
Luna Omega

What do you do when you finally find your mate? Any sound werewolf would howl in content and rush to claim her. I wanted to do that too. But here is what: neither was I sound at that time, nor was I ready for the hell of a surprise she gave me. Not only was she married to another but also bore him two pups. A perfect family of four. So what did I actually do you ask? I killed that man and the two little sins she committed. Don't worry! She is finally where she belongs. But not as the luna, but the omega. I guess my surprise was better. --------------------------- Note: This book has bloodshed, killing, violence, abuse, torture, cursing, and smut. I advise you not to read if you are triggered by certain sensitive topics. Kindly do not report if you do. I have already warned you.

Doominmywillow · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

The Unfortunate Arrangement

Tamari's Pov:

"These will be our quarters. And bathroom is at the end of the corridor. We all share," she explained while showing me my new living arrangement. There was a quarter of the floor specified for the Omegas in the pack-house in the basement. The room was small, with three worn-out bunker beds, and was window-less. The air conditioning system was terrible and the only source of ventilation was an almost broken fan, that God know how it was still working.

"How many Omegas are there," I asked.

"Five! Adding you now," she laughed. "Adam, Patricia, and Juan are the others. I'll introduce you when their shift will end." She then motioned to a bunker bed on top, "Here! You can share the bed with me. The rest are taken anyway."

I nodded, "Um! I don't own any clothes or anything. Should I ask Olivia?"

"She won't help you. Every thing here has to be earned. We are not allowed to own anything as an Omega. The things only necessities are given to us based on our input to the pack activities. It's basic things like food, medicine, some old clothes, and hygiene products. If they feel generous which they rarely do, they might give you a warm blanket, shoes, or a sweater. Don't worry though, I'll let you borrow my clothes and as for the blanket and pillow, I snug one out for you, from the infirmary supply room," She smiled.

"Won't they catch you? I don't want you to get into trouble because of me." I told her.

"Well technically I am taking care of my Luna so it's not stealing," she laughed. "But just so you know, the Pack- doctor would hardly notice a pillow and blanket missing from a store full of them."

A blond girl in her early 20s entered the quarter, followed by a red-head boy around the same age."Look they are finally here! Luna, this is Patricia and Juan. They are mates." Then she told them, "Guys this is our Luna."

"We know you! You are the foolish women who gave up the highest position to be an omega. We saw everything," said Juan.

Patricia lightly elbowed him in the stomach, "Juan be nice! We still don't know why she did it. I am sorry about him Luna, he is a little blunt. We were just a little upset when you did that."

"You all can call me Tamari. I'm no Luna. And I understand how you feel, but I had valid reasons to do so." I explained.

"Where is Adam?" asked Jenna?

"He is on patrol duty. There were 2 rouge sighted." Juan told.

"Luna! I think we should go to Olivia now so that she can tell about your chores." Jenna said while checking the time from her wrist watch. " I also need to head back to the infirmary."


We were at the back patio of the pack-house waiting for Olivia. The weather was beautiful today, spring was near.

I was admiring the sky was I saw movement on one of the window at the top floor. There was a lady with her back to the window. Her features weren't visible but she had long brown locks. It was a pretty woman. But the unusual thing was the state of her attire. Only clothing she had was a bra, and was even about to take it off. However, it felt like she was trying to prolong it. Was she giving someone a show? I should've gazed away but something compelled me to keep looking. It wasn't that I was into this stuff, but the curiosity was nerve wrecking.

As soon as she unhooked the strap, a big rough hand pulled her away by her hair, from the window. Then a man appeared. The same man, who is the reaper of my sorrows, my heartless mate. He was bare chested, obviously due to the activity he was currently occupied in. On making sure no body saw the scene, he adjusted the curtain and was about to pull them close when he saw me. He was shocked and looked a little guilty, perhaps because he wasn't expecting to be caught so soon. But overcame his emotions quickly and moved away with the curtains shut.

Funny thing that neither Olivia or Jenna saw them. I guess the moon is showing me signs that whatever I did was indeed right. However I felt a little burn on watching him like this. The bond is indeed mysterious. I can't allow to feel anything but hatred for him.

"Tamari! Did you listen to a word I have said?" Olivia screeched.

" No! What were you saying?" I asked.

"My goodness! Listen here you ungrateful b*tvh. I will now allow this lack of respect. If you want food, you will obey all orders. Otherwise there are punishments. Since this is your first time, I'm letting you off with a warning but don't expect that I would give you any leniency because you are the Alpha's mate!" She spewed every word with as much hate as she could muster.

"I don't expect you to give me any leniency either," I answered dully.

"Good to know we are on the same page then!" She breathed out. " So! Where was I? Yes! You will work as a maid from now onwards. We will see what other duties to give you for the pack. Did you receive any education?"

"I was homeschooled ," I answered.

" At least you know something. Maybe you can work at the pack-school too. I would have to discuss that with the Alpha. Meanwhile come with me, I'll show you the kitchen and the rooms. You can start working from today."

She showed me the whole pack-house. It had a total of 15 rooms but was pretty much unoccupied apart from the omegas, the staff and the offices for the gamma, beta, and Alpha. There was a common room and a conference room too. However only the Alpha lived here and rest of it was used for the pack business.

" And this is the kitchen, you will help the ladies here too as soon as you get free from your chores." She ordered and left. I saw two ladies in the kitchen. Both were beautiful and petite females. One was a blond and the other a red head. The blond was busy mixing the beater and the red head was feeding a baby some baby food with a spoon, who was sitting on a baby chair.

" What are you doing here?" The blond asked.

" Um! Olivia told me to help with the chores here." I answered.

" You are the Luna!" The red head said, shocked after noticing me.

"Gwen! She is no longer Luna." blond whispered to her, oblivious that I heard her.

Her baby was squirming in the seat and was about to fall down when I ran and caught him from falling. It could have have been a nasty fall. Why wasn't the belt intact?Thank God, he is okay. He reminds me of Maven a little when he was his age. I tear fell from my eye on remembering him.

Gwen was stunned on noticing what I did. She got out of her trance when I hand over her son. "He was about to fall," I told her.

"Thank you! I thought I tightened the belt enough." She acknowledged.

"You would need to get a new seat with the edges blocked. This seat won't hold him once he starts crawling," I told her, checking the seat.

"How do you know that?" She asked.

"I have...had two kids."

"What do you mean had?" asked the blond. She was surely the dumb one.

"He killed them!" I said slowly, looking down.

" I'm sorry for you loss," Gwen nodded after noticing my discomfort and then addressed me politely, "You can finish the rest of the chores, we are good for now." She looked sympathetic.

"But Gwen! I could you some..." The blond whined.

"Lily! We shouldn't," she scolded. "It's okay!" She smiled reassuringly.

I nodded and was about to leave when she called me, " Um! Tamari?"


" That is your name right?" She asked and I nodded.

"I'm Gwen, the beta female. And this is Lily, the gamma female," She introduced.

" Nice to meet you!" I gave a half smile.

" You can come to me if you want to ask something regarding the laws here. I heard your pack was different." She said.

" Yes it was!" I answered.

" What do you mean different?" Asked Lily.

"Lily! I'll tell you later." Whispered Gwen.

I left to find some cleaning supplies.


We found the Alpha cheating

But we made new frandzz💕