
The cake and its baker belongs to me!

Pink Villa

Alice put down her phone and leaned on the sofa. An evil grin played on her lips and she took a deep breath. She murmured, "It's done."

"Yeah", she heard a soft hush behind her head and nearly fell off the sofa.

She clutched her chest and huffed, "You scared me."

"What?!" Eddie whined impatiently, "You told me to be here."

"Okay!" Alice raised her in surrender.

Just then, the screeching of brakes was heard outside by a pair of hurried footsteps.

"Hurry! Hurry!" Alice whispered as she ran near the side table near the entrance, "Take your positions!"


"Alice?" Daniel walked in through the entrance slowly with careful steps. He really thought that it was a load-shedding and it confused him thoroughly. He scratched his head and raised his voice again, "Alice?"

He was afraid that she had run off and hide in the basement. By then, the figures in the background were already on their mission mode. Daniel suddenly stepped on something hard and the lights came alive. He shielded his eyes while blinking from the sudden brightness. The next thing that caught his attention were the balloons glued to the ceiling. Moreover, the heart shaped balloons at the center formed the words "I love you!"

Another set of surprise followed when Eddie, Jake and Papa Adley jumped out of nowhere, bursting some party poppers.

"Happy Birthday!"

Daniel was shocked and pleasantly surprised. A bright smile christened on his face. Just then, a soft peck landed on his left cheek. He turned around with surprise and saw Alice smiling brightly at him, "Happy birthday!"

He sighed, "That was a prank, right?"

"Uh Huh", Alice nodded with a smile before she slipped her palm into his. He, then, was dragged to the center where a delicious looking and sweet smelling cake was placed. The candles '27' were brightly illuminated.

Daniel sniffed the air, "My favorite chocolate cheesecake!"

"Alice made it", Eddie nudged.

"She didn't let me take a bite", Jake pouted sadly.

"Why would she?" Daniel glared at him, "The cake and its baker belongs to me!"

A shy smile spread across Alice's face and a deep blush painted her cheeks.

Papa Adley patted on his shoulder, "Now, cut the cake. I'm already hungry after such extravagant decorations!"

Daniel smiled, "Like I said, the cake is mine. You can have rest of the food, but not the cake."

Papa Adley sighed deeply and rolled his eyes.


"So? Your conference is on tomorrow?" Daniel glanced at Eddie while he was munching on his cake.

"Hmm", Eddie nodded as she took a bite of her cheese roll, "All thanks to Alice."

"Millie or whoever it is", Jake gulped his cocktail, "She will die a bitch's death!"

"Yeah", Alice smirked before she glanced at Eddie. It seemed that silent information was being transmitted between them.

"What are you thinking?" Daniel looked at Alice with a complicated way.

"Nothing", Alice smiled as she gracefully slipped a piece of cake into her mouth.

"You are going mysterious and mysterious day by day", Daniel squinted.

To which, just Alice smiled.

Just like that, the birthday ended with lots of memories, happiness and lots of mystery for the following day.

I guess, these days, I have been fighting hard!

I won't be able to post regularly

There are semesters after semesters coming and I have to spend time in the library and coaching centers. As a result, I don't have must time or energy left when I return.


~Sorry for the inconvenience~

<Thanks for your support>

Asmita_Mukherjeecreators' thoughts