
Luna of Rogues

A she-wolf whose pack got disrupted and destroyed turned rogue. Realizing how werewolves treat rogues like her, she made sure that even as a rogue, no one can disrespect her. Searching and finding rogues all over the place and soon, she made her own pack, a pack of rogues.

lorr_seeve · Fantasy
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13 Chs


"Give him back to us and we'll go our way." The girl spoke.

"You're in no position to make deals." I tried to hide my smirk.

"And I'm sure that you already reached your destination so why go when you've just arrived?" I tilted my head.

I pushed Derek to a tree while I was beside the tree, still holding the dagger, aiming sideways.

"Let's talk it out, okay?" Derek said while trying to remove the dagger.

"Aren't we doing that already, mate?" I said, giving him a side glance.

After saying that, I felt his heartbeat quicken.

What a fool.

"What makes you think we wouldn't be able to kill you?" One of the guys asked, trying to show that I was outnumbered.

"And what makes you think I wouldn't be able to do the same?"

They entered my territory, uninvitedly so I could kill them whether I want to or not.

Unlucky for them, I had no intention of keeping them alive.

"Let's start with your Alpha." I said while trying to deepen the dagger aimed at his neck but he stopped it and grabbed my wrist.

The other guy tried to grab my other wrist but I forcefully release my hand from Derek's grip and tried to kick the guy's head but I saw the girl sprinting towards me.

I moved away and she stopped and tried to punch me but I lowered my head and the guy who was next to me tried to grab me when I stabbed him in the stomach.

I looked at his expression, and he was in pain.

Our weapons were always soaked in wolfsbane.

I twisted the knife inside and blood oozed, coating my hand.

And I sensed weapons, hidden by their clothes.

I removed my dagger and the girl rushed out to the guy I stabbed and I was faced with the other guy and Derek.

His face was shocked, not realizing I can go this far.

"We weren't here to hurt any of you." Derek said angrily.

"But you're here, when I don't want you to be. You should've never come." I said, trying to make him guilty.

The other guy was infuriated by what I said and he wasted no time walking up to me and trying to punch me but I simply avoided it and tried to slash his neck but he avoided it.

He tried to sweep me off my feet but I grabbed his head and dragged it across a rough surface of a tree but his hand went up to my clamped hair and pull it.

I used both of my hands, making my other hand let go of the guy's head, and twisted his hand with my body and dragged it with his body following and throwing him up in the air and intensively making contact on the ground.

Derek wanted to fight but he didn't want to fight me, even though he already did.

He was stiff, feet stuck to the ground.

The girl saw him and shouted.

"Are you seriously not going to help us?!"

But even hearing that, his eyes were set on me.

I walked up to the girl and tried to punch her but she avoided it but she came in contact with my dagger.

She should have gotten the punch instead of the stab.

She winced when I pushed it in further.

I pulled the dagger and pushed her making her fall to the ground, holding her wound.

I wanted to end them so bad, really bad.

"Since someone needs to take them, I'm sure you can do that or do you want to be dragged by the rogues?" I asked.

As much as I wanted to kill them, it would only be my pack's problem.

"I came to talk to y-" He got cut off when I spoke.

"And I don't want to."

"Just let me speak! I'm your mate. What do you not understand? How can you ignore this feeling we all know we both feel?" He explained, trying to subdue his anger.

"It's because I can't feel it, that's what you don't understand. I'm a rogue, and all of us know that a rogue can't be mated with anyone." I said, putting on a neutral look.

"Why are you saying that? I feel it every time I see you. I'll change so just, stop. I don't want to hear it from you, you're not making it any better." His jaw hardened.

This guy was not going to stop.

"Do you want me to say it out loud for you?" I asked.

I didn't even know if this was going to work.

He looked at me curiously.

"I, Indigo, Luna of the Ploreta Pack, reject you, Derek, as my mate and Alpha." I said it.

I thought he would tear up but he didn't.

He had a poker face and I couldn't read his emotions.

"You're making the biggest mistake of your life." He said anger mixed with pain could be heard in his voice.

"It would be unleashing a dog that doesn't know when to stop barking." I raised my brows proudly.

"I'll make sure of it." He smirked.

"We're just starting, mate." He whispered angrily while passing me, going to his people.

He helped them while I sensed him mind linking someone.

Suddenly, I sensed someone running up to us and I put my guard up.

I relaxed when I saw Katy running fast in my direction.

"Are you oka-" She asked but then she saw the people behind me.

"Who are they?" She furrowed her brows.

She smelled their scent and she caught the scent of Derek, the scent that she smelled on me.

"He's your mate?" She scoffed.

I rolled my eyes.

She mind linked the warriors to escort the people here out of the territory.

The warriors came quickly and guided them out of the territory.

"Let's go." I said.

"Are you hurt?" She asked, scanning me if I had wounds.

I lifted her chin to face me.

"I'm fine." I looked into her eyes.

We walked back to the house and she started the conversation.

"He's ugly."

I laughed.

I couldn't deny or admit it because I didn't know if he was handsome.

"Do you think he's handsome?" She asked, trying to not laugh.

"Whatever." I mumbled, walking ahead of her.

"Hey, wait for me." She ran up to me.

Derek's POV

I couldn't believe she would reject me just after meeting her.

Gab and Mia were stabbed yet they still walked while wincing.

'What are you gonna do now?" Sam asked.

"If you think I'll stop, I won't."

I can't.

Now that I've seen her push me, it just makes me want her.

"I know this will offend you but she's not worth it. You heard your father, she's a rogue who's impossible to be mated, especially to an Alpha." Mia said.

"I don't care what or who she is."

"Do you care?" I asked, looking at their faces.

"I mean, would your people accept their Luna being a rogue? Rogues are the nemesis of every werewolf."

"So you hate her? Her kind?" I asked, crossing my brows.

Gab bit his lip at the question and Mia blocked my direction.

"We do, okay? She hates us as well. But no matter how she shows you, you still love her like a idiot." She exclaimed.

"You're blinded by those feelings that you don't even know what's happening to us. You didn't even help us out there."

"Those feelings?" I asked, wanting to shove someone on the ground.

"Yeah, those feelings. We are your people, Derek. The ones who can help you, and you can't even help us?"

I stared at her, feeling guilty.

"I'm sorry." I said facing my back to them while looking at the sky.

"We never liked her and the more you push yourself to her, the more she'll back away from you," She paused.

"Or worse." She sighed.

"She's not worthy of you, Derek. Don't waste your time for her." Sam added.

"Let's figure this out in the house, alright guys? Let's go back first." Gab said trying to walk forward again but Mia stopped him.

"No, there's no figuring out to do because it's done." She said, not breaking eye contact with Derek.

"We won't go back. If you really care about us, we won't go back anymore." She stood firm on her words.

I sighed.

I don't know what to do.