
Luna of Rogues

A she-wolf whose pack got disrupted and destroyed turned rogue. Realizing how werewolves treat rogues like her, she made sure that even as a rogue, no one can disrespect her. Searching and finding rogues all over the place and soon, she made her own pack, a pack of rogues.

lorr_seeve · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs


Derek's POV

I didn't want to leave her.

Her eyes were indescribable, yet I felt like I'd seen those kinds of eyes already.

I keep looking back, wanting to see her once more but we slowly entered the darkness of the forest.

Once we were out of their territory, the Luna spoke.

"She's not your mate, right?" My mom tried to confirm the sentence that I had said.

"Why would I lie about my mate, Luna? She's my mate."

The sparks felt too real and I kept feeling our bond but I can't seem to find the other end of it from her side.

"Then why would she reject you when you two have never seen each other?" Dave, the Gamma asked.

"Aren't they rogues? The color of her eyes was red." Sam, the soon-to-be Delta raised his opinions.

"Are you kidding me, Derek? You're mated with a rogue?" My father, Rich, asked.

"If you take over this pack, their Luna would be a rogue? That's not even possible in the first place!" He exclaimed.

He was angry.

"Never see that girl again. She'll just confuse you."


I never talked back or opposed what my father decided, but this is my life, my choices and he should respect it like I always did.

"Cynthia, are you alright?" He carried my mother in a bridal style.

"My head is just throbbing." She asked.

"Let's get you back home and don't ever leave without me again." My father reminded us.

Whether they like it or not, I'm going to find her again.

"You good?" Gabriel, my friend, and soon-to-be Beta asked.

I nodded while I covered my wound.

My scent is all over her.

Indigo's POV

I woke up a little earlier than usual.

2:47 AM

Today was the marking of the members or remarking.

Most of the members already had their Pack Mark but since they're rogues, they need a new Pack Mark.

My Pack Mark.

Ours was very simple.

The former mark that you had will be covered by burning the part of the skin where the mark is and a 'P' colored in red will be placed at the back of the ear or the ankle.

The places of the mark are hidden for advantageous reasons.

I had mine at my pelvic area because it was the most covered part.

Anybody can have it anywhere they want, just hidden and not visible to the eyes immediately.

I took a look at my mark while looking at the mirror.

It gets darker every year, or at least that's how I noticed it.

Katy had it behind her ear for 3 years.

Grayson had the mark above his butt, on the right side 4 years ago.

While I was undressing, my clothes smelt like the guy I fought with.

I immediately threw it in the trash bin.

I took a warm bath and dressed in a pair of black sleeves and biker shorts.

I went out of my room and saw no one was awake.

I tried to sense Dante and Layla if they were awake but it seemed something was happening in the right room.

I went to the fourth floor and saw that the hunters had a worried look sketched on their faces.

"We sensed it awhile ago but we didn't know what to do, Luna. Someone else is in the Luna's room." One of them explained.

I went to Layla's room and saw that she was sleeping.

"Did you feed her?" I asked the hunters.

They nodded.

"They ate 5 in the afternoon, Luna."

"Give the Luna a 2 people meal so the baby can eat and feed her at midnight, 1 AM." I looked at them.

The nodded.

I walked back down with one of the hunters and he went to the kitchen to grab food for Layla and went to my office on the second floor.

I sat down and looked at the invitation letter that was on my desk.

Should I attend?

I wanted to know why they decided to invite me.

Why now?


The sun was already up and the members were getting ready to get marked.

"Are all of them going to get marked?" Willie is a guy who specializes in marking pack members.

He's not from us or anyone's pack.

He's a human who marks members of different packs.

"Do as many as you can. If you can do all, do that." I said as he was getting ready with his tools.

The warriors were burning metal to get ready to burn the skins of the new members.

"Babe, I won't be able to do everyone. I'll come back tomorrow." He smiled.

I nodded and told Grayson to call every new member.

It was faster than I thought, everyone endured the burning part and marking.

We were already halfway through when a teenager stood up to Willie.

"Girl, are you sure you wanna do this? You look so young." Willie said as the girl sat down.

She hadn't been marked because you can only get a pack mark when you turn 18.

"Are you allowing her?" Willie asked.

"It's her choice." I said as I looked at the teen.

"I want to do it." She said while facing her back to us.

She moved aside her hair and pointed her nape.


Willie then started marking her.

The mark was just like a tattoo.

She winced when the needles started touching her skin.

"I'll do it fast." Willie said.

He did faster and we looked at the mark.

"Gorgeous." Willie smiled and the girl looked at the mark using a mirror.

"Wow." She said trying to touch it.

I stopped her hand.

"Don't touch it." I said.

"Yeah, if you touch it, the pain can last longer than it should." Willie explained.

"The pain will carry on for days?" The girl asked.

"It can even last for weeks, or months. Just try not to touch it or make any contact with it." Willie smiled.

"That's how a Pack Mark works." I said when she gulped.

The teen couldn't remove the frown she had.

"Try not to expose it to water or sunlight." He added.

She bowed and left and another member sat down, getting ready.

Suddenly, I felt someone.

Far away from here, someone entered our territory.

Someone who shouldn't be here.

"Luna(r), someone infiltrated the territory." Grayson sensed it too.

And soon, everyone in the pack sensed it.

A Day Watcher came running up to me.

"Luna, someone slipped inside." He said, trying to normalize his breathing.

"You think I didn't sense that?" I said as I walked past him.

I was mad.

I was about to go when I saw Grayson coming with me.

"You stay here. Let Willie continue what he's doing." I ordered Grayson.

"What if something happens to you?"

"Just stay here. That's an order." I said firmly.

"What happened?" Willie asked Grayson.

He shook his head and let him continue what he was doing.

I walked to where the movement was present.

It was far from the Pack House so I ran.

After running, I stopped and looked to my right.

Someone was behind the tree.

I made no sound walking up to the tree.

I took out my dagger and got ready to get it.

When it wasn't moving, I heard it breathe and I took the opportunity to grab it when I realized it was a man.


I grabbed his hair and tilted it so that my dagger would meet his neck.

Suddenly, I felt more.

They surrounded me.

I put him in front of me, my dagger inches away from his neck.

"If you don't want this dead, come out." I yelled so that they would hear me.

They knew what I was talking about, or who.

They were far away yet so close to me.

I knew where everyone was.

I could hear their heartbeat and their heavy gulps.

They started moving towards me and in total, there were 3 people only.

A girl and two boys.

I put Derek into their view so that they would know what kind of position he was in.

I made the seips find what this guy's pack was and what he was in his pack.

I learned that he should have been an Alpha already, but her mother was suddenly engaged to a man and he was taken from the position.
