
Mage King Solomon

That man was born a king from the moment he drew breath; however, he was not a seeker of omnipotence but of knowledge. Been given miracles of God, he only uses it once. His ten rings hold dominion over all of magecraft; his eyes can view both the past and the future. His summoning spell has 72 Demon Gods at his service; the name of that summoning spell is “Goetia.“. The king of mages, said to be capable of the impossible, is the origin of all summoning spells. However, I cannot overlook this, and I cannot continue to overlook it. Despite his gaze resting on such tragedy, he did nothing but have a thin smile on his face. Despite having the power of the universe within his grasp, the king did absolutely nothing. He was a king who only smiled; we all thought we must not allow this man to be.  

Kellyaminu · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs


The Holy Maiden, Jeanne d'Arc, was taken aback by the unexpected presence of the priest, who stood before her with a solemn expression. As he began to articulate his purpose, the priest's words carried a weight of urgency and solemnity, emphasising the dire need for salvation that humanity sought. Meanwhile, amidst the chaos of the battlefield near the imposing estate, Astolfo, a valiant hero, found himself at a crossroads. The tranquilly of the setting was shattered by the arrival of a menacing figure, a sadistic maniac whose cruel intentions cast a shadow over the scene. Astolfo's nobility and sense of justice were tested as he was issued a chilling command to eliminate the Homunculi Sieg. Reluctance filled Astolfo's being as he grappled with the internal turmoil of his conflicting emotions. Despite his inner struggle, the force of a command spell forced Astolfo's hand, pushing him towards an inevitable confrontation.



In a dramatic turn of events during the intense battle, the sadistic master ruthlessly launched an attack on the already wounded Sieg, determined to crush the homunculi under his relentless power. Witnessing this brutality, Mordred, the Knight of treachery who happened to be in the vicinity, was unexpectedly moved by a surge of pity towards Sieg, the homunculi caught in the cruel crossfire of the conflict.


Driven by a sense of justice and empathy, Mordred, with silent determination, swiftly intervened to protect Sieg from further harm. Without uttering a single word, the valiant knight decisively struck down the sadistic master, putting an end to his merciless rampage. Then, with a solemn resolve, Mordred silently departed from the chaotic battleground, leaving a solemn air of solemnity in the wake of their heroic actions.


Meanwhile, in the aftermath of the tumultuous battle, Astolfo, the valiant Servant, found himself in a precarious situation. Astolfo had tragically lost his devoted master, the one who had once supplied him with the vital magical power necessary to sustain his powers in the Holy Grail War. Bereft and with no other recourse available, Astolfo faced a pivotal decision that would alter the course of his fate irreversibly.


Forced to confront the unexpected turn of events, Astolfo ultimately made a fateful choice. With a sense of duty and newfound determination, Astolfo bravely entered into a solemn contract with Sieg, the homunculi who had unwittingly become embroiled in the grand tapestry of the Holy Grail War. Thus, in a pact forged through necessity and mutual respect, Astolfo and Sieg established a bond that transcended the boundaries of master and servant.


At the Hanging Garden, the sacred site where the priest and the Holy Maiden crossed paths, a pivotal moment unfolded. The priest's encounter with the Holy Maiden sparked a clash of profound beliefs and ideologies. As tension simmered between them, servants loyal to each faction ominously entered the chamber. The Servants of the Red Faction, their loyalty unyielding, questioned the sudden change in leadership without their consent. With poise and conviction, the priest elucidated his motives for seeking the Holy Grail, emphasising his unwavering dedication to the salvation of humanity. Assuring the anxious servants that their original master remained unharmed, the priest's words carried both reassurance and gravitas. The atmosphere in the room crackled with anticipation and uncertainty as the underlying power dynamics between both factions teetered on the edge of confrontation. Each word spoken carried weight, shaping the fate of not only those present but also the destiny of the Grail itself. The priest's declaration resonated with a sense of duty and destiny.


The priest, with a gesture of goodwill, graciously extended his invitation towards the Servants from the Black Faction, particularly directing it at Avicebron, the master of Golem, whose burning desire to see his primordial giant masterpiece completed led him to accept the offer without hesitation. As fate would have it, Chiron, a valiant servant from the Black Faction, witnessed Avicebron's unexpected act of betrayal and swiftly turned his arrows against him in a display of loyalty to his cause. Faced with the sudden turn of events, Ruler found herself in a precarious position, vastly outnumbered and with no recourse but to retreat alongside Chiron, whom she had instinctively forged an alliance with in the heat of the moment.


Their escape, however, was short-lived, as they found themselves trapped until the timely arrival of Mordred, the formidable Servant aligned with the Necromancer of the Red Faction, who came to their aid with strategic finesse. The necromancer, with a keen sense of the priest's underlying motives, realised that forming an alliance was the only viable option to navigate the intricate web of conflicting interests at play. Thus, a pact was forged among unlikely allies: the Necromancer, the enigmatic Holy Maiden, and the steadfast Servants of the Black Faction.

After the harrowing events at the Hanging Garden of Babylon and the shocking betrayal by Avicebron, the group found solace in the familiar halls of the Yggdmillennia estate. Their primary purpose in returning to this sanctuary was to alert their masters to the grave turn of events that had transpired. Little did they know that amidst the chaos and confusion, Avicebron had solidified a new alliance with the enigmatic leader of the Red Faction, Amakusa Shirou, forming a pact that would forever alter the course of the Great Holy Grail War.


In the intricate web of alliances and betrayals that defined the battlefield, Avicebron orchestrated a cunning move by contacting his former master, Roshi, telepathically. Roshi, unaware of the treacherous intentions lurking beneath the surface, heeded the call and departed from the safety of the mansion to confront the Golem Master. With trepidation and uncertainty clouding his thoughts, Roshi walked into the lair of his former servant, oblivious to the impending doom that awaited him.


Meanwhile, Avicebron's machinations were already in motion as he laid the foundation for his grand design—the creation of the primordial giant, a behemoth of unimaginable power fueled by the essence of his unsuspecting former master. As the pieces of this intricate puzzle fell into place, the boundaries between loyalty and betrayal blurred.


Chron, who had managed to successfully retreat to the safety of the Yggdmillennia mansion just in time, arrived at a scene of despair: Roshi had already fallen into the hands of Avicebron, a fate that could have dire consequences. Through a cunning manoeuvre, Avicebron had managed to immobilise Roshi, positioning him perfectly to merge with the lifeless Golem, a creation of immense power, the primordial giant. Standing amidst the ominous fusion ritual, Avicebron made it clear to Roshi that his allegiance had shifted; no longer was he a mere servant of the Black Faction but rather a vital member of the Red Faction, bound by a new pact forged in secrets and shadows.


Despite the gravity of the situation, Avicebron displayed a surprising hint of remorse as he prepared to initiate the fusion process. With a heavy heart, the Golem Master expressed his regret for the inevitable outcome, knowing that the path he had chosen was irrevocable. As the ritual to merge Roshi with the primordial giant began, Avicebron bid a sombre farewell, the weight of his actions mirrored in the solemnity of his words. The air thickened with tension as the fusion progressed, each moment marking a point of no return in the unfolding tragedy.


The Golem Master, known for his unparalleled skills in the mystical arts, commenced his ritualistic incantation with a powerful yet melodic voice that resonated through the air. As his words filled the air, he channelled ancient energies, invoking the very essence of creation itself. With each carefully crafted phrase, he imbued the golem with the elemental forces of the earth, wind, water, and fire, infusing it with vitality and purpose.


"Born of mother earth," he intoned, calling forth the primal energies that lay at the heart of all existence. "Take the wind of wisdom," he continued, bestowing upon the golem the keen intellect and discernment needed to navigate the complexities of the world. "Drink the water of life," he whispered, infusing the construct with the vitality and resilience of the flowing streams and rivers that sustain all living beings.


"Brand fire to keep diseases away," he declared, crafting a protective barrier of cleansing flames that would ward off malevolent spirits and maladies. "Your resentfulness destroys you, yet your righteousness cleanses your blood," he intoned, imparting a profound lesson on the dual nature of existence and the necessity of balance within oneself.


"You are of earth, yet not of clod," he spoke, emphasising the golem's connection to the very essence of the land while highlighting its elevated status beyond mere dirt and soil. "You are a man, yet not human," he mused, hinting at the golem's quasi-human form and abilities that set it apart from mortal beings.


"You are our dream, our hope, our love," he proclaimed, instilling within the golem a sense of purpose and belonging, a beacon of light in a world shrouded in darkness. "You bear the heroic spirit; your name is Adam," he concluded, bestowing upon the golem a name that resonated with power and significance, symbolising its role as a guardian and protector of all that is good and just in the world.


Saying those words, the primordial giant was bestowed with the breath of life, awakening in a spectacle that reverberated through the fabric of existence. Avicebron, replete with a sense of fulfilment that had long eluded him, embraced his newfound purpose—a mission to guide humanity back to the serene embrace of Eden. Standing resolute atop the colossal frame of the primordial Giant, he issued commands that resonated with authority, commanding the Giant to purge the land of all that tainted it, to cleanse with fire and might the sorrows that had plagued humanity's spirit for too long. The daunting figure, with Avicebron perched upon its monumental form, strode with purpose towards the looming edifice of the Yggdmillennia estate, the ground trembling beneath its colossal steps, a harbinger of both destruction and redemption. And as they approached their destination, the sky above darkened ominously, as if heralding the reckoning that was to come.