
Rich night

Elizabeth scoffed at that sight, she was hurt by that rude gesture that viola pushed at her

But Viola didn't care

"I did know she was there, I just didn't care enough to call her out about it, watch your mouth!" She yelled while she wagged her finger

Eoun decided to ignore her he looked at Elizabeth with a soft and soothing expression before he said

"I'm sorry miss we should be having this conversation else where and not in front of such a legends daughter, we wouldn't want to Offend him" he placed one hand over his heart and lowered his head slightly

But viola continued "don't worry he's already dead you're not offending anyone but me, remember don't disrespect me like that again" she crossed her arms and stormed off

"Huh?! Oh I'm so sorry for your loss I won't bring it up again" He said in a apologetic tone

"It's fine" Elizabeth said as she stepped out of the bush and walked to the patio

"I'll be right back I have to go and talk with Viola!" he yelled slightly at Elizabeth's back

He quickly ran after her. normally he wouldn't do such a thing but he had to find out what Apep wanted him to do with Roun

He quickly found her she was on the front patio sitting down on a wooden bench

He walked up to her with an apologetic expression, she kept her cold one while she looked at him

It seemed like he was going to apologize but instead he said

"What does he want me to do with her?" It was obvious that he didn't care about how viola felt and he had no reason to

Her eyebrow twitch slightly she obviously took offense to this but she continued to say

"He wants you to fight the girl to evaluate her potential in close combat" she turned her head away from him while she pursed her lips and sucked her teeth

"Hmm? Wh- ok" it seemed that he wanted to say something but he quickly cut himself off and complied before he walked away


Elizabeth sat next to the girl and comforted her, she rubbed her hair back and gave her an apologetic/understanding expression

She didn't say anything but that was all that Roun needed

Elizabeth saw Eoun walking back towards her so she quickly stood up and fixed herself up Before she greeted him

"Can we go? Roun's not feeling too happy"Elizabeth asked softly

"I'm sorry but I can't I wouldn't want to go against my masters orders" he said in an uncompromising / apologetic tone

"HIs mere expression told Elizabeth that he wouldn't back down

"What is she here for anyways" she raised her voice slightly while she flayed her arms

"I need to train her...well not exactly but I just need to have a short and quick match with her to evaluate some stuff, you can wait and then she can leave" he said in a slightly hesitant tone

"Huh! Don't you see your condition and you want her to fight?! now! no I won't allow it" she yelled as she pointed at the girl

"That's not for you to decide and remember. I can get in trouble if I don't carry out his orders and besides I'm not gonna be actually fighting her at least not with even a quarter of my power, so just back off and wait a couple minutes" he said as his expression turned slightly mean but his voice stayed soft

Elizabeth grumbled but she had no ability to stop this guy from fighting Roun so she was completely forced to step out of the way and let the fight commence

"Hey it's all right just a quick match, and then we'll go Elizabeth" said as she crouched down on one knee grabbed the girls hand and said soothingly

"I-ok!" Roun replied as she stepped up and rubbed her puffy eyes


Athel had moved down about 40 steps before he was forced to take a break and gather his energy it took him about two hours but he immediately moved again

He refused to take any unneeded brakes he knew that there were hundreds of thousands of steps ahead on this spiral staircase so taking breaks could do more harm than good


Izen Screamed for the advisor as he bowed outside the tall building

About 20 minutes later the advisor and five other people walked out they were all donned in white robes some had their own accessories attached to their robes

They said nothing and they barely glanced at Izen before they moved on with their business

"Let's go!" the advisor said as he walked past him with the rest of the group

They moved fast and soon arrived outside town

"use your movement techniques we have to get there fast, do you have one Izen?" The advisor asked

"um n-no" he said in a feeble tone as he scratched the back of his head and laughed awkwardly

The advisor shook his head before he said

Santon carry him

Santon was a big dark skinned man he was very buff and he had piercings all over his body, his ears had a big hole in the earlobe, and the remainder of the ear were filled with little circular earrings. he had earrings on his lip and his eyes were tattooed black it was almost A demonic sight

He walked over to Izen and crouched down allowing him to sit on his back

Izen was very hesitant after all all men had A lot of pride, but the awkward stares that were aimed at him pressured him to sit on Santons back

After he sat on his back they immediately activated their movement techniques and dashed off it took them endless travels of about three days before they came within half a mile of the carriage even though it had moved on a bit they were still able to catch up to it easily after a couple hours of running

They had no plan seeing how they were only two people driving the carriage and no one else so they just decided to charge in defeat them quickly, and loot the carriage

They would be rich by the end of the night