
Magneto in Naruto

A story that sticks. Hattori Shinjo, heir to the best assasin clan in the shinobi world. Follow him through his journey, through innocence, through darkness, through light and through life. And of course the badass moments in between. Oh he is going to be powerful, very powerful. ......... There will be no harem, I hate harem. Only a single romantic interest. This will be an original setting, with original characters, set in the eve of establishment of Konoha. I don't own shit. Credit for Naruto and Naruto Shippuden goes to their creator. Only the MCs are of my own creation. p.s. If you have any good cover pics, send them to me in the comments. I will be sure to give a mention in the credits. Thank you.

rorschach · Tranh châm biếm
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25 Chs

Chapter 20 - Tobirama's show of power

Having seen all that a 10 year old had managed to achieve, Tobirama felt compelled to help him in his training. He walked to a clearing in the middle of the training ground and the group followed. Even Kagami was excited, it wasn't everyday the second hokage guided someone in training. Sakumo and Ryuga were no better.

"Chakra" Tobirama filled his right palm with pure chakra and had it spin faster and faster, "is a very mystical energy, said to have originiated from the Rikkudo sennin, the sage of six paths. Even I dare not say to have figured out all its properties and applications."

Saying up to that, he turned the chakra revolving in his palm to fire, that kept revolving as before, casting an orange glow.

"Chakra helps you turn your bodily energies, spiritual and physical, to give birth to various natural energies.

Fire, the most violent of the chakra nature." Then he put out the fire and gather chakra in his palm again, still revolving.

"Once the chakra has changed its property to a chakra nature, it cannot be turned back. It is an arrow that has been let loose. If chakra is order, convertion to chakra nature is chaos. To turn chaos back to order, it goes against the very nature of energy. Perhaps only the sage of six paths can achieve that."

The chakra in his palm turned to water this time, still revolving as a globe of water, refracting light and appearing beautiful, he continued,

"Water, the only nature that can be used as offense and defense because of its fluid nature. It can be violent..." the globe of water became turbulent, as its speed increased.

"Or it can be still." The globe of water now became still, no more ripples on it surface, but still rotating at a higher speed. After a few seconds, he discarded the water and chakra again formed a sphere in his palm, spinning but this time at a lower pace.

"Earth." The chakra turned into rocky particles that amalgamated to appear a single piece of rock, but the slight, near invisible fractures in its apparent seamless surface betrayed its true nature of existence.

"The heaviest of chakra nature. Turning your chakra into earth, forming something out of thin air is very difficult, but once you master it..." The globe of earth rotated on it axis faster and faster, but its radius instead of expanding, shrinked instead, generating a heavy feeling. Even Tobirama's hand lowered, betraying its heavy weight.

"It can be a force to reckon with." He dropped the earthen ball after coating it with a layer of chakra and turning it into a singular piece of earth. The ground below his feet gave away, producing a deafening noise. A web of cracks expanded upto 10 meters, prompting them to move away, everyone's eyes widened at the implication.

As they approached another clearing, Tobirama again gathered a spinning mass of chakra and continued.

"Wind." The spinning chakra turned into a transparent globe of air, accompanied by the sudden onset of soft breezes that grew more and more forceful, as the rotation of wind grew faster and faster.

"Once mastered to the limit, you can control wind and have it at your beck and call"

Saying that, the wind rotation increased once more and his feet slightly left the ground. Then suddenly, he moved his palm forward seemlingly punching slowly towards the distant trees, simultaneously a coat of chakra appeared around him that was again converted into wind nature.

With the punching motion, the wind traveled like an actual, tangible sharp projectiles, creating a miniature hurricane by the way and cut down the trees by tens. And there was bang that sounded behind him, emitting a shockwave that repelled all those watching, resulting in Tobirama landing stationary from his recent levitation and not thrown backwards by the resulting force.

"And you can even fly." He ended that with a stoic look and cool posture that left everyone's eyes shining brightly. What he left unsaid was that he wasn't actually flying in the truest sense, he was only offsetting his weight by the bouyant force that the wind had created.

"And lastly, Lightning" Again chakra gathered in spinning spherical form and turned into arcs of lightning. It couldn't escape the revolution and the chakra nature control holding it in place, so it got faster and faster, emitting chirrping noise of thousands of birds. But soon, the lightning got so fast under Tobirama's control, that the sound melted into a continuous high pitched sound, that gave the onlookers dangerous feeling.

"I won't throw this into the forest, or it will destroy the entire training ground AND then some." As he said that, he slowly controlled the lightning revolution to slow down and the sound turned back from the high pitch noise to the chirpping of thousand birds to intermittent chirrping, and quieting down, eventually it disappeared in a puff of smoke in his slightly charred palm. Sakumo's eyes were already too bright to look at.

"Lightning is the most unstable and damaging nature of the 5 most prevalent chakra nature. And it is the hardest to control. AND that ends my show. To do all that, in addition to the necessary chakra affinity, you need to have excellent chakra control. Althought I have water and lightning as my predominant chakra nature, I have practised all the others to a suitable level."

"Now what did you understand from the demonstration, Shinjo?"

Shinjo stood thoughtfully and said "Hokage-sama, I have the earth affinity, but I don't think i can do what you did. I think the path we are following are different."

Tobirama nodded encouragingly and continued,

"That is correct. Every chakra nature has three stages of nature control."

"First, the most common and most chunnin can reach that level, in konoha, it is to make a piece leaf demonstrate the properties of each chakra nature. You must have used chakra paper to check your affinities. While it doesn't require much chakra nature training to change it properties, that is just because it is a special paper which is designed to react to any chakra passing through it by its natural properties.

So you need to duplicate that phenomenon in a leaf, which is obviously not designed that way at all. After you pass this level, you are said to have mastered the first level."

"Second, you need to demonstrate that same property of your element on a larger scale. For example, if for leafs, you needed to turn them into earthen fragments in the first level, then in the second level, you need to duplicate that feat in a large piece of rock. Meaning you have to break it into fragment, solely by the apllication of chakra. Is it clear enough till now?"

After a getting a nod, he proceeded to the most important part.

"Then comes the Third level. Now till Jonin and Kage rank, if you can achieve the second level, your strength will be adequate, only depending on your chakra capacity and how far you have mastered the chakra nature. But in the third level" Tobirama, his voice deep, paused to increase the gravitas,

"You need to take it a step further. You are now stepping into the Super kage level chakra nature control. Now mark my words, it is very, VERY difficult to train in this level. As far as I know, only a handful of people have mastered their elements to this level. My brother, Hashirama in Wood release Kekkei Touta, Myself in Water release, Uchiha Madara in Fire release and the First & Second Tsuchikage in Earth release."

"Excuse me, Hokage-sama, did you say the legenday Wood release is a Kekkei Touta and not a Kekkei Genkai?" Ryuga asked, his bewilderment, mirroring Kagami and Sakumo.

"That is right. It is not known to many, as it is confidential, but my elder brother combines Earth, Water and the intangible Yang nature of chakra properties to generate the Wood release chakra properties."

'If only he didn't do that. Using his kekkei touta is eating away at his life. With the uchiha loose in the world...' Tobirama sighed.

Not explaining further, to the chagrin of his audience, he continued his monologue,

"Now to demonstrate the third level of chakra nature control..." Tobirama pulled his right hand towards himself in a twist and made a fist, and water just gathered in his fist out of thin air.

"I can do this. There is no chakra flowing out of my body. But I pulled the moisture out the air, only by the virture of my enhanced water affinity." Saying that, he again motioned towards a tree branch filled with leafs and pulled again. Then something shocking happened. The cut off tree branch which was looking green and full of life just a moment ago, now laid there, dry and brittle, devoid of any life or moisture. This left a significant impact on the onlookers, as before they could not see the process. But now they saw how bit by bit, the tree branch dried and the water gathering in the second hokage's palm.

"Obviously I cannot create water out of nothing, that goes against the very nature of universe. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be converted from one form to another. What I did, was to make the water particles in the air and the tree branch gather towards me. Now you can do this if you can master the chakra nature control to the third level. It is even possible to create a new Kekkei Genkai by mastering multiple chakra natures to the 3rd level. But that is why it is so difficult to create a new kekkei Genkai or even a Kekkei Touta Unless you are born with it." Saying that, he looked at Shinjo pointedly.


This chapter was my complete understanding of chakra nature from the canon and various ffs I read.

Let me know if I missed anything.

Like it? Then add this to your library and hit me with them powerstones. Ciao.

This chapter was my complete understanding of chakra nature from the canon and various ffs I read.

Let me know if I missed anything.

Like it? Then add this to your library and hit me with them powerstones. Ciao.

rorschachcreators' thoughts