
Mage Of The Apocalyptic Era

After Doomsday , humans were blessed by Cosmic Power . With great power , they were also given great challenges . In the world where monsters and supernatural phenomena have started to appear, Sagar is an ordinary Nepali who fights for survival . Awakened himself with the Cosmic Profession of a Mage , he is destined to walk on the path of Magic . While some became the king of new nations , some rebuilt their former country , some became a lone wolf who works alone and fights alone . On the other hand , Sagar somehow became the leader of an organization that controls everything and everyone , he became the founder of a legendary powerhouse to whom even the future descendants worshiped and took him for their role model . He became the master of Dark World , King of Magic World , Guardian of Spirits and the Immortal who is said to be undying and invincible . Let's follow the journey of Sagar who struggles to survive in a cruel and ruthless world but one way or another, he became the most important entity of all time . [ Note ; Mc is selfish , villainous and only cares about himself ]

Villain_Rai · Võ hiệp
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15 Chs


"What is this ?"

Sagar observes his reflection in the mirror , finding something levitating behind his head as if he is a deity from Heaven.

A round iron-like object with three layers , each layer emanating endless magical power while nine pointed objects were hovering close to the surface .

At the center of the inner ring , there was a mythical sphere hovering , this sphere has no color , sense nor exact form . Even though this object resembles a sphere , he was sure that this is not its true form .

[ Cosmic Awakener Rookie-Mage Sagar has awaken Magic Palace after comprehending Law Of Magic , mastering Mana Manipulation , advancing Magic Sense , Cultivating Mana Essence , Understanding the principle behind First Circle and learning the way of Mage ]

[ Magic Palace : An Innate Divine Treasure of a Mage , every Mage has their respective Way Of Magic which affects their Magic Path , hence when they start to construct their foundation they awaken Magic Palace .

Grade : Innate Divine Treasure

Rank : Level 1 ( Can Evolve )

Effect 1 : Mage Domain

More To Unlock ]

"What is this ?"

There was lots of information about Magic Palace , after understanding it , Sagar seemed to understand something .

"You are awake "

Sagar turns back and finds Una walking in , he nods his head and frowns a little .

"What happened ?"

Una approaches him but Sagar does not react much , he only shakes his head and does not answer .

"How is the situation ?"

Una smiles when she hears him , she softly asks him to sit on the bed , since there was no one inside , they were only the one .

"You have awakened after five days , how do you feel ?"

Sagar has been unconscious for five days in a row , hence he is unaware of the current situation right now .

"Forget about me , just answer me , what is the situation outside "

Sagar frowns , to him more than his health , the situation outside matters most .

"Since out stronghold is hidden under the ruins , less than hundred monsters have found us and they are only all Undead Monsters from the underground "

Since their stronghold is hidden from the outside world because of all those ruins covering them from the outside , monsters rarely finds their way to reach them .

" But what is that thing behind your head ?"

Sagar explains to her a little about Magic Palace , causing her to exclaim in admiration .

"I guess I am feeling well "

Compared to before he fainted , he was experiencing his whole body overflowing with endless energy .

The description didn't state about Magic Palace's recovery ability but the Recovery Ability of the Magic Palace was ten times faster compared to his normal Recovery .

"You are like those Greek Gods who has a Heavenly Palace behind them when they are shown in Anime "

Una smiles , she doesn't know if she should be happy or jealous of Sagar for getting something so cool .

"Why ? Even the Hinduism Gods have something like this , don't they ?"

Una nods to him but she then shakes .

"But this Magic Palace of yours resembles more to Greek Gods compared to God of Hinduism "

While they were conversing with each other, someone walked in with his long lance .

"So boss , you are awake now "

Pranish smiles and walks to the sofa , resting there as he observes Sagar.

"Why ? Are you disappointed that I didn't die ?"

Sagar stands up and walks to the door , about to leave .


"Ahhh !!"

A painful shriek echoes each corner of Meon Gil Territory of Seoul , causing the ghost and spirits to shiver .


The sound of a body ripping into two halves was heard , causing blood to spurt fresh blood and collapse on the street .

"This— "

Cosmic Awakeners surrounding a pair were horrified, forcing them to shiver and retreat a few steps back .

"If you have guts , come forward "

Listening to the cold and murderous threat , more than thirty Cosmic Awakeners gulped their saliva , not daring to be the one to step forward .

"I don't have patience to wait for you all "

A young man with black hair and 5'8 ft tall body glares at everyone , although he is not handsome , he is still good-looking .

"Oppa , let's leave "

The white shirt he was wearing was pulled by a beautiful girl next to him , she was trembling uncontrollably , clearly she was scared of seeing the malicious eyes of her enemies .

"Little Ari , don't fear . Your oppa isn't dead yet for you to fear the likes of such insignificant dregs "

The young man was slime and had intimidating glare , his aura was dangerous and a Death Energy was gathering within him.

"But brother , they are too many "

Lim Ari tried to persuade her brother to leave but her brother was stubborn and didn't wanted to back down .

[ Lim Ari

Age : 16 / 99

Level : 1 [ Rookie ]

Cosmic Profession : Healer [ Apprentice ]

Skills : Heal , Recover , Blessing ]

"Tck "

Lim Ho clicks his tongue while glaring at those around , he truly wanted to rip their head from their body .

"Consider yourself luckily "

Holding his sister's hand , he leaves with her , no one dares to stop them .

[ Lim Ho

Age : 21 / 150

Level : 1 [ Rookie ]

Cosmic Profession : Death Lord [ Death Apprentice ]

Skills : Death Energy , Death Glare , Death Suppression , Death Eye ]

After walking for so long, they arrive close to a dilapidated area where skyscrapers have fallen and human corpses are everywhere , bloods are gathered to become a stream of river while Monster's corpses can also be found .

"Ha !!"

Lim Ho darts on a large and powerful Orc who suddenly attacks on him , thrusting his punch on the body of Orc , he penetrates a hole in the chest.

"Death Energy"

After penetrating a hole in Orc's body , he uses his Death Energy to devour the vitality of his enemy so as to empower himself .

By devouring his enemies vitality , he can increase his power and strength and sometimes , he can even prolong his longevity .

"Oppa , don't do such dangerous thing "

The beautiful little sister runs to him and yells at him , causing him to feel as if he has done something wrong .

"Whatever "

He turns around and walks away while ignoring the large body of an Orc .

"Oppa , don't leave me "

Lim Ari runs to her heartless brother and catches up with him but Lim Ho ignores her .

When they were walking on the street , Lim Ho would sometimes glance at his sister who was smiling very lovely .

Before the Apocalyptic Era , he was an unemployed man who only knew how to live while sucking on his sister and parent's money .

Although Lim Ari is only 16 years old , she used to help her parents in their small hotel . But Lim Ho had his own dream , his dream was to become the greatest Taekwondo Master of all time .

It is not that he wasn't good at Taekwondo but it is just that because of his family situation and status , he was always ignored and left behind .

He was a burden to his family , he never attended school even though he was admitted in one , his heart was always devoted to Taekwondo alone .

After the Apocalyptic Era took place on Earth , he was blessed with Death Lord Cosmic Profession, the one who reigned over Death .

Death Lord has both strength and power , agility and dexterity . By devouring the vitality of his enemy , he can grow powerful.

Since he has become someone with power , he wants to protect his sister who is the only one alive in his family .

His parents were killed by the Monsters during the early phase of the Apocalyptic Era , even with his strength at that time , he was unable to protect them .

Now that he has his sister by his side , he will go through all lengths just to keep her safe and happy .

As a brother , he needs to protect his sister and her happiness .

"Brother , what are you thinking? "

Lim Ho just frowns and does not answer her , his only problem is he lacks the skill of conversation.

"We will join Ironblade Fortresses on south "


"Team A1 , penetrate the formation of the enemy "

Sagar stands behind the Spearman Team , commanding his force to charge on the incoming horde of Goblins .

From the left side of the road , Goblins were running on his groups with no restraints.

"Charge "

Ten Swordsmen were deployed out of thirty Swordsmen .

"Charge "

There were more than fifty Goblins invading their area while crawling from those walls of vehicles , each of them were equipped with weapons .

"Team A2 , do your best to stop those crawling from the defense line "

Three Spearman run to the left defense line and start to attack those that crawl from the wall , penetrating their body and causing death.


More and more Goblins continued to swarm on them , their explosive attacks getting more and more dangerous .

"Let them be , focus on the right defense line , Team B1 charge on front and Team B2 , support them "

Ten Swordsmen with three spearmen supporting them ran to the right defense line , the Goblins were surrounding them from all directions.

Luckily there was another building behind their stronghold, blocking the way of everyone that wanted to attack from behind.

Sagar frowns and turns to gaze in front of him , the gap that was closed was slowly trembling , it seems someone has found his hideout .


Soon the gap was destroyed by someone, causing a large pit to open .

The light from the outside world enters through that pit , causing everyone to become alert .

"Captain Seok Kyung , we have found a way that leads to underground "

There was a loud noise, shouting for reinforcement .

"This —"

Pranish also frowns, he clearly didn't expect this . Did they just get discovered by human force , if so then it can be more dangerous than monsters since humans are both intelligent and ruthless .

"Everyone, don't make a move , let them down "

Sagar quickly commands everyone not to attack since they don't know what kind of power they are about to go against .

He certainly didn't think that they are friendly , after all , how will anyone even be willing to trust each other in such a dangerous era ?

" Vice Captain Yoo Iseul , launch a flame-arrow on that hole "

Soon they heard someone commanding to attack something inside the hole , Sagar and everyone were alerted because of this . Looks like those enemies are both catious and experienced veterans .

"Mages , protect everyone "


Following Sagar's command , the Mages start to construct a barrier to protect everyone, simultaneously arrows burning in flame fly up in the sky and land inside the hole , landing in front of the stronghold .

Of course , the barriers activated by Mages were also penetrated by the arrows , suppressing those Mages with such dangerous attacks .

"Vice Captain Pung Jae-Sung , go and inspect the area "

Soon the sounds of warhorses approaching was heard , there slowly a warhorse and a young warrior riding , checks from the outside .

"Captain , there are humans hiding here "


Everyone cursed after seeing Pung Jae-Sung reporting his Captain, they couldn't help but become anxious and scared .

"Get on the position "

From the outside, the Captain asked his men to get into formation .

Sounds of powerful army marching was heard , thankfully , those Team A and Team Building had returned after clearing their field .

"Everyone, stay alert "

Sagar also alerts his men to not let their guard down , since the enemy has spotted them , they need to fight the enemy head on .

"Stay alert "

He runs to the hole and jumps out of there , becoming a sacrifice to check on outside.

If he keeps on staying inside , he will not be able to estimate his enemy's force properly .

But when he was outside , his heart palpitated .

When he jumped out , he saw an almost endless line of soldiers standing with military discipline.

There were three groups divided , one was led by a young man with ferocious appearance and dangerous stature , he was holding a bow while riding a warhorse .

One was being led by an easy going young man , he has a kind and gentle appearance , equipped with armor and holding a long spear , he seems to be the embodiment of spear-god .

And finally there was a powerful young man who had scars all over his arms and face , equipped with iron armor and well refined iron sword , his aura emitting war aura capable of conquering battlefields for eons .

There were more than just one or two hundred soldiers , this was not a favorable situation for him .

"Native of this World , are you the leader of the humans hiding down there ?"

The leader of the army points his long refined sword on Sagar , his suppressive glare makes even the most powerful humans hard to breathe .

Sagar observed the situation and he felt complicated, after calculating the situation he realized that there was a way to get out of the situation but it was extremely dangerous .

"No my lord , I am but a mere slave of my master "

Sagar displays utmost confidence , his courage was commendable. He pretended to be a slave to his master , deceiving his enemy with his lies .

"You are a mere slave? "

Captain Seok Kyung frowns and does not seem to believe what Sagar was feeding him .

"But I can sense a great power coming from you , do you think I will really believe in your fabricated story ?"

Sagar does not reveal any unusual expression or suspicious behavior , he humbly lowers his head and joins his right palm on his chest .

"My lord , if you do not believe what i have said to you , than there is nothing for me to say to you "

Sagar does not try to make Captain Seok Kyung believe in his word , causing the latter to become suspicious of him .

"Call your master "

The Captain Seok Kyung aggressively asks him to call his master , with his indomitable qi , he suppresses Sagar on his original position .

When the qi suppression falls over his body , Sagar experiences suffocation and his bones crushing ,endlessly sweating all over his body , he shows signs of pain on his face .

Seeing Sagar tormenting in pain , the Captain smiles .

"My — my lord, my master isn't here but there is a device that can let you communicate with him "

Captain Seok Kyung groans and sneers , he signals an Archer to shoot an arrow on Sagar.

The arrow was shot on Sagar's left shoulder , causing him to bellow in pain .


He clutches his left shoulder that has a hole now , fresh blood streams out like a river .

Even the iron armor failed to stop that arrow .

"Give me the device "

After seeing Sagar injured, Captain Seok Kyung calls Sagar close to him and arrogantly looks down on him .

Sagar was trembling and gritting his teeth in pain , after approaching Captain Seok Kyung , he was suddenly stopped .

"Halt there , do you really believe i want to talk to your fucking master ?"

Soon he saw the Captain reveal an evil smile , horrifying him more than ever .

He falls on the ground with his legs soft , his eyes widened and fear can be found in him .

"You— are you intending to kill me ?"

The distance between him and the Captain was only around ten meters , and Captain Seok Kyung sneers with great disdain.

"How foolish of you to believe my words "

Captain Seok Kyung raises his sword and swings in the air , sending an invisible slash on Sagar , cutting his enemy chest .

Blood spurts out and excruciating pain engulfs Sagar , sending him into the realm of suffering and agony .

"Ah !!"

He rolls on the ground and keeps on shrieking , watching him the warriors enjoy greatly, laughing in process.

Captain Seok Kyung approaches close to him while riding a warhorse, looking down on Sagar with his cold and indifferent eyes , he raises his sword once more .

"Fucking insect "

Just when he was about to kill the young man , his eyes met with monotonous eyes that seem to be transcendent , one that does not value the life of anyone but himself .

"What the—

It was too late , an invisible domain explained at the speed of light , confining a five meter square area within a second .

"Do you think this petty trick of yours can stop me ?"

But the Captain Seok Kyung was not scared, his heart was calm and confident.

Through the ground , shadow rose and slowly arms of darkness started to engulf him , trying to drag him into the abyss ."

"Shitty tricks "

He swung his swords but his attacks were invulnerable to the Dark Magic , since the darkness does not have a corporeal body , his attacks were meaningless.

While he was busy with the Dark Magic spelled by Sagar on him , Sagar activates his Magic Circle and amplifies his speed and Magic Power to his limit .


When his hand lands on his enemy's body , he activates Mana Seed to its limit , plating his favorite move inside his enemy's body .


Although the Captain Seok Kyung doesn't know what Sagar was doing to him, he can sense a foreign power entering his body and rooting over his nervous system and brain .

Even with his powerful Qi , he failed to burn that foreign power invasion. How can a peak Level 1 nullify Mana Seed that has power equivalent to peak Level 1 and has Law Of Magic reinforced .

Although Sagar isn't a peak level 1, with his Magic Circle he can already reach that level and maybe even surpass Level 1 if he goes beyond what he can .

"Damn it !!"

The Captain Seok Kyung regretted it, he regretted not killing this bitch the moment he saw him .

He regretted approaching him .

He regretted becoming arrogant , why did he have to be so arrogant to the point of becoming ignorant !!

"Curse you"