
Majestic Night

Larisa Platumar has the worst luck from the moment she meets a mysterious man who forced her to help him out from a situation that she herself feels she doesn't have to get involved with. After Meeting this mysterious man everything just go into shamble one after another, he is the domino effect to the beginning of her bad luck. What will Larisa Platumar have to do to get out of the situation she is in?

Sinoun_Blomfield · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

Rumerouth looked at the trash of a girl that dear to speak to him, she has some nerves. He is going to enjoy watching this little trash cry, making her ever regret she came and cross him. He will make her life a living hell enough that this filth will beg for death. A low born of a nobody like her, dear to threat him a Royal. A useless of a waste like her will only dirty the air. She even dirties his luck as soon as she comes in to contact with him.

Oh wow doesn't he think so highly of himself, it is funny to hear what he is thinking about. I mean I knew that he dislike me but even my imagination could not make up all that opinions of his. I couldn't help but worried about the future of the Royals, it seems very bleak. If the teachers mind is this cruel how much would the student would be. How on earth does Madison and Ava turn out as half decent Royal Fay as they are when being surrounded with this kind of narrow mind Royal Fay. I never said this enough it really show their strength and power to become a good Royal, all Realm need more Royal Fay like them.

I sight one little mistake I made as a child can really last this long. How long will this man hold on to the grudge? I crush in to him, dirty him, and embarrass him in front of the entire Royal. That was years ago, get over it already; I was a child forgot sake. It wasn't like I was out to ruin his name or reputation. He is indeed a spiteful man; it just can't be help that now I am in his radar all the time.

Rumerouth suddenly turn his anger in to a grin, it sent shiver down my spine. My instinct started to kick in informing me to run the hell out of the shooting range. My instinct is clever but my mind is stubborn and is not so clever on when to back down. You challenge me I will hit you back a hundred fold.

As Rumerouth have a grinning match with himself seeing if he's can burn the top of my head off another interesting character walk in. she is known as Professor Scarvalen she is interesting in her own little way, her enjoyment is in the form of hurting people. It as if she gets a kick out of torturing and cutting anything that can feel pain.

Rumerouth and Scarvalen they are a pair and goes well together, she loves to hurt people and Rumerouth find the victim for her. One does the capturing and the other does the dirty deed of pealing the victim skin alive, or something like that. She has done most of my punishment; I wouldn't be surprise if my name were written on it.

For a sadist Scarvalen is extraordinary sexy her body is made to attract the male eyes. I can completely see the eyes of the man lavishing all over her. Her clothing tight showing skins and at the same time covering it, playing the picker boo trick. Don't even get me started on her face, her sharp chin refined; its help defining her cheekbone to stand out. With green eyes, red bee stung lip and red wavy hair, do I need to say anymore. The woman is a walking advertisement of Lust every eyes are glue to her. It not just man that admired her even woman looked up to her and use her as their role model.

"Ah, Professor Rumerouth. I see you caught a juicy cute little rabbit for me to play with." Scarvalen roll out juicy out of her tongue, a snake drooling over it pray. I'm not even sure if it her drooling over the pray or the actual torture that turn her on.

"Yes I am about to just give this little rabbit a lesson, and make your day." He winks at her.

"Oh god if you're going to be flirting don't use me in it, do it in your own time, in the private. It going to make me sick." I mutter to myself and only for my ears as I looked away trying very hard to scrub my eyeball with soap and hot water from the dirtiness of what I have seen.

When I turn back Scarvalen looked at me eyes fill with something of a disinterest, as if she heard of what I said but doesn't give a dam about it. She slowly run the tip of her tongue as she roam her eyes all over me, making me utterly uncomfortable. She is preparing herself to eat you up, run. My instinct scream in to my ears in panic, I just push it down not about to run away from the challenge.

Scarvalen grin widely and spoke, "REALLY, A show, I can't wait to watch. I am going to give her a good PUNISHMENT," she was totally dripping with poison. She turns to look at Rumerouth smiling at him all innocent, "don't disappoint me." She claps her hand in joy making Rumerouth face turn read from embarrassment.

"Of course, I can't disappoint a request from sure a beauty such as you."

While Rumerouth, being strangle to death with lust he slowly herd me like a cow to the slaughterhouse. That slaughterhouse would be the main hall that is fill with the second years Royal. Their eyes plaster on me, with grin and snicker plaster on their face. As soon as they saw me they known that they will be watching a good show this early in the morning. This is not the Grand Gathering right now it the Grand Slaughter entertainment show with me being the main event.

Somehow I now become their personal entertainment in this crazy backstabbing war of plotting among the Royal. Liliana, and me seem to be the best target to vent out their frustration; after all we have neither rank nor royal family to back us up. We're an easy target, but if I had to choose I would prefer it to be me that they pick on. Liliana is just too sweet and to kind, she wouldn't even be able to hold a grudge against anyone. I never want her to go down the grudge path; I just want her to hold on to that sweet innocent smile of hers. Her pure soul should not be tainted with anger and hate. It is already to late for me so what a few more grudge to piled up, it doesn't seem so bad if I can keep Liliana out of the way of all these Royal Fay.

Torrent of pink colour Fireflies of bombarded me fill with joy. I quickly reinforce my shield and shut myself off or five to nine hundred voices would absolutely overwhelm and drown me. Not the kind of experience I want to go through.

"Look at that clock." Rumerouth spoke out. He point at the big open clock stuck to the Ivory that is supporting up in to the air, at the end of the hall.

What? I felt very confuses as he caught me in a very uncomfortable situation. My mind was having difficulties to think straight while trying to shut down at the same time.

"Umm, 10." What kind of question is that? I didn't understand what he wants, but I am not looking forward to the result. I know that he is up to no good my mind can't think and control the shield at the same time, right now it takes all of my self-control not to fall flat to the floor. I hate it when I become so weak with trying to protect myself from the attack of the emotion.

"Well, seem like an absurdity I can say this. But you're not so stupid after all. So the ticking of the hand has past the dot of 12, that mean." He gesture his hand for me to continue his question and answer.

Um, I looks at him dumfounded, what on earth does he want from me. I am not a mind reader, well actually I am but I am not an idiot. Who would want to willingly read such a disgusting mind?

"YOU. ARE. LATE." He finally said nice and slowly, tiring in waiting for my response. Pronouncing slow and loudly toward the whole class. Of course he might as well shout loudly out, she is stupid, see how slow this dumb creature is. He wanted to humiliate me in front of the whole class so it seem. Ah it is hard to be so popular.

"Go and stand in front of the mocking bird." He point to ward my torture punishment.

"I must have lost the memo, when did the rules change. So it seem 30 second is late, you have enlighten this lowly student. Shall you share it with the Realm they will be enlighten and be in awe just like me. Truly you have taught something of amazement to me, I am so shock about this. There does comes a day that you Professor Rumerouth can teach."

There is no way I am going down without a fight; at least I will give him some punches of my own. There was some snickering and the professor eyes shorn with disbelieve at my word. Just because I am being punish doesn't mean I can't pull his name down with me, just watch me. I continue on quickly.

"I'm sure everyone would be honoring professor with a golden medal for punishing this student with such accuracy, preciseness. Professor Rumerouth is a just up right man whom wouldn't let a mere corruption or personal gain to punish a late student. Professor is such an up right Royal Fay with fair judgment. I must thank Professor for punishing this student in the most fair and just manner." This time I can hear whisper and giggling, one thing that I could always count on with these Royals is that they love to watch drama and someone else being miserable.

Now I have done it, I have succeeded in making his calm collective control explode and scatter. I have once again had him lost his face right in front of all of his student. How could he expected respect from these Royals, if he not going to use me as an example they would walk all over his head. There is no way he going to let that happen.

"You a mere born commoner dares to try and educate me. YOUR. PROFESSOR, of course your head is such a mess that you lost all manner of things. Do you not looked at your own background and rank, a low born like you trying to act like you know better then your elder. It must be a joke." He laughs out. "All pure blood Royal understands that one must up hold and honor the elder." As soon as Rumerouth spoke out all the Royals when silence remembering to whom they are giggling at, within only a few word he brush away all of my accusation.

I know how to respect the elder and honor the ancestors, but I still have respect for myself. Who would lower their head to the kind of person that is trying to drown, attack and humiliate them? Only a masochistic would bow down to that kind of Fay.

"You can't even grab the concept on how to act, already 17 yet you still not grasp the most simple of principle even after the 6 years you been here. We have wasted so much resources and energy on you, and this is how you repay your patronage of support the Royal Academy has shown you. By insulting the Elder." Rumerouth pretended to shake his head in disappointment and putting on the most upsetting face that he could pull. One looked at him one would believe I was the one bullying him.

He continue on, "not even in a 100 years will you ever be able to be a lady, a low born brain certainly do take a extensive road of learning. Let me ingrain it in to that nonsensical skull of yours once again; it is distasteful to speak back to your Elder. The Fay would think that the Royal Academy is losing it prestige and stature on education. When we can't even impart on you on the importance in social ranking. Drastic measure must be made; it must be your useless of a Soul Shadow that is not doing it proper job in helping you study. Well what can you expect from a Soul Shadow when it master is a commoner."

He gesture and walk around me showing a disgust on his face fill with disappointment. His hand swung toward the crowd of student in a showmanship. Washing away the fact that I made him lost his face from their mind. Now the only thing in their mind is admiration for him for taking care of the no body and defending their Royal Academy.

"Punishment, punishment. Give her the punishment." The chant echo filling with rage and loathing. Larisa oh Larisa, I knew something like this was bond to happen why is it still comes as a shock to me of this such injustice every single time. I should really stop hoping for a different outcome.

"Summon your Soul Shadow." Rumerouth grin widely fill with contempt. "Check mate; know your place you little swine. You are a thousand years to young to come up against me. I will give you one hint this is only the beginning, I will eat you alive." He lean down and he place his hand on my shoulder; for sure I knows that my shoulder will have a handprint bruise tomorrow. But from the outside it looked as if he is genteelly reassuring me, and giving me a friendly advice.

"Neither my Soul Shadow nor I have done anything that warrant such a severe punishment. You have a problem with me not with my Soul Shadow. If you still have an ounce of honor left you would just come at me and not use my people to get to me."

The unfairness of this all is getting me piss off, they can blame and bad mouth me all they want. But to involve my Soul Shadow in all this, they really have no heart a complete demon. I just could not keep my mouth shut any more than I could have just brushed it all aside.

"If the master is stupid enough to be punished the slave have to follow. The very natural cycle, even the whole family should be punish."

"You are a coward." I spat out the word bring my family in to this as they have nothing to do with any of this. This man is a coward indeed playing the dirty trick one after another, how long is he going to make me pay; I once did feel horrible for what I did to him but it all wash away by all of his attack.

He grins and put on the teacher act silencing everyone. "Do not mouth back to me young lady. Do as I instruct you, this is the thing that beg for punishment. Ingraining is needed, training that unlawful animal within you. Summon your Soul Shadow now." I gritted my teeth glaring at him with defiance.

Grabbing my chin he begin glaring back down at me standing tall and mightily "I am not asking, I am telling you to do it now. Must I make it clear to you even that simple a task?" he swung his hand away coursing me to stumble backward. Rumerouth then wipe his finger that touches me on his handkerchief and throw it in the rubbish bin.

"Must be fun for you to bully a powerless girl. When you can't even do anything for yourself." I spoke the last word as Scarvalen started to pull me away. I halfway won the battle but completely lost the war as the grin on Rumerouth fade from my statement.

I summoned Melody as she follows behind me, a punishment to the Soul Shadow hurt's the Fay mind's. It's made them vulnerable and has a weak mentality later, they become wake to negativity and depression. The looked on life tent to get dimer and everything is bilge without colour.

What I hate the most is the cruelty of how the soul shadow gets torture and of the process. The cry of the Soul Shadow, screeching hi pitch tone it goes off every time they are in pain. Melody would be strung up in the chair with her hands clap and press into a suppressing pressure with rows of needle dangling from above her hands. The spike of needles would drop every single time I flinch from my own punishment. It strike straight through the hands of the Soul Shadow, changing the form from one things to another drowning them in pain, tearing them from the inside out.

The cry of the torture scream would remain in my head forever; I don't want to hear that kind of cried for the rest of my life. It is a hart wrenching, soul sucking as it tearing in to the soul. To hear the screams of Melody being punished to me the cry sounds like a caged bird banging it self against the cage from madness until it die. I am so frustrated at how powerless I am, I can't protect anything the way I am right now.

I stood still holding my breath; the pen levitates in front of the Mockingbird. I couldn't help but glare at that pen the object use to pledge pain on me. It inflicts an emotional suffering and fear in me every time I see it. But what worst now is that every time I flinch the pain would transfer to Melody. Releasing me from the agony but how could I let Melody suffer. I look up at professor Scarvalen with my eyes fill with dagger and hate.

"What a beautiful hateful glare you have on." She smiles with satisfaction of a person who enjoying and severing every moment.

My hands stretch out trembling, I took a deep breath willing it to stay still; willing it to not to shake. The fact that every time the pen touches my skin, it as if a knife carving itself into my flesh, trying to dig out as much blood and flesh as it can. Seeing as the process is not hard enough it would wiggle, poke and prod to take out as much tissue as it possibly could. The scars on me from last week on my risk have heal but it still readable. It says, "I will not drop the tea cup."

"Turn your hand over, this time it will be on the back of your hand. I won't mind writing it on your risk over that lovely heal skin." Scarvalen give me a huge smile of demure with the perfect red lips stick stretching across her face. "But we all know that is against the rule. What a shame." She purrs, reaching down and started to stroke the pattern upon my risk, her cold icily fingertips made me want to flinch away. The dark intention within her roll off her skin and right on to me in wave of ice-cold sea, showering me with numbness. However I stood strong, held my head high and stare back at her holding her gaze. Unwavering, not letting her intimidation tactic drags me down to the bottomless fear.

"We don't have all day, now do we. So let's begin." Scarvalen turn her head away. I relish in the victory, knowing that I did not let her effect me. But the victory was short live as I remembered that the punishment is coming next.

Holding my breath in and biting my lips, awaiting for the lashing to begin. The pen moves so slowly in a stop motion of a frame-by-frame, one inch after another. The anticipation almost drove my mind crazy, hell I just wanted to grab the thing and write it on my skin myself. Why delayed the inevitable when I knows it coming, just get it over with. This kind of torture is truly the best at braking the mind and emotion.

It drop down and start writing, writing straight into my skin. The rush of the stabbing almost made me stumble backward, my head when foggy. Swimming in the sea of tears, scream wanting to burst out form the treacherous cut. I push it back down, biting my lips pushing against the pain and the tears. It dig deeper and I thought I might just past out and drop to the floor, my hand shook from the agony.


I looked to were Melody sat, in fear; every time my hand shake the needle dropping one section at a time getting closer to her fingers. Melody shown no fears on her face but within her eyes I could see it, I could see the tears, the fear that she is trying not to let out.

No, LARIS PLATUMAR you are not going to let your Soul Shadow get punish for this. Just so you can relief your own pain of the inflection, stop shaking. Hold still, I scream loud in my head.

But the needle keep dropping closer and closer to Melody hands. Melody was on the verge of her seat and her eyes closing. No, no, no. Please no, I beg you my body please just hold on just a little bit more.