
Light attack

Enzo instantly sensed a burst of danger him and Enopy were the same in that way Enopy he had his superior sense due to his strong mental power and Enzo surpassed that by leaps and bounds so immediately since the danger he felt wasn't extremely stronge he didn't feel the need to alert anyone so he immediately moved towards the bots

He leaped on top of a bot and swallowed it whole before he changed his body to replicate the bot

"Defend" Enzo spoke softly to the bots Enopy had told Enzo that too Make the bots fight or defend" he had to say a simple command and that was defend or attack

The bot eyes immediately lit up taking on a red glow, it slowly walked out of the house as Enzo followed

When Enzo and the bots walked out of the house, The transparent house became visible and completely stopped the attackers but they continued their charge

The bot immediately ran at a black haired girl while Enzo replicated the chains and diverted the opponents towards himself before he screamed "force field!" in a robitic voice

This command made an almost transparent blue bubble appear around the carriage, and the house which made the other unoccupied opponents roar in frustration

"A portable house?? How and why? Aren't these only available in sky cities!!" Advisor Chris thought urgently before he said " they're more dangerous then we thought attack with full power sonar hold back!!!"

The bot was fighting a black haired girl she had short hair that reached her chin, purple eyes, thin pink lips, and slightly pale skin, she was relatively cute but her stern and mean demeanor showed that she was no joke accompanied by her blue aura and her tight White kimono that had black drapes

While Enzo fought two guys

One guy had long black hair and a nonchalant expression, he wore The same type of kimono with black drapes, he had pale skin and black eyeliner on his face, his shoes were unconventionally long and sharp which would throw off anyone's attention

The other man was slightly shorter he had dark brown skin, and he had a giant Afro, his face seem relatively normal but that didn't matter since his massive muscles drew in all attention

But Enzo didn't care about any of that, he quickly retracted the chains and sprinted at them but it was as if he disappeared they had no chance to even see him, before their heads were grabbed and slammed into the ground, although his magic apprentice rank didn't really attend to physical strength it still wasn't his weak point

Although he was able to use his physical strength to disappear from their sights and transcend the speed of light he still wasn't able to cast a spell during that short disappearance

casting a spell took immense control and concentration, although all ranks focused on control and concentration especially people amongst the magic ranks, they were even said to be masters in multitasking but after spending years being muddle headed he was rusty in his control leaving him unable to cast spells quick enough

Although the two men suffered no damage they were shocked causing their anger to soon take over as they released their techniques once they stood up

Enzo was now behind them which forced them to turn around, but as soon as they even turned their heads slightly they were knocked off their feet by Enzo's low kick it was obvious that he had studied some type of martial arts

But it was not the same as before. they strengthened their bodies with their fragrance and instantly disappeared from their falling motion, into a standing one as they both sent an attack at Enzo spontaneously

The thin eyeliner wearing man sent a dangerous kick at Enzo while the buff man sent A life-threatening punch at him

But suddenly the wire like chains dashed out of Enzo's body and wrapped around the leg and the fist before they were picked up into the air and slammed down at God like speeds but Enzo didn't just stop there he continue to "SLAM! SLAM! SLAM! SLAM!" As if they were just the tips of a drumstick being slammed onto a drum

But if one would take a closer look they would know that they were barely taking any damage he needed to actually send life threatening attacks at them or no progress would be made just let me know them on the ground would only make them a little bit dizzy but within due time they would get used to it and retaliate

And so he wouldn't hold back any longer he dropped them into the air before his chains became stiff and sharp and dashed at them, but their anger had increased and so did there wit, they immediately grabbed on to the chains and pulled on them which caused Enzo to fly at them at dangerous speeds

"Boom! they landed life-threatening attack spontaneously over and over and over and over again but no damage has been done

Enzo was getting hit but with the fast speed they were moving at they could barely even see their own attacks so Enzo was instantly changing the attacked spot into slime before changing back to normal over and over and over again with no care

To them there seem to be an invincible being right in front of them but seeing as no sounded were made and Enzo go limp their mood improved but they continued to attacks just to be sure once they wanted to make sure he was killed so they let go of his wires and focused all their attention on one attack

"Boo!" The jolted. Enzo used that chance and he pierced their skulls, through one ears and out the other killing them instantly, but even after that he move the chains around in their head and miced m their brains as to leave no chance for revival

The tall bald muscular man looked up, his veins popped out but he still held himself back while Izen looked up in complete and total shock along with the advisor

The bot was much more quick in killing than Enzo it was built to discover the opponents weakness and kill them quickly so they had already defeated their opponents way faster than Enzo and moved on to its next target which was a young man with blond hair

This man had orange eyes and very defined muscles they weren't big but they fit his body well, he had on his robe but he didn't put on the top part he just let it flow down to the ground while he held his two swords and dashed at the bot

But even him with his scary demeanor was killed just after a few exchanges with the bots. What Ervice created were complete and total monsters they couldn't be rivaled

"The tall buff man instantly dashed at the bot and landed a dangerous attack on it, which beamed it into the ground, but Enzo was right there he immediately grabbed his whips and slammed them down at speeds That he couldn't do with just mere control

They dashed through the air and beamed down at the man But he Mearly placed his palms up and waited for impact

"Boom!" A huge dust cloud sprang up which was soon cleared

He had grabbed the whips with no other injuries but just some scuffs on his palm

It seemed as if it were a light attack but the crater under his feet said otherwise

it was obvious that this battle would be different from the rest