
Mage King Solomon

That man was born a king from the moment he drew breath; however, he was not a seeker of omnipotence but of knowledge. Been given miracles of God, he only uses it once. His ten rings hold dominion over all of magecraft; his eyes can view both the past and the future. His summoning spell has 72 Demon Gods at his service; the name of that summoning spell is “Goetia.“. The king of mages, said to be capable of the impossible, is the origin of all summoning spells. However, I cannot overlook this, and I cannot continue to overlook it. Despite his gaze resting on such tragedy, he did nothing but have a thin smile on his face. Despite having the power of the universe within his grasp, the king did absolutely nothing. He was a king who only smiled; we all thought we must not allow this man to be.  

Kellyaminu · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Prayer Of Salvation

The Primordial Giant, a towering entity of immense power capable of transforming all that lies in its path into a beautiful array of blooming flowers, glides purposefully towards the prestigious estate of Yggdmillennia, with a singular intent to obliterate the Black Faction from existence. Avicebron's creation, the colossal figure, casts a spellbinding aura as it marches closer, heralding the imminent clash between forces. Amidst this impending chaos, Sieg, now entrusted as Astolfo's master, takes a pivotal stance by extending a proposition to the Masters of the Black faction. With a voice laden with determination, he offers his allegiance in return for a single demand: the liberation of his kin, the other homunculi held in captivity by the very faction he now stands against.


The luminous glow of the moon bathes the scene in an ethereal light, casting long shadows that dance in anticipation of the looming confrontation. The air crackles with an electrifying tension, a palpable sense of destiny weaving through the night as the Primordial Giant draws closer to its fateful destination. Each step reverberates with a thunderous resonance, a harbinger of the clash that is about to unfold—the clash that could reshape the very fabric of fate itself.


Sieg's unwavering resolve shines through the darkness, a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching shadows. In the midst of uncertainty and peril, his offer stands as a testament to his unwavering belief in the possibility of unity amidst chaos, a glimmer of compassion in the face of overwhelming animosity. As the Primordial Giant nears its target, the echoes of Sieg's words linger in the air, a vow of solidarity that could tip the scales of the impending conflict in unforeseen ways.

The grandeur of the mansion looms in the distance, a majestic edifice that bears witness to the unfolding drama about to sweep its hallowed grounds.


Sieg, now a master of the Black Faction, found himself in a pivotal moment as he observed the primordial giant, accompanied by its creator, Avicebron, marching resolutely towards the grand mansion, where a fierce battle was set to unfold. The tension in the air was palpable as the Black Faction made its final preparations, every member bracing themselves for the imminent clash. Suddenly, a dark cloud loomed ominously overhead, casting a shadow over the battlefield.


In the midst of this unfolding chaos, Chiron, ever vigilant and quick-witted, seized the opportunity presented to him. Drawing his trusty bow, he unleashed a flurry of arrows aimed directly at Avicebron, the formidable Golem Master. Avicebron, however, met the attack with a stoic demeanour, wearing a sly smile as if he had anticipated this very moment. With a calm yet firm voice, he remarked to Chiron, "What a shame, my skilled archer. However, my purpose in this conflict is at an end. With the awakening of my primordial giant, I hold no regrets for the path I have chosen." With these words spoken, Avicebron, wounded by Chiron's arrows, made a decisive move. Committing the last of his essence to his creation, the primordial Giant, Avicebron initiated a mystical fusion, merging his very being with the colossal construct. The transformation was awe-inspiring, a testament to the depth of Avicebron's dedication and power, as the primordial giant surged forth, embodying the essence of its creator. Thus, in a single moment of sacrifice and transcendent unity, Avicebron advanced his legacy and sealed his fate on the battlefield.


As the primordial giant launched its relentless assault against the opposing faction, the very environment that had once been a mere battleground underwent a miraculous transformation, blossoming into a semblance of Eden itself. With each passing moment, the giant's aura seemed to grow ever more impenetrable and impervious, its presence exuding a sense of overwhelming invincibility that instilled fear in the hearts of all who dared to challenge it.


As the primordial giant neared its ultimate state of completion, its already formidable magical prowess experienced a remarkable surge, amplifying to unprecedented levels that surpassed all expectations. Even the seasoned warriors Chiron and Jeanne d'Arc found themselves at a loss, struggling to contend with the sheer magnitude of power that the Giant wielded.


Driven to desperate measures by the escalating chaos brought forth by the primordial Giant, the Ruler, in her capacity as the overseeing authority of the Holy Grail War, was left with no option but to summon Mordred, the infamous Knight of treachery, whose very name sent shivers down the spines of friend and foe alike. With a solemn invocation that resonated with the weight of her own name, Jeanne d'Arc beseeched Mordred to join the fray, trusting in the knight's cunning and prowess to tip the scales in their favour.


Like crimson lightning, the treacherous knight appeared, her sword gleaming with the promise of victory. Chiron, the wise mentor, had shared his grand strategy for vanquishing the primordial giant, emphasising the importance of unity among the group. As Sieg channelled the potent command spells, a miraculous transformation occurred, birthing Siegfried, a formidable force ready to engage in the impending battle.


The gravity of the situation necessitated a full-scale assault to stand a chance against the primordial giant, its colossal form looming ominously on the battlefield. Addressing the giant with a solemn resolve, Chiron acknowledged the immense power it possessed, capable of offering salvation to those in torment and guiding them to a mythical paradise like Eden. However, even in the face of such extraordinary might, a fundamental truth remained unaltered: that hero who does not fear God.


Amidst the chaos and turmoil of the confrontation, Astolfo, with unparalleled agility and precision, executed a dazzling airborne manoeuvre, culminating in the release of a devastating attack known as the "Trap of Argalia." The force unleashed by this legendary technique struck true, shattering one of the primordial giant's colossal legs—a decisive blow that reverberated across the battleground and signalled the turning tide of the conflict.


Sieg, with a swift and strategic manoeuvre, initiated his assault from the rear as he executed his ultimate attack, the "Balmung," which also bore the alternate title of the Phantasmal Greatsword. This devastating strike descended upon the enemy, akin to a diamond plummeting from the sky, with the specific aim of dismantling the Primordial Giant's core—a crucial step towards achieving victory. Following Sieg's precise manoeuvre, the responsibility for administering the final, decisive blow fell upon Moràqdred, the Knight of treachery. In a display of unparalleled speed and precision, she unleashed her ultimate technique, "Clarent...Blood Arthur!" This attack, recognised as the "Rebellion Against... My Beautiful Father," was imbued with intense power and purpose, symbolised by a vivid crimson lightning that dazzled all who beheld it. With a synchronised effort and the combined might of Sieg and Mordred, the Primordial Giant faced its ultimate demise, crumbling under the overwhelming force brought forth by the valiant warriors.