
Majestic Night

Larisa Platumar has the worst luck from the moment she meets a mysterious man who forced her to help him out from a situation that she herself feels she doesn't have to get involved with. After Meeting this mysterious man everything just go into shamble one after another, he is the domino effect to the beginning of her bad luck. What will Larisa Platumar have to do to get out of the situation she is in?

Sinoun_Blomfield · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

Mole the pain, mole it; mole it to your will. Remember your training remember when grandmother Jel put you in and what she said. "Why you can't let it happen," I looked at Melody for inspiration to help with my resolve.

As the pain came instantly it subsided with the healing as the pen lift from one spot to the other, it cleared a path way of lettering scare. Written across the back of my hands saying "I will never be late again." Over and over again, my teeth gritted and clutter in the shear cut of the ripping skin burning and healing.

I could smell the flesh burn and the boiling of the raise bump of scab, the intent scrutinizing numbing prick. But I held on, I held on to my sanity; to my resolve.

"Why are you late?" The same voice ask the girls.

"Unfortunately we had to attended the great gathering of the Royal great ball."

"You know how those party goes professor Rumerouth, seeing as you are one of the most well-known with in the Royal Society. You must get all those kind of invitation all the time, and it drags on for too long we were trying to escape but unfortunately it wasn't that easy. We apologies four our miss conduct of lateness."

"That so. A very valid reason indeed, you girls must be very tired; go and take your sit."

Am I hearing all of that right. What the hell, they are 20 minuets late and all he say is, "you must be tired, take a freckling seat." Freckling hell why do they get away from being punish and am standing here being torture because I was 30 seconds late. Because you're not a Royal and everyone here is out to get you, the voice at the back of my head spoke out.

"Isn't she stupid."

"Why suffer the pain when you can easily get the soul shadow to receive the punishment."

"Yes of course the decision is so clear yet she is to dump to even see its"

The giggle and whisper brush past me and a content firefly aim straight right at my shield.


Ava and Liliana both have there hand entwined it into my arms supporting me and helping me keep up right.

"If I ever going to meet that stupid professor Rumerouth, on the street I am going to smack his handsome face out of his mind until you can't even recognizes face anymore. A man like him should have an rotten face, he is a disgrace and dishonorable to all beautiful people out there. I have meet more handsome man who with less of a disgusting personality." Ava burst out in frustration ranting away about man as always as her petit frame trying to support me.

"Umm." Was all that I could manage? The pain just seems to develop even greater after the punishment.

Finally reaching the library sitting the furthest away from every building across from everywhere like in the middle of nowhere, that no one is even interested in at all. Within the 10 years I been here a hand full of people would visit it and that would make 5 people.

Even this is a dissertated place it is home, home that open both hand with worm, love acceptance. The place that I could be whoever I want to be, the real me that doesn't have to hide unlike when am stepping out to the open world part of me must be keep hidden.

"We're going to have to take you down to the Waxing Area. That wound need to be bandage and we need to get grandma Jel to look at it."

"I'm sorry Larisa, I'm of no use." Melody circle and flouting around with her head held low, dejected and the feel of worthlessness came over me and her.

This is the kind of things that I was talking about, the damage to the mind, right now my body is weak. So the mind really have free roam of emotion that I would usually be able to keep in check and suppress.

"I am of no Soul Shadow, even to protect my master I was not able to for fill."

"Blame game is not like you, there was nothing that you could have done. That Professor have had it out for Larisa for a long time now." Liliana comfort Melody who is now having her head hug so low that she would fall within herself.

"Umm." I so do want to say much more then grown and nod. But all of my energy is drain down to the last drop of keeping just my feet up right; things just seem to fade in and out. Time did not seem to have meaning any longer. Is it minute, second, hours that past by, it was all I could do to not collapse within myself.

We began to make our way into the brown wooden building, the threshold sound out as we step into the entrance alerting anyone with in the building that someone just arrive.

Oh my god my head is getting more and more heaver by the minute. Why didn't any body tell me that someone had gone ahead and replace my whole head with a metal encasing of hundred of kilo more then it should be.

"This is going to be a hard one." Larisa spoke seeing the step up the top of the floor, the steep that would only relive itself by being pull upon on the entwined rose. The clever thing that Grandmother Jel did was that only the person that is keyed to that rose would the stairs be open, seeing as up in the Wax room we doing something that we shouldn't.

Grandmother Jel really thought of everything, we called it a Wax room but in truth it is a secrete room that is for training to fight and that is against the regulations of the academy. A Lady of any kind is not meant for fighting only to look demur and pretty, be the damsel in distress awaiting for the gentlemen to come to the rescue.

The power they have is only for decoration; they should not even use it at all and they follow that to a letter. That is all they know and that is how they see. But grandmother Jel have secretly train me and Liliana and of course we do need a place to train so this is our secret training ground and that would be our Max room, we can't called it the training room now could we, it would defeat the purpose of it being a secret.

Seeing, as we do need to be train if anything were to happen namely being caught by the enemy we would be able to fight for ourself and not wait for anyone to save us.

"Just grit and bear it, let's take one step at a time." Ava told me.

"Yes." I though I said yes, but definitely sounded more like a "Gleessss"

The sweat drenches my whole back and I could feel the clinging fabric wet and stuck to my back. The boiling fever within trying hard to flight pushing over one another trying to escape as fast as possible from the sinking ship of the titanic hitting the iceberg.

I'm gone, I am completely spent, this is it after all this my down fall is the last dame step, everything else I endue to the end but a step is taking me down, pulling me in to dream land. I almost fall flat onto my face only that Ava and Liliana was supporting me that was keeping me up.

"Larisa" someone is calling out to me I wonder who it is. The voices seem so far away, it must be a dream.

"She is falling. Ava, use your levitation power. Use it, use it now." The voice became high with panic. There is nothing to be panicking about everything is fine, floating in the sea of cloud is so much fun. I couldn't help but giggle, wow no pain, no pain at all this is amazing.

"Madison, your hear thank god. Help us!"

"Oh my god, make a bed already am going to drop her and who are we going to blame but me the person who is about to drop her head first to the floor. Quick!"


"Child! Stop screaming in my ears, I am old but not deaf. How is it even when you are half wounded you still have the energy to scream so loud." Grandmothers Jel say in her usual relax voice. Watching me drink the blended water that she mushes together just to get my strength back up to the usual self.

"I'm half wounded that doesn't mean my mouth isn't working. You crazy old woman, what did you say you done. Explain or your ears are going to be the last of your worries." I warned her.

"She definitely seem like she back to normal." Liliana drop down on the chair signing in relive her head falling forward making her golden blond hair drop forward covering her dishevel tired appearance.

"Well from her tone she definitely does sound alive." Ava prop her petit little face in her palm.

"Am of no use. I was unable to protect you." Melody bend down on her knees and took my hand kissing it.

"Melody, it not your fault. You can't choose or help it that you're master is so stupidly stubborn and crap at time management." Madison crosses her arm looking at me like she want to snack some scent in to me for being a late idiot.

"Hey, I will take the time comment part, but I am non of those other. I am not stubborn nor am I stupid."

"Point made." Ava just point at me. "You make it to easy."

"This is no stubbornness. It calls perseverance."

"No, it's called stubbornness." Madison voice in. "stubbornness to the core. If there is a stubborn society you would be the head of it. Mrs. head Council of stubborn land."

"Gee, I know you worried about me but don't have to go that far. I am not stubborn."

"There is nothing wrong in being stubborn, stubbornness is a good tool when it come to fights." Grandmother Jel spoke wisely.

"Grandma, what was it you were saying before." Liliana rub the back of her neck looking up between her bangs. Reminding us of the subject that was happening before all the argument happen.

"Yes do explain," I almost completely forgot about it.

"Ok, ok hold your horses, I will explain soon enough." Grandma Jel slowly got up from her seat and walked across from the floor to the other side of the library book shelf that is decorated with books of word that can jump from one book to another. They played and started to chase each other around like children in a playground. Ah to be word of magic with no worried, no care in the word except enjoying life.

"As I was saying before you interrupted me." She slowly lifted one of her shaking hand.

"Grandmother, cut out the old age act already. We all know you are healthy as a horse." I sign and roll my eyes the woman seriously love to drag things out and make a scene out of things liking to exaggerate everything. This old woman people look at her and they would think she around sixty or seventy, but that where people would be wrong. She is actually thousands of years old.

Usually use Fay would be residing in Faydom which is up in the sky; all the start that we see is the realm of Faydom, there are many Fay kingdom. This academe is created so that every royal can attend and of course they chosen earth to be the nice prime location would be the fact that no Fay kingdom exist here. Making it the perfect neutral spot for any Fay to come. A span of human life would be to 100 year or less, but for Fay people we can live for centuries, something to do with our magic slowing down the growth of the life posses.

"Child can't an old woman act her age if she wanted to."

"Ya, if you were a normal old woman, then I would let you. But you and I, we both know you are no ordinary old woman. So cut out the crap and tell us what you did!"

"Larisa you're being mean again." Liliana sign rubbing her forehead for stress relives.

"Ok I'll keep quiet, but I'm not promising anything else. Come here." I put out my arm calling her over; I reach over and massage her head to relief the pain with in the temple. She grown in relief, there is a benefit to having the power of Empathy sometime; in this kind of situation I am glad to have the power. But in most it is a curse.

"I have signed the four of you up to join the Majestic Night new partnered search." My grandmother says with a calm tone.

"I'm sorry did I just hear that wrong?" I grumble in low warning tone. "You did what now."

"Oh my god, Granma Jel I wish you are my grandmother. You are amazing," Ava bounces over hugging her and jump up and down with excitement. "How did you manage to do that, I have been trying to get in for year now." She squeak out.

"Grandma that is unwise, we can't afford to be discover. Unless my hearing is wrong." Liliana spoke out to our grandmother that is about to throw us in the lions mouth, after so many years oh running away from the jaw of death.

"No child everything you heard is true."

"GRANDMOTHER! What are you thinking? We are supposed to be on a run, in hiding not show our face to the enemy." I repeat the same thing Liliana just said just to make sure in her crazy old ages that she has not forgotten the reason why we are here in the first place.

Why we are on Earth instead of any of the Faydom realm. Unfortunately my family is wanted as a criminal in Faydom. The Council even have a bounty on our head. I heard it was a big one, and now all the bounty hunter out there is kind of after us properly still searching now. It a good thing that we are on earth or everyday we would be fighting for our own survival.

"Child I am old, I couldn't train you to fight any more, I have teach you all I have know. This is a good opportunity for the both of you to improve on your physical and mental skills. The older I get the harder it is to run and hide, I do hate seeing you both being treated so unfairly being punish so ruthlessly for a 30 second lateness." She close her eyes and rub it with her index and thrum.

"You told her," I whisper in to Liliana ears.

"Off course I did, I had to."

"You know how worried she get."

"That is why I got a job in this academy, to keep us safe. But insight of safety you girls had to sacrifice your freedom and being excepted."

"Grandmother Jel we excepted them, rights Madison." Ava put her hand up before she spoke out like the perfect student.

"Yes of course." Madison looked up from her books just to answer and when back to it.

"You girls are special, you understand that everyone have their value. However in doing so, you yourself are being treated like an outsider too."

"Na, grandmother Jel even before you came that girl and I have always been on the outside, have you seen what a rotten personality she have." Madison spoke out between her books again.

"Hey, what the hell is that suppose to mean!" Ava walk toward Madison in a low tone like a little kitten preparing for the attack.

"Just your lust of boy crazy, is rotten to the core!"


"No! It is fact, truth should not be hidden." Madison snap her book shut, got up turn around to looked at Ava and stuck her thong out, and off she when running as Ava chase after her.

"Well, Back. To. The. Trouble. at hand." Liliana spoke slow and awkwardly with her brows up high in question of what just happen.

"This Academy is a safe place for now, safety is short live you can never let your guard down. Even here is not safe with all the shield and watcher. We are never safe; I want to make sure that you girls can protect yourself completely. Being in the Majestic Night department wouldn't put you in danger. One the council does not have control over the Majestic Night department they are a stand-alone group that have it own power and control. Two the council would never expect you to join a guard authority, seeing as it link to politic that within their area. Where better to hide then under their noses."

"I don't know!" some of the things she said kind of make senses the watcher and the shield will not always be enough to hide us. The shield is made out of thousand and thousand of power pressured together to protect and ward off any emeries or danger it takes a lot to brake it down. On top of that we have the watcher and they are a section within the Majestic Night place on the perimeter to watch and guard. After all this is where all of the Royal children and all so the royal themselves come to negotiate any disagreement without war.

But still the idea itself is just so bleak and unsavory, to joint the majestic night. To join with the hype of every royal trying to flock to it to join. It really is putting me off the idea all together.

"What do you think?"

"I don't know. This is giving me a headache." Liliana heave a big sighed.

My god I would have thought that Liliana is the old woman instead of my grandmother standing tall. In her small frame, she have the looked of a worm heated, soft silver curls with a neatly wrinkle laughs line. She is the spit image of a grandmother that would cuddle and rap you in blanket whenever you have nightmares and sing to you until you fallen back to sleep. Of course she is all that but make no mistake that she can kick your ass if she want to, don't even let the old age act trick you.

"Just do this one thing for me and I can die happy."

"Grandmother you are not dying." Liliana say and got up and when around to hug her tightly.

"Who says you're dying you crazy old hag, you probably still got another hundred years to go?" I say jokingly.

Talking about death always gets me very uncomfortable and so instead I crack joke. Death reminds me of the death of my older sister, Tendra. The way she had to give up her life, it was ended still ingrain deep in my mind and each night I would dream of the horror.

Never knowing who your parent is also a death sentence in my mind. The feeling of losing a loved one is never easy and it has stayed with me ever since that day that it happen.

"Child come here and let me hug you." My grandmother motions her hand for me to get closer to her.

I got up, I throw wise crack around a lot but deep down this woman in front of me have love me and Liliana unconditionally she will always have a place in my heart. Even though anger or frustration I could never refuse her. I love her to much to even want to, I went around to the other side of her and put my arm around her small frame body.

Have her body has always been this small? I remember it as big and strong, not this tiny delicate old woman. She places her hand on both me and Liliana's arms pulling us close to her, clams instill in to my heart.

"Well, can you do this old woman one last wish?"

"Yes grandmother." Me and Liliana both answer at the same time.