
Magical Brothel in Marvel (Bl, R18)

Bell woke up in a strangely decorated room. Just having been hit by Truck-kun, his memories were fuzzy. Till a serious voice spoke in his head. Follow Bell's perverted story as he opens a magical Brothel, needing to "Convince" different dimensional creatures to work for him any means possible.

PinkButterflyQueen · Phim ảnh
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17 Chs

Hidden Forces ( Small Chapter and announcement)

In another place, some people were discussing things with one another. "You send some mutants to that place? Don't you know it could be dangerous?" a older scientist shouted at a man in a suit. "Dangerous? How could a Brothel be dangerous? Not to mention that the X man send people in two times already and nothing life-threatening happened to them." The Man in the Suit said and scoffed.

"There could be many hidden dangers in that place! Even more since it attracts men into it and is normally impossible to find! You should know how much danger such anomalies inhabit! Not to mention you used two of My Mutants! The two there were meant to be experimented on on the same day you borrowed them!" The Scientist screamed in anger.

"Don't be so angry, after all they gave us some useful information and now we can use it to plan and capture the mutants inside that place. There are all quite unique and you surely can experiment on them too!" The Man said and shrugged his shoulders. "You! Ugh, fine! But next time inform me before you send away two of my mutants!" The Scientist reminded the Man who then stood up. "Sure anyway Hail Hydra!" The Man said with a smile.

(⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ Time skip of 1 week

Bell woke up and stretched, he stood up and went to take a shower, before putting on his usual clothes. Walking downstairs he closed the Brothel for now, so no new costumers could get in. He did it, since he wanted to give his employees a day off and maybe even go on a trip with them for one or two days.

They deserved it since they worked hard for an entire week. Not to mention that he wanted to celebrate his first upgrade for the Brothel. Yes the first upgrade! He currently had 20.785 points, he could have had more, but he used 8 thousand to upgrade all the love rooms once. Sadly for Bell, he didn't have many mutant costumers in this one week.

He only had five mutants in that one week that he serviced himself, mostly because some mutants can look close to humans and are hard to differentiate and secondly because mutants aren't as common. He was certainly sad that no further known characters from the Marvel universe came to visit. Anyway once all costumers had left, Bell called everyone in his room.

"It's time to upgrade the Brothel for the first time!" He announced and only TenTen clapped. "You guys aren't surprised or excited?" Bell asked his other employees. "Not really, ever since you had 10.000 points again, you have thought about the upgrade. Apocalypse read those thoughts and let it slip out." Cherry said and gave a glance to Apocalypse.

Apocalypse rubbed the back of his head "Hehe, sorry?" he said as Bell looked angry at him. "You could at least clap like TenTen here!" Bell said with a pout. "Yes, yes next time!" Cherry said and petted Bells head. Biron looked at the scene and shook his head. He had already seen them interact with another for a week and is still confused why they don't act like employer and employee.

"Anyway here we go!" Bell said and tabbed on the Upgrade button. The Room seem to tremble for a bit and then it stopped. Bell looked at the new things in shop and celebrated as he saw the kitchen as buyable room together with a living room in a new tab. Each costing 2.000, but he still bought both. Next was a new kind of room for downstairs, a lounge with a bar and stripper stage+pole. It cost 5000, but he bought it as well, interested how it would look like.

Since he will need more employees, he bought another two employees rooms. Though it hurt him a lot since it costed him 6.000, the price scaling really started to hurt! Looking at the 7.785 points left, he decided to just save them for later.

Bell then took them to look at the new rooms, the Kitchen was clean and spacious, but sadly things like plates and pans were missing and needed to be bought. The Living room was big, had three couches, a coffee table and a big flat screen. Sadly here too, you would need to buy some extra things, like decorations or movies to watch.

Last stop was the Lounge and well, it was a rather big room, with a bar and counter where around eight people could sit, there were also five tables placed around a okay sized stage. The Stage itself had the Pole in the middle of it. "Does anyone have experience as a bartender or as a stripper?" Bell asked and Apocalypse raised Cherry's hand.

Cherry sighed and pulled his hand out of Apocalypses grasp and rolled his eyes. "I know some exotic dances, but was never used a pole to dance with. As for the Bartender thing? No idea how to mix drinks." Bell nodded and sighed. He felt a bit down, since it meant they would need to recruit two new employees.

Though he had bought the Rooms already, he still remembered the things from his last recruitment trip. "Anyway the Brothel will be closed for three days and how about we do something fun as a group? A Trip? A Picnic a-" Apocalypse said seductively "a Orgy?" cutting Bell off and getting hit in the Ribs by both Bell and Cherry.

"TenTen had read things about a thing called a water park! Can we go there?" TenTen asked with stars in his eyes and Biron raised his hands, "I also would like to go into an amusement park, or how ever it's called. I heard one of our clients talk about it and how he wanted to go there with his Son and wife." Bell nodded till he just thought "Wait a dam minute!"

(⁠٥⁠↼⁠_⁠↼⁠) i am guilty of playing too much Warframe, i really had been getting back into it and it had been a grind for me. Recently finished the New war Quest line and am currently farming the new frame and standing in different factions each day! So much i forget i started writing this Chapter long ago!

Anyway well, you must be all be used to me not updating for a long time and my forgetfulness, hehe sorry!

*Author runs away as fast as possible, to get away from possible angry fan and yells* "See ya next time?"


So yes, updates won't be regular or really spaced out, even more since Christmas is coming and some birthdays! I also realized I never did the spam chapter thing to get words.... naah to lazy to spam shit and I am already to deep in this rabbit hole