
Luna of Rogues

A she-wolf whose pack got disrupted and destroyed turned rogue. Realizing how werewolves treat rogues like her, she made sure that even as a rogue, no one can disrespect her. Searching and finding rogues all over the place and soon, she made her own pack, a pack of rogues.

lorr_seeve · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs


All of us were ready.

They knew what their roles were in the attack.

We just had to make no mistake to call this a success.

The rogues, led by Grayson, went into the forest, making way to the territory of the Frett Pack.

We weren't being sly, we were being cautious.

"We're near their border, Luna(r). We'll wait for your signal." Grayson mind linked me.

I separated myself from the pack and went on top of a mountain near the Frett Pack.

With the bow and arrow in my hands, I felt a presence ahead of me and saw two werewolves from the Frett Pack.

The top part of the mountain was nobody's territory but the base of the mountain was mostly owned by the Frett Pack.

They had so many territories yet their members aren't many as their space.

They were not paying attention but maybe because they were just werewolves and couldn't sense me.

I aimed my shot at one man and it went through his head.

The other saw the arrow's direction and tried to aim it somewhere below, but I moved from my spot and shot him in the heart.

Both of them rolled with the snow and fell to the bottom.

The rogues were near and saw it.

Grayson sensed movement and saw the signal.

"ATTACK!" He shouted and mind linked some who were far.


"Circle the territory and enter, straight to their Pack House." I commanded the rogues.

I almost forgot.

"The Frett Pack has guns." I said.

They all gasped, shock evident in their faces.

I tried to prolong the announcement not because I would be scared if they backed out, but because werewolves could get greedy and get guns for themselves when all of them know that it's self-destruction.

That's why no pack has guns.

"We'll get one for ourselves, just act right."

I was curious myself what a gun would feel like and how loud it would be.

The rogues who weren't part yet of the pack were part of the attack.

We needed as many as we can have.

"And by the way, act as a rogues as much as you want." I smirked.


I made sure that no one in the Frett Pack would be able to escape.

Once Grayson shouted, all of them entered the territory, running at full speed.

I slid down the mountain and ran to the middle.

While running, I saw all of their guards were killed and no one was there to protect the Frett Pack's border.

I enter their border and continued running and saw some of my members fighting the Frett members.

Having no intention to help them but to get the kill of their Alpha and Luna.

Sooner, I was standing outside of their big Pack House.

Everything inside looked normal as their walls were big and clear windows but on the outside was full of rogues being rogues, merciless and some of the warriors have swords slashing the throats of the werewolves.

I looked back at the clear big window and saw the Alpha.

I saw his eyes full of anger and that made me smirk.

It looks like he hid his Luna and will do anything to prevent me from entering the house.

I looked at him murderously, and threw my dagger at him, through the windows.

The windows shattered when the dagger touched it and the Alpha was fast enough to catch the dagger but not strong enough to stop it from pushing inside his chest.

Rogues were undeniably stronger.

The dagger went inside a little bit and he pulled it, blood soaking his clothes.

He returned the dagger by doing the same thing, throwing it at me.

I got hold of the dagger but the sharp part sliced my palms when I caught it.

I changed the hold of my dagger and slowly went towards him.

"Enter and I'll make sure you will never get out, alive or dead." He threatened.

I sniffed the air as I got closer, trying to find his Luna.

"The same will happen to you, just dead." I titled my head.

He got into his position but once I got closer, he looked confused.

If he thinks that will get me to lower my guard, by making me confused too, he needs to do better than that.

"Amy?" He whispered.

I froze.

How did he know my mother's name?

I looked at him sharply and he was shocked.

I grabbed the opportunity to stab his chest, but not somewhere fatale, somewhere he would bleed and pass out.

I needed to get answers about the guns he had and how he knew my mother.

"Amy." He whispered, this time confident in his guess.

"It's Indigo, idiot."

I let him fall to the ground and got to take a view of the inside of the Pack House.

Theirs felt more cozy and lively, not spacious and full of designs, many of them.

I sniffed the air once more and smelled the scent of the Luna.

But I smelt something on her or in her.

I started to walk my way to the stairs when I felt movement and saw that the Luna was looking at me.

The Alpha and Luna of this pack had no children yet and that's why they were a bit older than me.

Werewolves live forever but you can't deny that they age a bit in appearance and it shows sometimes.

But she looked beautiful, I had to admit.

"Did you kill him?" She whispered as she looked at his husband, laying on the floor.

I was at the entrance of their house and she was at the top of the stairs but I heard her clearly, the pain and sadness in her voice.

The war outside could also be heard from a mile away and it was irritating me a bit.

"It's your turn, honey." I stalked my way towards her.

I looked at her figure when I smelled something different from her.

"You think a rogue will kill me and that I wouldn't fight because I'm old?" She retorted.

"I didn't say anything."

I grabbed a vase near the top of the stairs and threw it at her.

She used her arms to defend herself from the impact and pieces of vase went inside her skin and when her attention went to the arms that were hurt for 1 second, I used that one second to punch her but she blocked it and tried to punch me.

I blocked it as well and grabbed both of her wrists and threw her to the wall.

With her falling to the ground, I grabbed her by the hair and made her look into my eyes.

She was shocked when she saw my red eyes and that moment she was caught off guard, I grabbed her whole head and pulled it towards my knee, making her pass out.

"How many are you still fighting? Come here." I mind linked Grayson.

I tried to go back down the stairs when I felt her move.

I looked behind me and saw her on her feet, standing.

Her nose and the left side of her head were bleeding.

I went towards her, in front, and looked at her wounds.

With all that pain she was feeling, her eyes were painted with anger.

She charged towards me, at full speed, but then I realized what was behind me was just railings of the stairs and when she tried to tackle me, I moved to the side and she fell over the railings and hit the bottom, back first and completely passed out.

I also jumped down over the railings and landed on my feet from the second floor and examined this time if she passed out.

I checked her figure once more but didn't touch her.

I felt someone near the entrance but smelled Grayson with Katy and saw them enter the house.

"The house is so nice." Katy commented.

"The second floor looks trashed, what happened? Why do I still hear them breathe?" Grayson asked and tried to kill the Alpha.

"Stop, I need them alive for a reason. Just go to place where they have the guns, you said you know where thy are." I said while I walked to them.

"The seips told me that there was a secret door at one private bathroom at the third floor." He replied and made his way to the stairs.

Katy and I followed after him and we soon heard the shouts of our members, probably winning outside.

Katy broke the digital passcode on the metal door and kicked it open.

I entered first and they followed and at first glance, it looks like a normal bathroom, but more luxurious and secure.

Grayson started touching every part of the mirror and one part went in and a key was in it.

I raised my eyebrows.

And the lock to the key was what looked like a toilet roll.

He pushed it in and a small door opened in the middle of the wall, enough to fit a person.

I tied to enter but Grayson stopped me and I looked at him.

I gave him the 'The Luna always goes first' look.

And he looked at me with the, 'I'm just protecting you as your Beta' look.

Katy saw us bickering with our eyes and took the initiative to go first and opened the lights to the darkroom.

The room was massive and it was filled with guns, bombs, and many more that I don't know.

But all of them were dangerous.

How could they keep all of this?

The noise outside lowered and it wasn't chaotic as before.

"Soyer just mind linked me, they killed everyone." Katy said as she furrowed her brows, waiting for more reports.

"And 97 from our side died, most are injured." She looked at both of us.

I sighed.

The number was higher than I thought.

"Wake up the Day Watchers right now, let them bury the bodies on our territory." I ordered Grayson.

"How would they know whose from our pack?" He asked.


They still don't have the pack's mark.

"Does somebody know every member?" I asked both of them.

"Probably the Gamma, Soyer." Grayson suggested.

"Or Aileen and Josh, they're the lead warrior and hunter. They would know every member they're handling." Katy added.

I nodded.

"Assign them the task with the Day Watchers, Grayson." I looked at him and he nodded.

"And Katy, bring the Alpha and Luna. Use wolfsbane on the Alpha only and tie both of them."

The Luna was barely moving from the fall she took.

She nodded and went out of the room full of guns.

"Let's go." I said.