
Magic Duel: The Dark Chronicle

The year is 2582. War no longer takes place in the real world, but in the digital world of the Magic Metaverse. A representative from each district is chosen at random and must go through a series of 1 on 1, turn-based magic duels in order to survive. Participants fight with a weapon called a Chronicle, which stores their spells and incantations that are used for battle. The protagonist, Kamari Yelekal, was chosen to represent his region against his will. His region has yet to win a single Magic Metaverse tournament for the entire 500 years that it has been established. In order to escape with his life, Kamari must break this curse. This story is a slow burn. The beginning may be boring to some because there is a lot of exposition, but once the ball gets rolling, you are in for an exciting, emotional ride. Also on Royal Road @SurelynotEli

TheWanderingWriter · Khoa huyễn
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17 Chs

I want to fight too.

"You did what!?" Seon was laughing, leaning toward Kamari. As they always do in the evening, the two of them were talking in front of the artificial sunset. Those who'd walk by, and those who were part of the marketing division simply assumed they were a couple by this point. However, they were simply just friends for the time being.

Kamari was giving Seon the play-by-play of what had transpired in the training room, namely the exchange of words between him and Jin Ishiwatari. As Kamari explained what happened, Seon smiled and stared at him with a gentle gaze.

"He was being a total dick. I don't know what came over me." Kamari, feeling a little embarrassed, admittedly could hardly believe that he himself said such things despite being there himself. Usually, people's words didn't do much to rile him up, but disrespect was typically where the line would be crossed.

As Seon's laughter settled, she exhaled and looked up at Kamari with those kind, amber eyes of hers. "I've noticed something about you Kamari..." she told him, smiling softly as she continued looking up at him lovingly.

"Yeah? What's that?" Kamari was curious, wondering if it was going to be a good or bad thing.

"You change when people you care about are involved in the matter." Seon admitted, still chuckling ever so slightly with her hands cutely covering her mouth.

"Oh, sorry." Kamari thought it was a bad thing, but Seon was quick to laugh and clarify what she meant. "No, it's- It's cute." Seon's skin started to change hue, and if Kamari's skin wasn't brown, he too would be seen changing colors. "I wish I was there to see it."

Kamari smiled slightly, looking forward at the sun setting in front of them. "Yeah, me too." he told her.

"Kamari." Seon spoke just his name, looking up at him rather than at the sun setting before them. Kamari, sensing her gaze, looked back at her, seeing her oddly serious expression. She looked curious, yet frustrated. As if she were stumped on a difficult math problem. "Why did you choose to... To fight?" she asked him.

Kamari didn't quite know what to say for a moment, he just looked into her eyes, breathing softly before his lips parted and he spoke. "Remember when we talked about finding something to protect?" Kamari asked her. Seon nodded slowly and hummed her answer before Kamari continued.

"I found something I wanted to protect." he told her softly. "I was initially afraid, but you and Tom are the last people I will ever care about. I know our lives are going to come to an end soon, within seven months, we'll all be dead. That's the truth. That's reality, right? We are going to die."

Kamari's expression was as cold as a stone statue's as he spoke, still looking deeply into Seon's eyes. Seon's eyebrows were slightly raised as she looked back at him. Kamari wasn't beating around the bush, he never really did, but to be so blunt was almost off-putting, but at the same time, she admired it. She didn't say a word, she just nodded and he continued.

"I told myself I wasn't afraid to die. Perhaps that was just a coping mechanism of mine, something I told myself to make the world less scary. But when I saw your name next to mine... I genuinely felt horror for the first time in years. Despite our friendship being short, I wanted to protect it for as long as possible. Even if we die, I want this to last." Hearing Kamari say this, Seon could feel an electric shock course through her body. She didn't expect Kamari to open up like that to her, especially in such a blunt manner.

Though she had thoughts about similar things since the reveal of the bracket, Kamari's words were pushing her in the direction of making a new decision for herself.

"I want to watch..." Seon's voice trailed off before she looked back up at Kamari intensely. "I want to watch a year's worth of sunsets with you, or at least, however many sunsets we'll get to see if we make it to the end."

Seon then placed her hand on Kamari's and her gaze grew even more intense. "I want to fight too. I want to be by your side until the end, the very end."

Kamari turned his hand and grasped onto Seon's. Neither one of them broke eye contact as the sun set between their two gazes. "Until the very end." Kamari repeated to her. "Let's do it. Let's fight."

Though they both were committed, wanting to reach the end with each other, there was still a question lingering in the back of both of their minds.

'What happens once we reach the end?'

Been super busy. Sorry for the short chapter. I hope the book isn't too boring. I am realizing 17 chapters in, there isn't much going on still.

TheWanderingWritercreators' thoughts