
Luna Omega

What do you do when you finally find your mate? Any sound werewolf would howl in content and rush to claim her. I wanted to do that too. But here is what: neither was I sound at that time, nor was I ready for the hell of a surprise she gave me. Not only was she married to another but also bore him two pups. A perfect family of four. So what did I actually do you ask? I killed that man and the two little sins she committed. Don't worry! She is finally where she belongs. But not as the luna, but the omega. I guess my surprise was better. --------------------------- Note: This book has bloodshed, killing, violence, abuse, torture, cursing, and smut. I advise you not to read if you are triggered by certain sensitive topics. Kindly do not report if you do. I have already warned you.

Doominmywillow · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Unfortunate Announcement

Tamari's Pov:


"Tim would never do that!"I bellowed, "He would never beg...especially to a swine like you."

"That is what I expected from him too! But people do unexpected things in desperation."He mocked.

"No..no!..You are a liar! I know what you are doing. You want to taint the image I have of Tim. I would never let you do that. I hate you! I will never forget what you did." I bawled.

"Since, you don't want the respect and honor so be it! I have decided your fate." He announced, and dragged me out.


He dragged my all the way to the main entrance. On exiting the cabin we took a path from the trees all the way to a small clearing. It was crowded with people. From children to elders, of all shapes and sizes. It felt different to see so many werewolves after so long. Last time I saw a proper pack was when I used to live with father: 8 years ago.

Everyone was looking at us, some so curious to get a peek. We stopped in front of a make shift platform made of stones, a little higher than the original ground level. He pulled me roughly on to it and took place beside me. "Wolves of Raveland! You have all gathered here today for an important announcement. I know many of you have been waiting for this day for a long time, but I have a not so pleasant news," he took a deep breath and looked back at me with disappointment before addressing the crowd again.

" I know you all know I found my mate, as you can all see her behind me, and are also aware of the crimes she has committed." Everyone nodded and gave me a disapproval look. "You also know that we decided to look past her crimes when she will be punished, and to accept her wholeheartedly." The crowd approved with understanding. Are they for real?  "But let me make myself clear. We punish someone to make them realize of their mistakes but this woman here," he pointed towards me, "she openly denies to accept her crimes and refuses to apologize! Not only did she verbally gave up her Luna position but she also cursed this gift." Everyone was shocked and I could feel the anger rising. "So I have decided something and I want you all to understand why I am making this decision."

He then faced me holding me in place with my arms on both sides and started chanting, "I, Alpha Kal Abraham of the Raveland Pack, demote you Tamari Scott from the virtuous status of Luna, to an Omega. You will not have the privilege to bear my mark or redeem your status until you beg in front of the whole pack on your knees. Only when you will fully realize the mistakes you have committed , and I feel that you have suffered enough, will we decide to restore your status. Your only purpose in this pack is to serve and that includes providing the next heir." I felt a sharp pain after his declaration and a symbol of an O, in the old dialect signifying Omega, appeared on my arm. I couldn't bear the pain and I shirked but he didn't let me move. The pain was excruciating and I collapsed. All I remember was a glimmer of sadness and a tear falling from his eye. Maybe I was hallucinating, why would he care.


Seven yrs ago: Tamari Age 16

" Tamari Sweety! Why aren't you ready yet young lady?" My mother called.

I peeked outside the window of my tree house, and saw her standing with her hands resting on her waist, with a frown on her face. "I'm sorry Mum! I was making Tim a present. And then I dozed off. I'll be ready in a jiffy," I answered.

" You better be! I don't want Simone and Jefferson to think we raised Tarzan instead of a wolf," she teased.

" I don't think I look that uncivilized," I rolled my eyes answering. I got down the tree with carefully handling Tim's present in one hand.

"No but you sure act like one".

" Mom," I huffed.

She laughed, " Okay! Sometimes! You act like Tarzan Sometimes!" She then noticed the terribly wrapped small package, "what are you giving him? I feel sorry for him."

" Well!" I got closer pretending to tell her in secrecy, "You know what?..It..It's a secret," I teased and ran off leaving her in the middle.

"Get back her young lady," I heard her calling me while giggling on my antics.


I woke up with a terrible headache and my body throbbing, especially my arm. The source was the mark. Almost every pack has omegas. Unlike other ranks, where you are born with it, Omega was a form of a punishment rank that could be bestowed on anyone by their alpha after a mutual decision by the pack people. It didn't require the permission of the council. Being an Omega was considered shameful and lowly. An Omega was looked down upon by the whole pack and no one was aloud to defend them either. However there were certain rules too, killing or any kind of physical harm leading to a fatal injury was not aloud. It could also be revoked by the Alpha, again after the permission of the pack people: if they be ready to forgive and accept . But, it rarely ever happens. Often the Omegas die of depression or suicide, because of the constant bullying and emotional torture. On the other hand those who survive the punishment and return to their title are nothing but broken souls with trust issues. One of the major reasons is that the mark of the omega never erases from the wrist, acting as a constant reminder of their past. So, no matter the birthed rank, even if an Omega becomes an Alpha he will still bare the mark. And now I would be one of them too.

I wonder what Jenna did to become an Omega. It was considered an in-humane practice in my pack, so it was also abolished. My father was a revolutionist. Although being the Alpha, he believed we needed to change with time. We were civilized people who needed to let go of the old barbaric customs. He learned it the hard way. My grandmother was an Omega who was punished at the age of 10 when she was found stealing some medicines from the pack doctor . It was the time of famine and the human village near by was stuck high with it. We werewolves do not get sick so she wanted to help a human friend. However, stealing was a great offense back then and although she was the Beta's daughter, she still paid the cost for 4 years. When my grandfather found her, her punishment was already over but she was broken mentally. The mark was made fun of, especially since she was now a Luna. She committed suicide, six years after my father was born. Grandfather grieved his whole life and followed her a few years later. As a result, my dad had to take over as Alpha at the age of 13. He realized the misery this practice causes and was the first thing he abolished in his pack being the Alpha.

I laugh at the irony of my situation. It's good my dad is not alive to see his daughter go through the same things his mother went through. The only difference this time would be that there is no loving mate who would fight for me or take care of me, or a child who would enlighten this pack of their brainwashed mindset. I would make sure of it. These people do not need any help, they deserve every piece of it. I snigger thinking about it when Jenna enters the infirmary I am currently in.

" Luna! I see you are awake," she smiles.

" Didn't you hear I'm no Luna now!" I scoff.

" No matter what they say, You will always be Luna," she holds my hand reassuringly, " After all! That is what the moon made you for," she smiled. " Why were you laughing though? I heard you giggle before entering."

" I was thinking about you," I half lied.

" Me? What about me?"

" Ah! Just that the only compassionate person here is an Omega," she laughed.

" How do you know?," she instigated with a smirk and we burst out laughing. It felt good. Laughing felt lighter, calmer. Especially in the state of misery and depression.

" Thank you," I told her seriously.

" For what?" She asked.

" For existing," I shrugged.

" Well Luna, It's a pleasure," she smiled and helped me up.

" We should get going now! I have to show you your living arrangements and work before Olivia arrives," she exclaimed. And we hurried to our next destination.


And that's a wrap for this chapter with a major twist and lots of background. I would be giving the snippets of her past for you to understand her story better. And if I get a couple of likes I would soon share our Anti-hero's Pov!!

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