
Mage Of The Apocalyptic Era

After Doomsday , humans were blessed by Cosmic Power . With great power , they were also given great challenges . In the world where monsters and supernatural phenomena have started to appear, Sagar is an ordinary Nepali who fights for survival . Awakened himself with the Cosmic Profession of a Mage , he is destined to walk on the path of Magic . While some became the king of new nations , some rebuilt their former country , some became a lone wolf who works alone and fights alone . On the other hand , Sagar somehow became the leader of an organization that controls everything and everyone , he became the founder of a legendary powerhouse to whom even the future descendants worshiped and took him for their role model . He became the master of Dark World , King of Magic World , Guardian of Spirits and the Immortal who is said to be undying and invincible . Let's follow the journey of Sagar who struggles to survive in a cruel and ruthless world but one way or another, he became the most important entity of all time . [ Note ; Mc is selfish , villainous and only cares about himself ]

Villain_Rai · Action
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


"Ask your man to lower their weapon "

The young man warns the captain , his eyes were monotonous and detached from all the mortal suffering.

"Soldiers , lower your weapon "

Captain Seok Kyung grits his teeth , his eyes are savage and his aura is bloodthirsty.

"What did you do to me ?"

Sagar smiles lightly when he hears him , he doesn't bother to answer but just continues to observe those large battalions . The wound on his shoulder was healing at a fast speed , to the point of confusing him for a god-like entity .

"Nothing much , just did some sorcery to bind your life with me "

He meets his eyes with the bellicose captain who was ready to jump at him at any moment .

"If I die , you will also follow me to hell "


Captain Seok Kyung has lived his life in comfort since the day he was born , being the adored son of Marquess Seok Ji-Min , he has always been treasured by everyone yet this nasty Magician dare use sorcery on him .

"You will regret it , undo the sorcery "

He has always been taught in War and Martial Path but this is the first time he has encountered such a humiliating situation .

"I am used to regretting in my life ,so don't waste your breath "

Sagar waves his hand and nods his head with admiration , there were more than just one or two hundred soldiers.

"How many of you are here ?"

Captain Seok Kyung sneers when he hears Sagar , he rides his warhorse and looks down on Sagar .

"Do you think I won't kill you just because of a little trick you used on me ?"

Raising his sword , he channels Qi to embed his weapon , and soon he swings the sword and lands the hit on his target .

Sagar was unfazed by the threat , he didn't even try to stop such obvious swords-slash . It is because soon the captain involuntarily changed the direction of his sword from his original trajectory , causing him to fall from the warhorse and hit his chin on the ground .

"So stupid "

Sagar chuckles and shakes his head , he walks forward and approaches Yoo Iseul , the young man frowns and puts his defense against him .

"What do you want ?"

Yoo Iseul discharges his Qi through his body and tries to suppress Sagar but Sagar easily neglects his Qi Suppression , surprising him very much .


Since Yoo Iseul let his guard down against him , Sagar wisely activates his Mage Domain , confining his enemy inside .

Inside his Mage Domain , since his enemy is suppressed by the Law Of Magic , his or her power and strength greatly weakens , while on the other hand , the host grows stronger than his original level .

Yoo Iseul was caught off-guard, because of his inattentive attitude for Sagar's mysterious power ,he didn't get the opportunity to fight back .

Hence he was also planted by the Mana Seed albeit his resistance , Sagar felt little relief after confirming that the Law Of Magic had taken root within his target's body .

"What— what was that dark sorcery ?"

Unlike Captain Seok Kyung , Yoo Iseul has experienced many real wars in his life and has even gone through life and death situations .

It is also why he was quick-witted and realized that he had been cursed by magic .

Although Murim World is mainly operated by Murim , there are Magic Practitioners existing in the Murim World . They are mainly the descendants of the foreigners from the different world whose ancestors visited Murim World during ancient times .

Precisely why Yoo Iseul realized that it is Magic , after all he has also fought against Magician before .

"No need to thank me "

Sagar ignores him and walks to Pung Jae-Sung but Pung Jae-Sung was much more cautious , he didn't dare to let Sagar approach him.

Unfortunately , the range of Sagar's Mage Domain is actually twenty meters , the moment Sagar approached more than twenty meters close to Pung Jae-Sung , he activated his Mage Domain and subdued him .

Of course, Pung Jae-Sung resisted against him but he was still subdued .

After subduing all the three leaders , Sagar was relieved . If he uses his Mana Seed , he can at least subdue twenty or thirty persons but there are too many with them here he just decided to subdue the leaders .

"Captain , protect the stronghold "

Sagar orders Captain Seok Kyung , causing the latter to grit his teeth in frustration. He does not know why but he was forced to obey this young man's command .

It was a great humiliation , he is after all the son of a Marquess and also a dignified Battalion Commander . He is a dignified Lieutenant Colonel who commands over a thousand Martial Warriors .

It may not look like a great force in the Murim but even for a Level 3 Expert , a single Battalion is enough to cause them a headache.

Of course ,it will be hard for Battalion to kill a Level 3 Expert since they are strong enough to kill Martial Warriors just with the sound-waves they produce through their destructive punch .

He does not know how he will be facing other Battalion Commanders after regrouping with them , his face becoming red in embarrassment.

"Soldiers , formation "

He grits his teeth , commanding his army to stand in formation to protect the stronghold , Sagar ignores him and leaves . He returns back to his stronghold and informs them all about the situation.

"Pranish , go and talk to them , ask the man name Yoo Iseul to come down and tell him to bring his soldiers "

Sagar meets with Pranish and gives him some instructions .

"Since he is an Archer with Company of Archers , he will be great support to guard the underground "

"Okay, I shall do it "

Pranish follows the instruction , leaving the underground .

"Did you really convince them to join us ?"

Una was suspicious , how did Sagar convince them to join their group ?

"Talking nicely with them , they pitied our situation hence they volunteered to be kind enough to help us in our desperate situation "

Sagar smiles and does not reveal about his Mana Seed , only those infected by Mana Seed need to know about the existence of such a trump-card .

"How kind of them "

Una gives him a side glance , of course not believing him .

"Brother Sagar , did you really convince them to help us by just talking ?"

Sarmila was also skeptical about him , even a newborn will not believe Sagar's lies .

Sagar didn't bother to explain himself , he returned back to cultivate inside the room , the room where the shop was constructed.

"Sigh , he is always like this "

As long as she can remember, Una has always seen Sagar like this . Never doing his best to explain anything , just doing whatever he wants to .

"Young sir , you need to maintain your health , even though you have return back being healthy , don't neglect your health "

Sagar was greeted by Sandiya , she reminded him to look after him which he does not mind .

After that , he enters the room and closes the door .

With that , he returned back to his cultivation , he wanted to find a new way to utilize his Magic and Mana .

Not even a single second of his life can be wasted , he needs to keep on progressing until he makes it a habit that ingrains into his bones and muscles .

"Hey , that man , is he always like this ?"

Outside , Yoo Iseul looks at Pranish after setting the formation .

Three hundred Archers are not something to be taken lightly .

"Hehe , you will get the chance to know "

Pranish didn't say anything and just talked with him about something else , after all why would he talk about a man instead of beautiful girls .

Slowly day passed , and two days after , a sudden announcement was released .

[ Alert ]

Everyone looks up in the sky , the screen that appeared out of sudden .

[ Raid Outbreak is about to take place in the area you are currently staying at ]

The sudden alert for the Raid Outbreak was like a thunderclap in everyone's ear , they wanted to escape from the Domain as fast as they can but unfortunately they didn't have free will .

[ You have ten second to leave the area , after the Raid Outbreak takes over , no none has privilege of leaving the Domain ]

Sagar walks out of the underground and looks at the sky , with his calm gaze he awaits for the Raid Outbreak .

[ 10 ]

He has only heard about this Raid before but has never participated in one, hence his lack of experience .

[ 9 ]

Slowly the count was reaching its end .

"Everyone don't panic , raise your weapon and stand on the position "

Sagar commands everyone , seeing them sweat, he frowns.

" no matter what , don't break the formation "

He uses his Mana to amplify the volume of his sound .

"Those that runs and breaks the formation , I will personally kill them for I will not tolerate any retreat "

His voice was bone-chilling , even those war veterans felt their soul freezing , such murderous intent was not something possessed by a simple man .

[...0 ]

[ The Raid Outbreak will officially begin , everyone prepare for the battle ]

[ Time Limit : 45 days ]


When everyone saw the time limit of the Raid Outbreak , they were frozen from the terror , this was not something they could accept so easily .



Sagar yells on everyone , with his domineering spirit he manages to straighten their back and return them to senses .



Everyone prepares themselves, creating a war-formation that can fight all the directions.


A monstrous roar that shook the souls of brave warriors infiltrates the void , causing the morale of those soldiers to be greatly shaken .

"Ogres , in the name of Martial God , they are Ogres and not just one or two but hundreds of them "

Soon from all the directions, Void tear opens and everyone can see the forest surrounding them .

It was as if they had arrived in a different dimension , hundreds of Ogres surrounding them with weapons equipped , even the average Orc was around 8 feet gigantic.

"Soldiers , fire the arrow "

Yoo Iseul launches his arrow and commands his Company as well , hundreds of arrows fly up in the sky and rain down on those running Ogres.

The Ogres were all dangerous and terrifying , each of them capable of fighting against a Level 1 Rookies , they all charged on the human territory while disregarding their life .


Soon those Ogres stopped and raised their Shields in defense , protecting themselves from the rain of arrows .

They were well equipped with iron armor and weapons , causing them to become more dangerous than an ordinary Orc .

"Rooooooaaaaaarrrrrr "

There were not just one or two Orc Chief , but more than ten Orc Chief equivalent to peak Level 1 Rookies and Warriors .

Each of them is equipped with heavy iron-armor and different weapons . Some have gigantic sledgehammers , some have dual broadswords , some with gigantic axes.....

Their body was around 15 feet gigantic , resembling a Giant ready to swallow the human colony .




One arrow after another continues to land and penetrate those iron Shields yet no casualties can be found in Ogres Unit , forcing Yoo Iseul to greet his teeth .

"Everyone take control over the three directions while I take over this myself "

Sagar runs to one of the directions , commanding his mens to fight in the different direction .

Since there are only three Military Units , they can only fight for three directions so he took responsibility to do a one-man attack on the open direction .

Of course, Pranish and his team were protecting the underground .


Magic Palace activates and emits magical light and burns with endless Magic Power, his whole body glows with the brilliance of stars and moon, outshining him like a wargod from divine land .



Those Ogres ruthlessly attack on Sagar , Sagar's Magic Sense was full on display , he continues to dodge those attacks . He constantly attacks his enemy using Mana Fist , a fist with Mana circled in .


Each of his fists was enough to send ordinary Orc flying for a few feet away , displaying his dominance over the Ogres.


He was slammed by the Orc from behind , causing him to clench his teeth tight , with a ruthless force , immaculate Magic Force lands on the body of the said Orc , directly blasting a hole in the chest.


One after another , the Ogres kept on swarming on them , following that they saw wick Goblin Armies marching with a fucking war-banner with them , equipped with iron armor and weapons .

They were emanating a menacing aura and will to annihilate humanity .

Not only that , Dwarfs with Magic Cannon and weapons, War-banner installed , walked with hundreds of their units . They were all equipped with weapons made of Magic, similar to modern weapons but those that run with Magic Power.

Followed by fucking Elves , they were all blessed by spirits and elements , giving them immense blessing . Although they were beautiful to the extreme, their killing intent was saying something else .

Seeing this , everyone was left in absolute terror .

Only a single word came out of them .
