
Madam Has An Amazing Life After Her Divorce

# loveafterangst When his wife and dream girl were kidnapped at the same time, he chose to save his fragile dream girl and left his devoted wife to the kidnappers. He had said to his wife, “Qiao An, you’ve always been smart, surely you can save yourself even if I leave you with the kidnappers. But Wei Xin can’t.” From this incident, Qiao An finally realized her husband’s true feelings. Left to fend for herself, she chose to jump from a dilapidated building. To the scumbag’s horror, after his supposedly obedient wife was discharged from the hospital, she began raining down revenge on him and his dream girl. He was completely overwhelmed. After he lost everything, he came to realize that smart women should never be provoked. He decided to reconcile with his wife. However, his wife had found a new life with his uncle!

Essence of Troll · Tổng hợp
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Qiao An is the Exception

Dịch giả: Atlas Studios Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

Qiao An looked at him in shock. From what she knew of him, these were the two things that bothered him.

Li Xiaoran breathed on her face and said, "Apart from you, I seem to be very resistant to other women's touch."

Qiao An was speechless.

She looked at Li Xiaoran in shock.

How did this guy know that there were no barriers between him and her?

Could it be that… he had already remembered sleeping with her that night when he was drunk?

Qiao An's head instantly exploded. At this moment, she had forgotten the scene of Li Xiaoran teasing and testing her in the hospital.

Her face alternated between red and white…

Li Xiaoran looked at Qiao An's embarrassment and felt a little puzzled.

"Qiao An, why is your face red?" Li Xiaoran asked mischievously.

Qiao An seemed to have arrived at a large death scene. She casually made an excuse and turned to run. "I'm going to the bathroom."