
Mage King in Amalgam-Verse (Marvel) (DC) (HP)

Uploads Mon/Fri 10:00 AM (MDT) Patreon is "Blugfics" Posted on WebNovel, ScribbleHub, Wattpad, and Ao3 *** After death, Matteo was given a second chance... as a penniless orphan. And if that wasn't enough, his new life is littered with Marvel and DC elements. Fortunately, just a day before his eighth birthday, he awakens his mutation... which just so happens to be one of the most busted powers in all of fiction. (harem, smut) *** patreon.com/blugfics webnovel.com/profile/4321563078 scribblehub.com/profile/96071/blugfics/ wattpad.com/user/Blugfics archiveofourown.org/users/Blugfics ***

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19 Chs

7 - Charades

{Brooke Manor, Greater Manchester}

{1st August 1989}

Matteo read the name once more.

'Minerva McGonagall...'

The Harry Potter universe.

Not two worlds, but three.

Matteo had prepared multiple contingencies– if a lone mage, an extraterrestrial, or a secret organization wanted to meet with them, they were aptly prepared.

He had made it all but impossible for anyone to find them, but alas, Matteo was of the curious sort– those with good or neutral intentions were welcome to find them.

He had NOT prepared for a surprise magical school enrollment.

Yes, Camilla and Chloe could act intimidating and powerful– hell, nowadays they both WERE intimidating and powerful.

But they weren't prepared for something like this.

"Camilla. Chloe. The woman approaching us is a witch– she is recruiting me for a magical school. You two are witches– Camilla, you were taught by your now deceased mother, and the same goes for Chloe. Understand?"

""Yes, master.""

Matteo conjured two ordinary sticks, handing one to each of his women.

"The mages of today are sub-par, and rely on wands as crutches. Do not use any magic without waving a wand. Point it at what you want to affect."

""Yes, master.""

The doorbell rang.

'Fuck,' Matteo swore. He really wished that he had more time.

Matteo knew that there were magical communities around the world, and that there was also one in Britain... but he had never visited one in the UK. The reason for it was... Matteo knew that it was stupid, he really did, but he wanted it–

'A British Magic Duel!'

He wanted to be caught unawares by a mage on the street, and then he wanted to be attacked with magic that he had never seen before. He wanted his first experience with Britain's Magic to be in live combat, and not anything else.

Why would Matteo ever want such a thing?

When Matteo had ventured out into his first magical community, that being a city of mages in Brazil... the same city that he had picked up one of his maids, Marcela... he had opted to study their magic system first.

That had been a mistake.

Being what appeared to be a defenseless child, someone trying to hex him. Matteo started to defend himself... only to realize that, already have studied their magic, he knew every little detail concerning how their magic system functioned.

Matteo knew every exploit, every strategy. All of it was as clear as day to him.

In less than a second, any thrill that might've been had, was lost.

With Matteo being so much greater then everyone else due to Mastery, it was already difficult for him to find anyone that matched him in combat. And while his women were good fighters (thanks to him), Matteo had already fought against them countless times... to the point that he had 'perfected' reading their movements.

The only way for Matteo to get something close to a good fight, to get ANY sort of thrill, was for him to know nothing about the person, and for them to catch him unawares.

Matteo was, quite literally, suffering from success.

That was why that, even after three entire years, he had never studied any European Magic, not wanting to ruin the splendor of a British Magic Duel. But alas, in his three years since awakening Mastery, it hadn't happened.

Matteo should've at least looked at one of the fuckers, lest he be caught unawares like this.

'Well, hindsight is 20/20.'

"One more thing. You two know nothing of the magical world, and the only magic you know of is because of Camilla's mother. She made both of your wands."

""Yes, master.""

Matteo took a deep breath. "Alright– Camilla, you lead."

Lucille vanished into his shadow.

It was time for a game of charades.


{Rebellion Road, Greater Manchester}

{1st August 1989}

With a loud CRACK, Minerva McGonagall apparated to the outskirts of Bolton, Matteo's Hogwarts invitation letter in her hand.

She was in good spirits– she was about to introduce another muggle family to magic.

Minerva did find the whole process a bit nerve-wracking, though. Sometimes muggle parents didn't take too well to the idea of magic, and sometimes things got rather heated.

But most of the time, they were absolutely captivated by it.

Introducing new witches and wizards to the wonders of magic was a delight– Albus had told her that once, and she absolutely agreed. It was one of the perks of being Deputy Headmistress.

Walking up to the house in question, Minerva realized right away that these particular muggles were quite well off– their house was much more lavish than hers.

Well, she was happy with her house. She did not need something quite this big.

Unfortunately, the thought didn't make walking up their driveway any easier.

After nearly a minute of walking, Minerva finally made it to their front door, and then she subsequently rang the doorbell. Minerva could've waltz right in if she so desired– lots of wizards and witches tended to disregard manners in front of muggles.

But Minerva needed to make a good first impression– she was about to change their whole worldview, after all.

Then the door swung open, revealing a woman... no, a witch, with her wand pointed directly at Minerva's chest.

"State your purpose, witch."

Minerva nearly tripped backwards in surprise. 'The Brookes aren't muggles! Apparently!'

"I am here for one Matteo Brooke."

The witch's eyes narrowed.

"What are your intentions towards my son?"

The woman practically growled the words... and then she flared her mana.

Minerva had to force herself not to shudder. The witch in front of her– most likely Camilla Brooke– was powerful. How had she not heard of this woman before?

"He has been invited to Hogwarts–"

Camilla snorted. "Hogwarts? Really?"

It was time for Minerva's eyes to narrow.

"Hogwarts–" Camilla held back a second snort– "School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a pristine establishment, and the best school in Magical Britain."

Camilla raised an eyebrow. "A magical school? As in, a school for magic?"

"Yes– wait, have you not heard of Hogwarts?"

"No, I have not. Does the government know about this?"

"I would hope they know about it– they govern our laws, after all."

Camilla's eyes widened. "Does that mean the Queen is a witch? Are there wizards and witches in Parliament?!"

Minerva took a deep breath. That was not what she meant.

"Have you heard of the Ministry of Magic?"

Camilla frowned. "Can't say I have."

Minerva let out a sigh. This was going to be a long day.


{Brooke Manor, Greater Manchester}

{1st August 1989}

"...So your mother taught both you," Minerva turned towards Chloe, "and Chloe magic, but neither of you know anything about the magical world?"

"That's right. This is quite the surprise." Camilla answered honestly.

Camilla had so many questions. How many wizards and witches were there? How do the 'muggles' not know about them? Were all wizards and witches as weak as her? Why call them 'wizards and witches' when 'mages' was so much easier to say?

Matty had more or less told them that he was a reincarnate of some sort, whether that meant he was from the 1900s, the medieval ages, or 10,000 years ago, he hadn't told them yet.

He obviously didn't know much about Britain's magical society today, so this meeting was just as much a surprise for Matty as it was for her and Chloe.

She was SO going to check it out after this.

"Alright... that's fine. Quick question– does little Matteo have a wand?"

Camilla stilled. 'Do I say yes? No? Not yet–?'

<No. Say you can't make wands.>

Camilla drew a helpless smile. "I would've gotten him one for his 11th birthday, but unfortunately, my mother did not teach me the art of wand making before she passed..."

Minerva dipped her head slightly. "That's unfortunate. Mr. Ollivander would've loved to meet her, I'm sure..."

"Who?" she asked, genuinely curious.

"You don't know–? right, of course. Garrick Ollivander is Britain's best wandmaker. He's been selling wands for ages– he even sold me my wand when I was a little girl."

"Wow, then I guess we'll have to bring Matteo to 'em then?"

"Of course. But first, let me tell you about Hogwarts."

Camilla was fascinated. Oh, she really, really, really wanted to go to Hogwarts– she had always wanted to be a teacher, yes, but being a magical teacher... that just... spoke to her. This meeting felt like a calling of sorts.

She'll have to ask Matty later.

"So... is there anything else I need to know?"

It turned out there were quite a few things. She needed to register her family with the Ministry of Magic, as well as her house, and her... chimney. So they could hook it up to a network of magical chimneys.

That was so... stupid.

They couldn't tell or reveal magic to no-maj, or as Minerva called them, muggles. To enforce said secrecy, the Ministry of Magic had what was essentially a hitsquad, memory-wiping every muggle that so much as got a hint that magic was real.

That was slightly terrifying.

Camilla was well aware that she had started as a 'muggle.' As soon as this impromptu meeting was over, she was asking Matty to check if she'd ever been mind-wiped before.

They also needed to go to Diagon Alley, and they needed to be wary of Knockturn Alley, and they needed to board the Hogwarts Express.

On platform nine and three quarters.

'Were they trying to be witty?' she mused.

"Well, this sounds like it could be quite fun. What do you say, Matty?"

Matty then looked at her for a few moments, before turning towards Minerva, and after what was an incredibly tense minute, he nodded.

"I'll go."

Camilla held back a groan. Matty loved fucking with her. As well as debasing her, demeaning her, and straight up abusing her...

<Focus. >

"Then that's that! This has been quite enlightening, Mrs. McGonagall, and I look forward to visiting this Diagon Alley you spoke of. As well as the Ministry of Magic," Camilla said, a very faint blush dusting her cheeks.

"Would you like a guide?" Minerva offered.

<No. > Matteo commanded.

Camilla was able to hold back her shudder– she wasn't Chloe.

"I appreciate the offer, but I'm quite the capable witch. You've already given me the locations, and while I don't have any of those Galleons you spoke of, I have plenty of pounds to navigate my way through Magical Britain."

"Very well. It was nice meeting you, Ms. Brooke–"

"Call me Camilla."

Minerva smiled. "Well then, feel free to call me Minerva. It was nice meeting you Camilla, and I wish you a warm welcome– well, not to magic itself, but to the magical world."

Then they watched as Minerva walked back down their driveway, before disappearing at the sidewalk with a loud CRACK.

Matteo exaggeratedly slouched to the ground, muttering, "I guess in the end, I really am going to school, huh?"

Camilla squinted her eyes. "You... you really want to go, don't you?"

Matteo didn't deny it.

Sure, there probably wasn't anything that he could learn at Hogwarts, but... it was Hogwarts. Hogwarts! How could he not?

Even if Matteo had been caught unawares, it was still a good day overall. Besides, he much preferred to learn of the addition of the Harry Potter world this way, with Mrs. McGonagall arriving at their doorstep, and handing them an invitation letter.

It just felt... right.

But, knowing the plot of Harry Potter, Matteo could think of a few troubling things.

Voldemort was one thing, but the Statute of Secrecy... as well as the fact that aliens were going to start popping up here and there, the future was going to be incredibly hectic. Matteo had always been planning to be at the helm of the world's development– not so much a hero, but more like an idol of sorts. Something to be worshiped...

And this was the best way to start. Even if it meant that, he truly was going back to school.

"Fuck me..."

Lucille left his shadow, eyes hungry.

"That's not what I– whatever."

Matteo pinned Lucy to the ground. He wasn't going to complain about this.


