."


"Are you going to denounce me? Just like what you did to your older sister?"

"I am disappointed with you these days. Of course, my husband is also of the same opinion. If you do not clear up your act, we do not mind disinheriting you. And besides, with your older sister governing the province impeccably well, we have nothing to worry about." Her smile became scary "I'm glad for you. You can stay together with the Baron's daughter whom you love forever. Ah, however… since you have no charm, after taking your position away from you, you'll probably be thrown away."

"…Such a thing, it's impossible… In the first place, why did that older sister become the Feudal Lord Representative? She committed act towards someone who is soon to become part of the royal family. Other than losing her social position, she should be exiled immediately."

Crack, the teacup in Glass hand where crushed to bits. Making Samantha and Breton look at her and froze pretty much all the servants in the area froze to as Glass gave her brother a very scary face that sent him trembling.

"…Please excuse me. Young mistress, it is almost time for your meeting with Isa." Glass returned her expression to is usual one and secretly put away Satusko as she got up.

"Mother, I must be going soon. Mother, please take your time and relax." Glass said expressionlessly

"Yes, please allow me to do so. Ah, Glass. Can you take this foolish boy with you?"


"Please show this foolish boy the way you work and shut him for me," Samantha said to Sara, who nodded and looked at Breton with scorn.

"…I respectfully obey."

Glass walked into her office with Isa who was waiting stood up respectfully before looking scornfully at Breton. Before he handed his report to her "…The profits of the confectionery line have decreased a little."

"It's because another shop has appeared selling the same product. Besides, it seems like they are selling it at a lower price to ours."

"…It is not necessary to lower the price right now. The consumer will buy whichever product is more delicious."

"There is also that idea of lowering the buying price of the raw materials…"

"Rejected. If you look at the stock value, this price is reasonable. If you lower it any further than this, it will deteriorate our relationship with the farmers. So, to maintain or build a good relationship with them, we should secure a better delivery route." She continued "Aside from being lower in price, find out if there's anything else. Check the line-up of the other companies, and then compare them and do a product review. Also, how is the progress with the cake products we'll start selling next week?"

"Everything is on schedule; all the preparation has been made, and we can start selling them next week. The information about the product called 'birthday cake' is being leaked by the common people… but thanks to "Very Sweet" originally having cake on the menu, it was favorably accepted by the public. Right now, a lot of inquiries is being made."

"If that's the case, I'm glad. Please bring the contents of the inquiries to me."

"It is right here." Glass put her glasses back on.

"…Most of the inquiries are regarding the reservation method and when it will go on sale. …When this is up and running, the profits from the confectionery line will increase a little. After that, how will you be managing the inventory?"

"Just like what the My lady has instructed, we will be selling the leftover designs from the previous stocks little by little at a discounted price."

"Is that so. …It will be an ideal to prevent the stocks from running out. But with the current figures and the market, if the drop continues, we will be barely breaking even. Especially those seasonal ingredients, it is best to limit the usage of those because of their scarcity value."

"I understand."

"The beauty line is doing well as always. However, we presently… have a situation where the production cannot catch up with the demand…"

"Yes. That product is sold out in all stores…"

"Make a priority to adjust the production of the beauty products. Also, how are the series products doing?"

"That is also progressing steadily. Right now, the Honey series and the Rose series are being sold. Next will be the Lily and Lavender series."

"Is that so. Please advertise that depending on the person, some ingredients might not be suitable for their skin, so if they start getting a reaction to the products, immediately stop using them."

"I understand."

"After that, please bring the report of all the stores to me. Both financial and periodic reports. I will look at them at night."

Isa said he understood and bowed before leaving the room And Eda entered catching a glance at Breton and then scorning at him before she turned back to Glass who was read documents after document at a fast pace.

"There are some things I would like to consult with you. When I asked Sara about it, she confirmed that this time would be all right…"

"It's all right. And so, what would you like to consult with me?"

"It's about the prices of the commodities here in the province. As you can see, we have a situation where the prices are continuing to increase slightly."

"It is minuscule. It's probably because the value of money is gradually decreasing, so the prices are on the rise."

"Yes. Because of that, I was thinking of increasing the interest rate, but…"

"I think it is not yet needed. Although the prices are increasing, it's slight. So right now, the main priority is to stabilize the prices in the market. The consumption of the town will inflate, the business will ask the bank for a loan, further amplifying the trend. If you increase the interest rates, you will be throwing cold water on the business who has taken so much effort on gaining momentum."

"I see… I heard something good."

"Once more, open the council and discuss it. If you still want to increase the interest rate after the earlier explanation, please give me a reason I can consent to." Glass said as she was still speeding her papers.

"I understand, thank you very much."

"…Umm, older sister…"

"What is it?"

"If I'm not mistaken, the bank, is the financial institution that has been established in our fief recently? Why is older sister the one in charge…"

"When you think about it, does no answer come to mind? If it's just this much, even if you were to investigate on your own, you'll immediately find out… With your position, it is unforgivable for you not to know. Seriously, do you have any intention in succeeding the present Duke as the family head?" Eda said before Glass answered him.

'ignore him, he's not important right now.' Glass wanted to say but kept her mouth shut as she was speeding through paper-work

"The person who proposed the establishment of the bank was your older sister. Therefore, it is natural for me to come here and consult with her. …Now then, my Lady. I will immediately report the contents of our meeting to the council, will that be all right?"

"Of course. I look forward to your report."

After Eda left, Sebastian appeared and replaced him.

"My Lady. In this meeting, I would like to make a collective report regarding the management of the territory."

"Yes, I was waiting for it. First of all, how is the adjustment of the Finance department go?"

"The talk is underway for the reform you want to legislate to lessen the taxes. First, in relation to the product of our fief. Presently, our main products are grain, livestock, cacaos, and various other fruits. Cacao fruits are strictly produced in our province, and no other fief is able to produce it. As for grains, thanks to the advance cultivation method achieved by the High School division's research, we have secured an abundant stockpile. Thus, even if we lessen the tax, they were thinking that we will not experience a decline."

"…Is that so. On the contrary, it's merit?"

"Our Provence's production line is yet to be put in order. Because of that, we can import them cheaply, and we thought that it is a big advantage. In addition, my lady's, instructions of conducting trade via sea are now in operation. And we have gathered a lot of ingredients and products that don't exist in our Kingdom. Because of this, our fief will profit if the conglomerate were to sell these domestically."

"…I understand. Also, please give me the report of the council meeting and the income tax draft. As for when will be the right time to introduce it, I will give instructions later."

"I understand."

"After that, Public Affairs. After they finish making the family registers, ask them to investigate the land. I want them to get clarification on who owns what land. In the future, because the family registers will be a legitimate document here in our fief, make sure they are done without fail."

"Yes. Presently, the Public Affairs have notified various places in our fief to advise the people. 'This is an official policy that will benefit our fief, and please cooperate with us.' We are nearly done and will be able to proceed to the investigations shortly."

"That is splendid news. After that, what is the utilization rates of the primary school in various places?"

"It has increased tremendously. Besides, one can attend it free of charge. Because there are still some districts that don't have a school yet, that might prove to be a problem in the future."

"Let's have the Public Works undertake that task. What about textbooks?"

"It has been separated into different levels. Currently, the children from ages seven to twelve are in the same class, but discussions have occurred to further separate them based on their individual ages sometime soon."

"Consolidate the age of entrance to be seven years old. And they will advance a grade each school year. However, an examination will be held at the end of each year, and one will be allowed to skip a grade depending on their results, what do you think?"

"I will immediately make a proposal."

"Then, please bring the reports and income tax drafts we talked about earlier. …Ah, that's right. Mother told me to show Berne the way we work… So, when you go to the Finance department to collect the documents and the income tax draft, please take him along with you and ask him to calculate the tax revenue of various places."

"…Since that's the case, Breton. Please go do that for me. …Please fully demonstrate the capability of someone who has always been first place in the academy." Glass said as she finished all the paperwork on her desk

"…Of course."

With lifeless eyes, he frantically stood up and followed Sebastian.


Knock, knock, a knocking sound echoed in the room.

"Come in," Glass said with her eyes closed as she leaned back into the

deep in her chair her hand was moving a glowing white orb in front of her. "Is there something you need?"

"Do you always work like that?"


"Is it all right for me to ask you one question?"

"What is it?"

"Why did you do those things to Yuri?"

Glass grabbed and crushed the white in her hand making it disappear. "I didn't"


"I didn't do a single thing to Yuri" Glass opened her eyes "Little brother, who was it that said I did those things"


"Was it really Yuri? Or was it the third prince who said that? Tell me little brother did Yuri say from her mouth that I did those things to her"


"Ask her yourself for the truth, tell her I said to tell you"

A few moments later Breton left, leaving Glass alone until Sebastian walked in.

"My lady, it getting late please go to bed soon

"…By the way, Sebastian. How did Breton do?"

"He did the work that was given to him splendidly."

"I see…"

"…Just between you and me… While we were at the Financial department, he asked about you my lady. 'Does older sister always work this much?' 'Why does older sister work that much?'"

"He's forgotten so much about his older sister in these pasts few years. I still couldn't believe he would think that I would stoop so low as to bully, especially Yuri. No one can just bully Yuri."

"You speak as if you know the girl."

"You know her too, and so does Breton. Although neither of you don't recognize her anymore. But at least she will teach Breton a valuable lesson. Afterall her words will hurt him more than my own"

Glass stood up "Sebastian, I'll turn in now."

New Version: UPDATED January 28, 2019

Asalincreators' thoughts